Booster Discussion (Full Version)

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frogbones -> Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 17:14:10)

Irrefutably, here's what you're saying if you Boost:

1) Your opponent is better than you.

2) You have been outdueled by your opponent.

3) You need a crutch to win.

4) You can't win straight-up.

5) You don't deserve a Duelist's respect.

Alternately, here are some common misconceptions and untruths about Boosting, taken from the mouths of Boosters themselves:

1) "Boosting is part of the game, so there's noting wrong with it." WRONG. Just because it's in the game doesn't mean you should use it. Actually, Boosters were a terrible addition to the game (like Focus and Agility, etc.)--an out and out MISTAKE by the devs. Don't condone their bad decision by using Boosters.

2) "Well I won because I used a Booster." You won the match, maybe, but you lost respect by doing so. I'll take respect over a win ANY day.

You can discuss if you want, but it's kinda pointless: If you disagree with me, you're 1) a Booster which makes you 2) flat-out wrong.

Enjoy :)

Bunshichi -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 17:16:22)

I'm kindna stuck in between what you said cause sometimes people boost excessively even when you've clearly lost. Expecially in 2 vs 2 you can't even get to kill one guy without them getting healed.

xxmirxx -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 17:32:11)

you got to realise why most players boost cause they want try avoid blocks ,crits, deflection . so that reason alone is main reason you got remember merc don't have luxury that bountys have that they gain hp or mages gain mp. Oh not mention that cause of shadow arts you can gain 10 percent more of chance of blocks and deflection and as well as massacre has no blocks or deflection.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 17:51:30)

You realize that no one cares about your so called "respect". You are just using biased opinion. You cant say me or anyone else lose respect because we use boosters a TRUE duelist does whatever it takes to win its not like where hacking,cheating or going to threaten to report someone. I respect Fay Bee and Angels because their one of the best players. Yet I am certain they use boosters. So realize they are only losing respect by you(Someone with a biased opinion) so no one actually cares what you say about not respecting them. Your one person. That in no way affects them if you dont respect them. Hey that RYTHMES!!! [:)]

@Mirx Shadow Arts deflect chance been remvoed so its only a block chance and a stun chance increased by 10% so it isnt really a luxury.

Aere -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 17:53:28)

Or, you just can't understand a good duelist should use everything given to him in order to win. All's fair in love and war.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 17:59:01)

^ My exact thoughts. Good to see you agree.

Nebula -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:03:05)

So basically you're opinion is the only one that matters which is that you think anyone that uses a booster has no skill and deserves no respect and can't win without them? And if anyone disagrees they're wrong because that makes them a booster user which makes them automatically wrong?

Hah, can't wait for this to get locked.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:05:03)

@Nebula Perfectly agree. This is the most biased opinion based thread I ever seen.

frogbones -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:13:14)

Ha! All opinions are inherently biased, so thanks for stating the obvious.

Think of it this way: Do you use Boosters when you're winning (or about to win)? NO!

You use boosters when you're LOSING (or think you may lose).

Boosting goes hand in hand with losing, no matter what the outcome of the fight is.

If you all wanna hold hands and proclaim that I don't understand what a "good duelist should and shouldn't use," go ahead and procalim then.

And while you're proclaiming, go ahead and reread the second point #1.

He Who Lurks -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:13:48)

If boosters were skills called "Heal Me Up" or something, I'm pretty sure that your opinion would change.

frogbones -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:17:10)

And I'm pretty sure that if you called Boosting "The Coolest Move Ever!" or "The PWNZR B345T Move!" I'd still be sharing the truth with everyone.

Boosting is a sign of weakness.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:18:32)

@Frogbones So what? We still did what we could to win. I won many battles without boosters boosting only makes it easier and helps when your losing. Doesnt mean your opponet is better what if your opponet had suckish dex and support yet get lucky like crazy. So there better then you now? No. So there your arguement is invalid.

