EpicDuel Song (Full Version)

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aramcho213 -> EpicDuel Song (5/10/2011 21:11:29)

Well, im thinking of making a song for ED, and this is the first to lines of it, tell me what you think o.O.

I really need to pee,
that;s why im going to Delta V.

I know it's random but tell me what you think o.O.

H4ll0w33n -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/10/2011 21:12:27)

lolz id like to c u finish that song

Banir -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/10/2011 21:19:31)

I just have to say that the "V" in Delta V is a roman numeral for 5. So it would not be pronounced "vee", but "five". Just saying...

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/10/2011 21:27:19)

it needs work.

DeathGuard -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/10/2011 21:28:35)

Yea, all the work focus on first line xD

I really need to pee,

Wraith -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/10/2011 23:39:26)


I just saved 2 lives
On Delta V(Five)

That might be better

truc -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/11/2011 0:31:26)

I really need to pee
Thats why im going to delta v

Who will I meet
Eww slayer smells like feet

I feel a slight breeze
Bigtuna catching the seas

I walk up to titan and say Hi
Titan roars, I like PIE!

I'm tired i should go to sleep
Oz telling me have a sweet dreams, what a creep

I wake up at 7:00 am and go back to sleep

Hope you enjoyed my version.

Kaos21 the BH -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/11/2011 1:31:32)

[:D] Its an innovative version. My suggestion is that it would be even better if Nightwraith, Charfade... were added [8D].

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/11/2011 9:35:22)

LOLZ how about this suggestion.

Move your feet and feel united
Move your feet and feel united
Dont stop dont stop the beat
Wont stop wont stop the beat
Cant stop cant stop the beat
dun dun dun dun dun(And it repeats)
How about that? Its from Junior Senior "Move your feet" I know I am missing a lot of lyrics. LOL

drinde -> RE: EpicDuel Song (5/11/2011 10:02:09)

Here's my first try.

Exile Glory

On the world of Delta V,
From the Legion, warriors flee,
War in the skies, below the sea,
Exiles fighting to be free.

Against the odds,
They shall prevail,
Shining swords,
Hardened mail.

The Exiles gather,
Declaring war,
With their might,
The Legion shall fall.

Against the odds,
They shall prevail,
Shining swords,
Hardened mail.

What do you guys think?

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