RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (Full Version)

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Burning Skies -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 16:24:10)

Congrats Corvus! Good luck in all your ArchKnightly duties! ^.^

Yeah. That's it. Or is it? Perhaps it is not. You never know. Or do you know?
I have heard rumors whispered in the echos of infinity...

BlackStar420 -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 16:26:14)

"♫ Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down ♪
♫ And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the newest AK in the AQW GD ♫"

Lulz, you been watching to much Fresh Prince of Bel Air xD
XD maybe!

Guardian Patrick -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 16:43:10)

Finally, someone who joined in 2004 and is now an AK, a real AK!
Oh there's other "old timer" AK's around. But forum age really isn't an indicator of anything. Thanks though :D

Did you just return to AE? o.o
Nope, I've been around. I mainly hang out in the OOC.

Are birds dangerous for you? o.o
Nope. The thread title is from something else altogether. Others have figured it out already ;)

Favorite type of musics?
Grunge, downtempo, rock, metal... Heh, just about anything really.

Pie or cake?

Integral of sin x ? :P
Wait... Is that math? I've heard of this stuff before.

Did you just rename your forum username? o.o

Congrats for being an AK! lol
Thanks! But really I just picked up another board :P

-GP -Rix

mr meerka -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 17:23:11)


well, welcome to aqw GD!
Thanks ^_^

so, what do you like more, tacos, carrots, chocolate brownies or cookies?
Tacos. Mmmmmm...

*gives cookie*

last question, pirates or ninjas?
Pirates forever :3

Roxas -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 17:45:32)

Hey! Saw you when i was farming for Keyblade in AQW yesterday, i came to the room right after y'all got it :p lucky much?
That was you? Awww I felt bad for ya, I really did. If you haven't gotten it yet, don't give up! :D

Gratz on the position!

yeadudes -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 17:51:06)

Round Two!
Ding, ding!

Hey, you removed two of my questions from my last question! D:
I did? Owait I did :P

Mmmm hmm...

Crack this Code:
Oooo I love codes!

W3LC0M3 70 7H3 F0RUM5
It says... ummm... uhhh... I'd like to buy a vowel.

Stray Cat -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 17:54:18)

Sorry if I messed up the colour tags. I'm on my phone and everything is so inconvenient...
It's perfect!

Well, hey Corvus!
ZOMG Stray!

I don't really have anything to ask you, but congrats again!
Thanks! :3

Mordred -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 18:04:14)


What do hawks eat?
Hopefully not ravens :O

They eat faces.
Hopefully not raven faces :O

Okay, Imma go now!
Maybe see ya on page 3?

Dizzy the Mad Hatter -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 18:08:07)

This post belongs in this thread.
I believe you mean this thread


The Shadow Dragon -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 18:19:54)

Oh hai again!
:O It's the coolest guy on the forums!

Favorite color?
Green ^_^

Favorite AE game?
AQ will always have a special place in my heart, but AQW is what I play most these days.

Can i haz raven cheez burgor? :3
Wait... WHAT?

By the way, i ''might'' have edited my post on the first page >:3
Really? I wonder what it says?

Bai :D
~The shadow dragon

Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 18:32:08)

Yay, color illusion! (Again!)



Why'd it take you so long to make your MtAK?
Busy raven is busy. Better late than never :D

Favorite Food?
Pho! It's the best :)

I haz to go now. Hope you have fun in the AQW GD!


No Brainer -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 18:37:02)

Hey Corvus!
Heya No Brainer!

Do you like it in the GD so far?
Of course!

Whats your favorite smiley face? ( :D :) ^.^ etc.)

Favorite Class?
Card Clasher

Let's see I've asked *Counts on fingers* 3 questions so far!
*Counts No Brainers fingers* Ten fingers!

Are you excited for the upcoming 1v1 PvP?
I'm happy for all the people who were asking for it!

We should PvP sometime when 1v1 comes out :D
LOL Oh no, not me. I'll leave that to the more experienced PvP'ers. :P

-Drain Bamaged

Shadow0Raze -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 19:02:57)

Yay, I get to know more AK's. I think I only heard of like 4 for aqw, weird...

If there was a secret box, what would you expect to find in it?
Secret stuff?

What's your favorite yell? mine's yayuh

Have you ever seen an aurura borealis's (duno spelling) reflection on water?
Nope, never seen one. Well on TV maybe.

Who do you think will win the NBA championship? (idk how, but the lakers will win even if they're out... dun dun dun)
I think Chicago is going to win it, but it's really anyone's game.

SKYWEE955 -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 19:04:37)

(Whispers)We dont have time before Corvus takes over the OOC in the sub-forum the EF.!
Ahem... ^_^

O.O oh Corvus is here........Hello people of the earth I mean Corvus

/Stares at the title [image][/image] <---- Oh congrats!

