About Juggernaut Mode (Full Version)

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Callisto -> About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:05:52)

I just noticed juggernaut wins are counted as 2vs2 wins as well.That also means basically nobody without Juggernaut can win 2vs2 daily and factions with most Juggernauts would win 2vs2 daily most of the time.2vs2 Ratios can be faked as well.
In my opinion this is very unfair.Juggernaut mode is...well let's face it,mush easier than unfair 2vs2 battles.As you can see Juggernauts have 90%+ ratio when normal 2vs2 players around 75-80%.For example faction that plays 2vs2 all day but doesn't have Juggernauts will never stand a chance against faction that has about 4-5 Juggernauts.
Juggernauts also get on top of 2vs2 daily when they are not even playing it!They are getting 2vs2 medals for playing 2vs1,how is that fair?Player that works hard all day playing 2v2 will never get a chance to win next to all the Juggernauts.So my final conclusion and question is -Why is it counted as 2vs2 wins when it has nothing to do with it???
What do you think?

8x -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:20:05)

I got 60+ 2vs1 wins and I didn't get any 2vs2 wins.

Edit: nvm, they count as 2vs2 wins but they don't show in my record...

Yugiew -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:25:22)

same here.
NONE of my jug battles show up in my record.

Callisto -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:30:18)

Idk about personal records,I was talking about leaderboards mostly.Look at 2v2 daily,at the ratios and you'll understand what I'm talking about.2vs1 is being counted as 2v2 and I just want to know why.

Twistedkush -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:31:25)

oh it's counting against us that are getting owned in these juggernaut battles, really ruining my 2v2 record and considering that is ALL i can find atm when i try to find a normal team battle... it really is getting frustrating for us non varium users cause we can't win at all

The Cardclasher -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:45:44)

This crap skull card is varium only. Why cant everybody get in juggernout mode?????????????????????????????????

Twistedkush -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:50:14)

idk but it's like they want to laugh in the face of everyone not using varium, i've had over 20+ of these battles now and yet to win any of them, i mean i have/had a good 2v2 record and now that is just getting ruined....

Practel -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:51:32)

Its only been out for like 13 hours, theres not a chance in the world anyone has earned a 2v2 daily medal so far from 2v1 Jug battles.

8x -> RE: About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:54:08)

Here is my best guess about 2vs1 wins:
Right now they still count as 2vs2, but next week devs will probably add daily 2vs1 leaderboard, new record for 2vs1 wins and losses and new daily achievment(I bet top 15 ppl on all time 2vs1 lb will get daily achievment).

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