EpicDuel - Final say (Full Version)

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evil2k8 -> EpicDuel - Final say (5/11/2011 8:29:56)

I Quit for many reasons.

1. Balance sucks;
2. 2VS2's are still imbalanced;
3. Varium prices are high with sellback too low;
4. Moving on in life.

When I say "Balance Sucks" I mean, Bounty hunters block FAR too often and take too much energy with the EMP grenade, and builds ARE op'ed with strength builds. Don't believe me? Fay beee, Bluebird are examples. Agility ruined the balance, you don't see BIG games like AQW with 120HP per person?

"2VS2's are still imbalanced"? Why are level 32-33's facing level 26 players? and, if you get a mid-level ally (26-30) they're often AFK.

Finally, It's my life. I'm moving on and I know this thread will be locked because it's not in the right place, but this forum doesn't have a "contents" or a "Site Map" page as to where you'd find things.

I am not blaming AE or ANY staff. I am blaming those stubborn players who can't play evenly with balance and decide to be stat abusers.

DillBagel -> RE: EpicDuel - Final say (5/11/2011 9:26:04)

See ya then.

The Death Angel -> RE: EpicDuel - Final say (5/11/2011 9:27:40)

Ok... Moving on.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: EpicDuel - Final say (5/11/2011 9:38:58)

Ok well bye. BH are supposed to be focused around blocking. Yes I agree with the rest. So cya.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: EpicDuel - Final say (5/11/2011 9:42:22)

Take care and I hope you find a better game to play. At least you didn't invest too much money into this dead game. I wish you the best in the future.

Sparticus -> RE: EpicDuel - Final say (5/11/2011 9:46:22)

Later, actually as a parting gesture you should ask a MOD to move this thread to arrivals/departures since its in the wrong place.

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