Continuous Uprising (Full Version)

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Yugiew -> Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 12:01:39)

What do you think the damage output for weapons will be 1 year from now?
How do you think "they (mods/dev/whatever O_o)" are going to even it out?
Because it seems that the damage for Zookas has risen at least 5+ in one year, am I right? [>:]

Discuss [:)]

Matgon -> RE: Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 12:36:58)

Well not alot.... we might reach level 35 and I guess we will see +40 damage in the next upcoming bazookas.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 14:53:33)

Probably weapons that have +45 damage and 10% extra connect and crit chance. That is 100% OPed.

Soliqe -> RE: Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 14:58:19)

+50 damage with +100 stat mods.


On a serious note, I honestly think the damage output needs to be lowered. As well as the stats. If you look at the weapon from level 25-33 you'll notice a major spike in damage and stat mods at Level 30-31.

The developers are making stronger weapons at the level cap to keep players interested, but to be honest, it's effecting long term play. I guess you could bring SOUP's stat inflation into this. Personally, I believe once a level cap is raised, the past weapons need to be re-balanced to curb stat inflation. That also helps making newer weapons not have the expectation to be so powerful.

Matgon -> RE: Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 15:09:34)

I agree with solique... was I the only one to notice how they went up with the bazookas damage range?
Incase you didn't basicllly they went from +33 to +37 in the fewest of updates. (So everytime they realesed a zooka it had one more damage than the one before)

Soliqe -> RE: Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 15:36:01)

The balance proportions are out of whack...

They need to formulate the weapon balancing to:

1 Level = 1 Damage + 1 Stat Mod

Of course, for guns and auxs the stat mod calculation would need to be lower, or else you would have 99 stat mods at level 33.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 15:59:00)

+100 on each stat :D

Stats : Str+100

That's All I Got In Mind.. So Epic.. O_O

5rr5 -> RE: Continuous Uprising (5/10/2011 16:24:06)

Epicduel wouldn't exist because it is the end of the world 2012 xD

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