RE: More bagslots? (Full Version)

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Shadronica -> RE: More bagslots? (5/22/2011 23:39:02)

I am happy to hear that the bag slot issue will be addressed. I feel for the non varium players like Luna and New Hope who struggle to manage the missions.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 0:50:26)

Now of all the things that we had to buy in this game bag slots are ridiculously overpriced, cmon its like buying a new varium item.

Vick Vega -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 10:31:29)


Sorry but they cannot make bag space free/credits, simply because each slot takes up bandwidth so they need it to be varium to help pay for the extra strain on the servers (that's the same reason why getting bank/bag slots on the other AE games cost money as well).

However I think that having a separate inventory for mission items, (that don't effect your total bag space) would be a good idea. *I believe this is actually on their to-do list*

So, we should feel bad about the bandwidth it takes to hold an item that we paid 10$ (before full enhancement)? Is this a NEW Artix position because I have never seen this in any other game including the infant Herosmash.

Polandor -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 11:07:56)

Varium item should not take any place in inventory, in other artix game, you can place your varium items for free in a bank.

and quest items do not count for inventory place in other artix games.

See how storage is overprice is epic duel ?

5rr5 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 12:11:51)

It wouldn't work with temporary inventory because when you get like an item you have to wait for next update to turn in the quest, so it wouldn't work.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 15:22:22)

They should offer us free 10 slots like AQW did.

5rr5 -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 15:24:15)

If you have used all ur 100 bag slots then sell the stuffs u don't use [;)]

Vick Vega -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 15:27:49)

Unless its rare and you are on the top of the rarity leaderboard then???????

SCORPIOZZz -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 15:33:07)

ok guys im not defending the devs nor am i agaist ure suggestions but u know when u have to give 5 things or wateva is the num u can give 1 then go get an othe 1 then an other and leave the missions that give u a mission item like fortune city key tilll u get a mission that needs it :D

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edwardvulture -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 17:57:15)

What if they made it so that active beta players have an extra 3 bag slots

Luna_moonraider -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 21:24:19)

@ edward


Sorry but they cannot make bag space free/credits, simply because each slot takes up bandwidth so they need it to be varium to help pay for the extra strain on the servers (that's the same reason why getting bank/bag slots on the other AE games cost money as well).

However I think that having a separate inventory for mission items, (that don't effect your total bag space) would be a good idea. *I believe this is actually on their to-do list*

sigh sadly they cant because it will cost them more $$$$$ and as u know devs are really perticular when it comes to spending more $$$$ just to make playrs which dun pay anything to support this game happy.

MrBones -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 21:30:26)

What is really funny is that they put out new missions every week but don't create missions that fit with the items we have in our inventory.

So we have to cary golden bullets and old city key cards for a long time..

Forcing us to BUY new slots.... another great scam

edwardvulture -> RE: More bagslots? (5/23/2011 21:42:38)

^Thats actually pretty funny. Maybe you should look at the items on the wiki before you get them to see what they can be used for.

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