Callisto -> About Juggernaut Mode (5/14/2011 7:05:52)
I just noticed juggernaut wins are counted as 2vs2 wins as well.That also means basically nobody without Juggernaut can win 2vs2 daily and factions with most Juggernauts would win 2vs2 daily most of the time.2vs2 Ratios can be faked as well. In my opinion this is very unfair.Juggernaut mode is...well let's face it,mush easier than unfair 2vs2 battles.As you can see Juggernauts have 90%+ ratio when normal 2vs2 players around 75-80%.For example faction that plays 2vs2 all day but doesn't have Juggernauts will never stand a chance against faction that has about 4-5 Juggernauts. Juggernauts also get on top of 2vs2 daily when they are not even playing it!They are getting 2vs2 medals for playing 2vs1,how is that fair?Player that works hard all day playing 2v2 will never get a chance to win next to all the Juggernauts.So my final conclusion and question is -Why is it counted as 2vs2 wins when it has nothing to do with it??? What do you think?