Vexed Miasmal Staff (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Vexed Miasmal Staff (5/14/2011 7:31:45)

[image][/image]Vexed Miasmal Staff
Made entirely from the residue of evil spirits, this weapon is one of the most unlucky artifacts in all of Lore. Visit the Black Market Moglin to upgrade this weapon.
(No DA Required)

Location: Miasmal Weapons
Price: N/A
Required Items: 1 Haunted Miasmal Staff & 1 Miasmal Essence
Sellback: 300 Dragon Coins before 24 hours, 84 Dragon Coins after 24 hours

Level: 67
Damage: 78-90
Element: Evil
Stats: Block +1, Dodge +3, Crit +9, Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +3, Melee Def +3, WIS +9, END +7, LUK -3, INT +9, Bonus +9
Resists: Darkness +12, Light +12, Immobility +6, All +3

Rarity: 5
Item Type: Staff
Damage Type: Magic
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

Other information
  • Weapon is animated; spirits swirl around within the weapon, while the surrounding purple spirits wiggle continuously.


    Also See: Eerie Miasmal Staff, Haunted Miasmal Staff, Ghostly Miasmal Staff, Spectral Miasmal Staff

    Thanks to
  • Jay for image, other information, and corrections.
  • Stephen Nix and Yushinoki for corrections.

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