How much do you like this color......GREEN! of urs? Well that's it Bye and congrats again!
I like it a lot :3 And thanks!


fatherofthemoons -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 19:46:17)

This is all.
I love this song! Rick Astley FTW :D


OmilliYo -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 19:59:12)

Congrats on the AK-ship
New board-ship :D

Hmm... what does you name stand for Canine Orders Round Virus Under Sickness Comparison Or Random Appetite X-rays? or maybe Could Orange Really V....produce Unbearable sideefects?
Ummm sure?

Whats your favorite color?
Green :D

oh is that so... you read my mind...
I did? Maybe I can read my mind too! *tries* nope, no dice.

AnyWays congrats on AK-ship again if you already did to that where you not go in i to him see.
Alrighty then :)

Werewolf_King -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 20:05:00)

oh hai over der
Ohai over dere!

*sneaks a bite of the cookie your holding* Thanks!

*hands a wolf head shaped cookie*
Heyyyy it has a bite taken out of it :O

bye bye now
Thanks for dropping by :D

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 20:10:18)

[Flys in on a UH-144 Falcon]

1.So you're the new one eh?

2.BTW Nice Portal 2 Reference.
Thanks! Nice catch :D

3.Congratz, yada yada.
Thanks, yada yada.

4.{This is my only real question} What's your favorite Dinosaur


5.Why did you pick that Dinosaur{2 part question}
Because it made me *jawdrop* the first time I saw Jurassic Park.

[Climbs into D77H-TCI Pelican] Good luck, and welcome to Lore.

Crystal Lion -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 21:47:27)

Hello. Congrats?
Heya! Thanks ^_^

Now for my standard questions.
Let's do this.

Do you like lions?
From a distance.

What about potatoes?

Prawns? I hate them, I have this stinging feeling in my ears when I eat them.
Green curry with tiger prawns is soooo gooood! Sorry they sting your ears :(
Thanks for the questions :D

Nyoman -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/16/2011 23:24:48)

Hiya Corvus,
Heya Nyoman!

Congratz for your new cool title !
Thanks :)

Anyway, I'm a Final Fantasy IX fan too :D

What thing do you like most in FF IX?
The attention to detail. You can tell the developers agonized over every pixel in the art, the music is incredible, the story is deep and has many layers, the characters are interesting... It's just... So good.

Who's your Favorite FF IX character? (can be PCs or NPCs)
Vivi! No question :)

What's your favorite Map/place/spot in FF IX?
Oooh tough question! I guess I'll choose Oeilvert because it's just so insanely creative, but they're all good.

What's your favorite moment in FF IX?
You know that's almost impossible to answer! The ending movie with Garnet pushing her way through the crowd, tossing aside her crown... oh man that gets me EVERY TIME.

/me give you a bag of cookies

I think thats all.. sorry if my questions are a bit OutOfTopic [:-],
Wish you luck for the new duties, Cya around ! [:)]

Baffler -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/17/2011 0:25:43)

Just wanted to say HI![:)]
Well thanks! Hello to you ^_^

Zane -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/17/2011 0:52:20)

Do you liek walrus liek I do?
Ummmm probably not. I think?

What does MtAK stand for?
Meet the ArchKnight

Gratz on AK~ :D

Is Sherbert ice cream as good as Alaina said it was? :D
Sherbet is really very good. I want some nao!

Liek mah Zombeh Slayin' look on AQW? :D
Of course!

Tribal_bob -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/17/2011 2:05:34)


Finally, your =MtAK=
At last ^_^

So, one question.
Let's hear it.

Would you be scared if I knocked on your door in 3.......2.........1....




Tatparjya -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/17/2011 2:20:00)

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaloooooooooooooo corvus.
Haloooooooooo Tatparjya!

congrajuletions on becoming a AK.
I thank you.

how does it feel to be a AK
Like rainbows.

by a quarter of billion chance can i OWN you in the upcoming 1vs1 areana mwahahahahahahaha 0_0

*mestirous stranger walks towards covus and says OLA amigo do u want some cysero sock brad TACOS it is sockey.*
Can I call them Sockos?

have u ever played Devil may cry 3.

Newp. But I'd like to.

Ashari -> RE: =MtAK= Corvus Corax - Aaah! Bird! Bird! Bird! Bird! (5/17/2011 2:26:19)

Wooh Corvus! You've finally joined the game sections!
It's good to be in the game sections XD

Wewt! Thanks :D

How did Elly hook you in? Were there promises of cake?
Endless cake. When do I get it?

*whispers* Psst... it was all a lie!

Anyways, glad to see you around here. Good luck! ^^
Thanks! ^_^

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