Rare weapon only normal damage enhancement (Full Version)

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Shadowsteed -> Rare weapon only normal damage enhancement (5/13/2011 12:38:08)

Hey guys ive been thinking. Why dont they put a rare weapon normal damage enhancement feature in the game. I have rixty reaper and its +31 normal damage, i also have bunny zooka and its 34 normal damage. I would like to have a chance of upgrading there normal damage atribute.

Maybe have that cost some credits and varium at the same time.
What does anyone think obout this?

Note: Im only talking about rare weapons normal damage enhancements, not nonrares.

5rr5 -> RE: Rare weapon only normal damage enhancement (5/13/2011 12:40:27)

No it is a bad idea and don't ask me why.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Rare weapon only normal damage enhancement (5/13/2011 12:41:43)

I would love that but sadly no it be to Oped. I dont wanna see someone with +48 base damage on a weapon. So no I dont agree.

Craneo -> RE: Rare weapon only normal damage enhancement (5/13/2011 14:01:44)

It is a bad idea.
Those weapons already had their time[:'(]. It is time of the new weapons.[:D]

He Who Lurks -> RE: Rare weapon only normal damage enhancement (5/13/2011 14:52:39)

This would be a bad idea cost related.

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