A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (Full Version)

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Remorse -> A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 13:24:55)

I think this release was another fine release which is why i want to say thank you, too many people have complained about this, but no1 has said a thanks you so here i am saying it.

I think it's important to note that the dev's work hard to make this game more enjoyable, and that they do whatever they can to keep their players happy , even if it didnt initually turn out as they expect.
I think we all should remember that this game is very open to public rather than most and that we should be grateful that we are aloud insight and input into this games development compared to most other games and that we should be mindful not to abuse this privalige.

I wrote this post not to suck up. But because of the truly unnecesary posts about this game i see people have started to post and i feel somewhat guilty that as a player we are shining this game in such a negative light that no1 even thinks about the positives.

So this is a post for thanking all the good things the dev's have created so far and to remind them that they have done a good job in creating this game.

Thank you, Remorse Less

frogbones -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 13:28:57)

Posts like this only make the game worse. Give 'em praise when it's due, not when they screw up.

Wraith -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 13:36:41)

This game isn't enjoyable anymore...and the missions take up way too much bag space

Jacktaz -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 13:53:40)

Thanks devs and im enjoying the new juggernaut mode.
Keep up the work.
And also to complainers wait one week and no complaints will be heard mainly because you will have 2v1 then so all you have to do is be patient.

Nexus... -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 14:18:14)

Yeah anyone who liked this release is just like the developers. Greedy and selfish.

This was not a win for EpicDuel this was a huge let down. If you think this was a "great release" and we should say "thank you" maybe you should go throw money at them in thanks for making such a fabulous release...oh wait...you already wasted a bunch of money on this release. Well you may as well throw some more money at them so that they can make more releases like this so you have to throw even more money at them.


Epic Pwnser -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 14:27:14)

I don't get how this was a GOOD release.

A GOOD release would benefit every single player in ED.
For example, instead of making a player buy a card for 1200 varium to access this mode, why not let everyone have access to it.

Of course the players who could afford this luxury would say that this was good update.
For everyone else, lemme guess 85% of the ED population. This update did nothing to benefit them.

Why not put yourselves in the shoes of the non-variums. Now do you see how this update did absolutely nothing for them?

helloguy -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 14:27:58)

All this release really did was let us pay 1200v to help TEST a new feature. It's just like when robots came out. Idk what you guys are mad about. 2vs1 will be released next week to the public.

Deimos... -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 16:48:05)

I think it was a good update. Though the cost should be dropped to 1k varium so founders can get it. My favorite part about this update, is the missions. I also like this update because I know in the future, 2v1 will improve. I trust in you epicduel. :)

aramcho213 -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 19:33:56)

WHy do you think they take so much bag-space, so people can go waste more varium for more bag-space, it's all profit my friend.

Gold -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/14/2011 20:34:59)


WHy do you think they take so much bag-space, so people can go waste more varium for more bag-space, it's all profit my friend

I lol'd.

This is why a lot of people don't even play the game anymore.

All this bull about profit only makes the game worse.

Bunshichi -> RE: A Thank You , To counter the Complaints (5/15/2011 9:23:28)

In the heat of all this chaos this guy does this -.- why not just p.m them a Thank you.

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