EDIT: No its a sign of doing whatever you can to win. It shows your a TRUE duelist who does what they can to win,then worrying about someones biased opinion about so called "respect" as a "true duelist".

edwardvulture -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:23:29)

I find it dishonorable when my opponents boost when they have a clear advantage

frogbones -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:26:40)

My argument would only be invalid if you could conclusively demonstrate that people only use boosters after their opponent was "lucky." We both know that you can't do that (simply because it's not true), so +1 me. ;)

The point is, some people don't care about how they win, only that they win. People who do care believe there is an "Honor Code" of sorts---that there are both cheap wins and well-deserved wins, and make the distinction between the two.

If you're the former, then okay. We will never see eye to eye on this issue. I guess it boils down to one's philosophy of (virtual) fighting.

xxmirxx -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:28:33)


@Mirx Shadow Arts deflect chance been remvoed so its only a block chance and a stun chance increased by 10% so it isnt really a luxury.

chance to block = 45% to block thats max for everyone to get blocks and they never completely took out chance of of deflection they just nerf it less of chance of deflection. but now add 10 percent on 45 for bountys blocks you get 55.
@frogbones it seems you didn't read what I said about why use boost plz read it this time.

you got to realise why most players boost cause they want try avoid blocks ,crits, deflection . so that reason alone is main reason you got remember merc don't have luxury that bountys have that they gain hp or mages gain mp. Oh not mention that cause of shadow arts you can gain 10 percent more of chance of blocks and deflection and as well as massacre has no blocks or deflection.

frogbones -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:31:41)

Not to disrespectful, mir, but I've grown accustomed to kinda just glossing over your posts. Anyway, in my view, there is no justification for using Boosters.

jegaggin -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:34:27)

A good duelist will use everything at his or her disposal.
Edit: i just woke up eh.

xxmirxx -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:39:45)

I used to think same as you until one day I started ask why they do it. they said cause they want to try avoid blocks, crits, deflection. but some times I really get annoy if I have 10 hp and no mp and they have 70 instead of attacking they just use booster. then I agree with you btw what do you have against me.

frogbones -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:41:44)

Nothing mir, nothing at all. We just see the game from two totally different perspectives. :)

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:44:07)


My argument would only be invalid if you could conclusively demonstrate that people only use boosters after their opponent was "lucky." We both know that you can't do that (simply because it's not true), so +1 me. ;)

It is true. I cant show you because I dont have a pic where that happened to anyone but I know it happened. It happened to me I was pwing my opponent she usally hits 18s she had crit hit 47(With low support) I had to boost to survivie. Therefore I have proven you wrong. Therefore:

"My argument would only be invalid if you could conclusively demonstrate that people only use boosters after their opponent was "lucky." We both know that you can't do that (simply because it's not true), so +1 me. ;) "

Is completely false.

BloodRainbow -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:50:37)

/epic facepalm... After I read this I can tell ur just whining cuz u lose to people that boost so u made up some BS reason why boosting shouldn't bee done. Cuz u don't wana use ur credits. No one cares about your respect ur not a know player. Booster aren't used only when someones about to lose there also used to use a turn. To wait for a cooldown or to prevent a player from raging or to prevent a mage from getting energy back. Or just to prolong a battle so its more fun. If this is honestly how u feel about boosters then ur obviously not a very skilled or knowledgeable player. Basicaly by ur logic using any skill but strike gun and six u have no skill and deserve no respect. Just grow up and get over it there part of the game it doesn't matter how there used

xxmirxx -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:52:22)

IsaiahtheMage I don't think your getting what he means its his opinion.
above I bet he can beat you easy.

jegaggin -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:56:07)

BLOODRAINBOW speaks the truth sometimes when I'm a support merc I get rage to quick so i delay one turn by boosting.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:56:13)

Why do people use boosters?
Because it's available.

If you don't use boosters, then don't use it.
But if you don't use boosters, then you'll be at a disadvantage to those who use boosters.

I don't care about this honor thing, if you enter a random 1vs1, then expect to play by everything that is available.
If you don't feel this to be true, then you're just an idiot who can't realize that this is how the world revolves, making use of what you have and do not have and adapting.

jegaggin -> RE: Booster Discussion (5/12/2011 18:58:05)

+1 support epic's post

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