Zharth (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Zharth (5/13/2011 1:50:53)



Location: Day Time Falconreach (Books 1 and 2) -> Up, Day Time Falconreach (Book 3) -> Up

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Day Time Falconreach (Books 1 and 2)

Zharth: I've been well, Sir Jer! Still sewing up a storm?

Zharth: Well, I hopped a caravan from Moonridge just to get away from the monotony of guard duty for a while.
Zharth: I figured I'd take in some sights, and maybe attend an auction while I'm here but the items weren't to my liking.

Zharth: Oh? Excellent.

Zharth: Fantastic! Hey, let's go grab a smoothie at the Inn and gripe about our jobs while we wait for the next one.

Day Time Falconreach (Book 3)

Zharth: News comes slowly from that direction, Sir Jer! What of Oaklore?

Zharth: I still can't believe that Alteon supports ending magic... it seems so strange.
Zharth: At least Falconreach still seems slightly sane... Although, it's getting crowded here.

Zharth: *shakes head*

Zharth: That makes no sense! How on Lore do that plan to do that?!


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