What happened to the Swords? (Full Version)

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Clutch -> What happened to the Swords? (5/12/2011 22:05:05)

I just realized that there was never a lvl 32 varium sword.... now were already lvl 33.... So how about a nice varium sword for all classes? That'd be nice.

Wraith -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/12/2011 22:12:44)

Well, I am sure that there will be something awesome for DragonCon!

Shadronica -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/12/2011 22:13:22)

Shhhh Clutch. They will bring out another $50 package to make us buy one. sheesh

Clutch -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/12/2011 22:21:01)

^^ no way, the game 'appreciates' the players remember? :P

xxmirxx -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/12/2011 22:21:17)

actually Shadronica its your choice on buying varium. you don't see dev's have gun to head.

kingmark345 -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/12/2011 22:40:18)

True. The varium players of Epic Duel seem to be obsessed with getting all the newest equipment every single time something new comes out, then when they use all their money they blame it on the Devs saying "They will bring out another $50 package to make us buy one. Sheesh."

You don't have to get all the new things that come out everysingle time.
I for one, don't and I still get by.

hardcore59 -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 5:42:25)

i have 3 cool designs for swords but when i try to colr them in flash it doesn't do any thing

BinV2 -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 7:23:21)

probally a new sword will come at independence day or dragoncon

Sageofpeace -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 8:52:10)

another thread that is not need it

DillBagel -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 9:21:43)

Flash won't color because your vector lines aren't connected. Any break in the line stops the coloring.
And Mir, treat some of the older players with a little bit of respect. You wouldn't walk up to your parents or grandparents and do that.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 12:40:05)

How about nice level 32 non varium sword for all classes? That'd be nice.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 12:44:38)

non-varium weapons!!! hehe no way.

33 Guns please

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 12:54:02)

@Jehannum So you want non variums to stay weak little noobs? You dont even care about non variums aslong as you can pwn them. Good for you then.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 13:40:32)

@Isaiah: yet again you fail to see the joke even though I laughed..........

Polandor -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 16:43:24)

No sword !

Guns, and class specific weapons, including a physical staff.

altimatum -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 17:14:33)


Support need more weps for F2P and P2P

8x -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 17:24:49)

Devs should release some lvl 32 non-rare stuff...

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 17:30:00)

@Jehaum Oh you where just kidding. Ugh sorry for that I aplogize.

xxmirxx -> RE: What happened to the Swords? (5/13/2011 19:00:43)


How about nice level 32 non varium sword for all classes? That'd be nice.

what do you think swords are ment for?

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