One Of A Kind Weapon=Top Best Of The Year Weapon? (Full Version)

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He Who Lurks -> One Of A Kind Weapon=Top Best Of The Year Weapon? (5/10/2011 19:00:31)

I believe we greatly need more weapons like Azreal's Bane, Caden's Wrath, the level 23 or 24 mace which most non-varium 2vs2 mercenaries use at level 30 or above. These weapons are truly one of kind and have been the building blocks for a many number of builds. Why don't we release more weapons like these more often? One of a kind was and probably still is Imperial APC for sidearms, but there are no well-known enough "special" auxiliaries(let's exclude the Bunny/eggzookas as they are only known for their high stat boost) so why not add one? 16+ technology auxiliary? 12+ strenght sidearms with an 6+ dexterity boost? Sounds pretty fun to me. I'd rather have these type of weapons rather than the bland frostbane stat make-up, I find stats spread out evenly like this being a common "house-hold" name, a frostbane clone. What do you guys as a community think?

Aere -> RE: One Of A Kind Weapon=Top Best Of The Year Weapon? (5/10/2011 20:42:28)

Non-Varium BH claws should be top priority for ANY new special weapon. The ones out now, kinda suck.

Matter of fact, just give Non-Varium BH's a push, it's very hard to be competitive on one. Especially when you have absolutely NO chance to beat any varium character.

xxmirxx -> RE: One Of A Kind Weapon=Top Best Of The Year Weapon? (5/10/2011 20:47:29)

cadens staff is weak now does 3 damage.

edwardvulture -> RE: One Of A Kind Weapon=Top Best Of The Year Weapon? (5/11/2011 0:01:49)

@Aere that wasn't the case until the recent nerfs. I remenber taking like 14 hours and ending up 5th on the LB with over 400 wins with an win rate above 70% without NPCs.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: One Of A Kind Weapon=Top Best Of The Year Weapon? (5/11/2011 2:09:52)

Non var bh need more non rare claws in game cause the claws the have which are not rare are either stupid or have the wrong stat requirments on it.

xxmirxx -> RE: One Of A Kind Weapon=Top Best Of The Year Weapon? (5/11/2011 2:30:34)

I agree luna they need 32 claws that aren't rare weps.

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