Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (Full Version)

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Buffy A. Summers -> Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:08:19)

You Know...

So Many Of These Lower Level, Mostly "Free" Players Are Really Not Happy With The New Juggernaut Mode.

They Are Just Clicking 2vs2 And Hoping For A "Fair" Fight And Most Are Trying To Level Up And Earn Credits.

They Are Upset Over Being Forced To Be Slaughtered By High Level Full Variums.

They Are NOT Being Given A Choice. And The Reward (Credit/Experience) They Receive For The Ultra Rare (1-5%) Win Is Not Enough.

How Is This Any Fun For Them? I Wonder.

They Are Complaining And Going Mostly Unheard.

Does Anyone Care?

Fay Beeee -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:11:19)


Cinderella -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:12:59)

We do care- we want feedback from both sides, and I've been doing Juggernaut battles on both sides

Defiant -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:13:19)

Ugh... So, I'm a level 29. All my equipment is varium and I sold my promo item to get just enough for my card thing.

I play a lot of Juggernaut, because, well, it's easy. I go into a fight, and come out every time with a win and some credits and experience. And then I think, wow. What if I was on the other side? What if I was going into a battle knowing I was going to lose, and if I did win, which as you said is a 1-5% chance, the EXP/Credits I get doesn't deserve the time I put in.

I can't say I support anything to do with balance, because I love winning and this mode has worked out brilliantly for me. But, I do have sympathy for those on the other side - just not enough to do anything about it.

xxmirxx -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:13:23)

I agree but good old friend Angels Holocaust wants to extend more.

DeathGuard -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:20:17)

Well is kind of true, I have never got in a juggernaut battle and I will never like to be in one.

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:35:08)

I've never ever been in a juggernaut fight, mainly because I'm a high-level non-varium and so cannot participate in it.
Anyways, this is the problem and the reasoning for my suggestion:

A lv.32 varium vs 2 extremely weaker non-variums (Most likely) is unfair.
Even non-variums that fight against those variums will lose even if they are equal levels.

There would be a lot less complaint if the team made it the same lv. difference (between 1-5 difference) except the juggernaut was varium and the other 2 were not. However, this brings another problem, then how can those below lv.15 find a fight if the juggernaut is within their lv. range?

Simply enough, Juggernaut mode is available once you hit lv.15 (to fight the juggernaut), this will allow new players to be able to play normal 2vs2 for quite some time. Besides, I doubt anyone wants to fight a juggernaut at so early a level.

So lets say that my idea does get implemented and the juggernaut fights people of their equal level...What about non-variums that will be able to participate as a juggernaut sometime in the future? Would it not be unfair to them? Yes it would...

So allow me to present a way that will allow Juggernauts to be powerful no matter if they are varium or non-variums.
If you are going to fight as a juggernaut, you'll be offered to use the "Juggernaut equipment" which gives tremendous boost to the character, the armor is only temporary and the boost is slightly weaker than what varium armor might be.

Anyways, as far as rewards, I think the juggernaut receives the exp of killing both enemies. Not the juggernaut should rightfully always be the higher level so, he can receive up to 24 exp, 48 gold. As for the other team, they shall rightfully receive rewards based on their individual level difference. In the case the 1 player dies, but his teammate won, he simply receives half of his intended reward.

But as far as Juggernaut is now...its plain unfair and only serves to make variums supreme in this game. It has little (More like none) fun factor on the non-variums, and to variums (Or at least those that don't enjoy easy wins)

Twistedkush -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:38:30)

i was getting owned as a non varium level 26 and let me just say, I DREADED doing juggernaut... the ammount of matches that you get put up against a juggernaut was ridiculous. I'm very thankful i have leveled up enough that i don't have to do them anymore but coming from someone that was dealin with it... it's not fun, i had to re-train my account just so i could start doing 1v1's instead of setting up for 2v2's cause no matter what we do it is almost impossible to win. It's kind of like a sick joke, you put level 26- in a situation where they have no choice on if they are going to do a juggernaut battle or not and the % of juggernaut battles is mind boggling, to where if they have a decent to good 2v2 record that is going to be totally ruined simply for the fact that this counts as a 2v2 loss. Perhaps you should have a seperate catagory for say 2v1 or juggernaut battle win loss so that people aren't getting loss upon loss in there 2v2 catagory. This may come off as a bit of a rant but it is simply me giving my opinion from the "Other" side of the coin

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:43:22)

Deleted Too , Got The Silver Card For Them :D

Twistedkush -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:46:25)

well like i just said i don't think you'd have as many non varium's be upset if it didn't count as a loss for there 2v2 records, i garuntee you that if you implement a new catagory for juggernaut battles that you would see alot fewer people be upset, yeah they know they would lose, but they would also know that, that loss wouldn't count towards there 2v2 record.

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:51:13)

DO people really care that much about their win records?

xxmirxx -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:56:53)

yes they do if want to join good faction.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:58:49)

I agree and Yes I do care. I used my alt level 24 Mage and I can cleary see this isnt fair. I cant believe the devs could make a mode like this and actually act like everything is ok after everyone clearly proving and saying its not! It just sickens me! [:'(]

@Cyberbeast Yes people do I am one of those people expecially if you dont wanna be called and noob and wanna be in a faction then yes they do.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 16:58:59)


DO people really care that much about their win records?

Your Don't Have a Heart ! </3 :(


yes they do if want to join good faction.

What Do You Mean.. ? It's Off Topic.

Twistedkush -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 17:02:11)

well i mean it is a sense of pride for me, being a non varium character and having more wins than losses by over 100 in both 1v1's and 2v2's, granted i don't have the most battles played and i'm starting to run into alot of level 31+ varium users but it kinda makes me feel my build is justafied cause of my win loss record.

Rooster -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 17:19:56)

I'm not happy with this format either
It's entirely unfair to the low levels. I've played quite a few of the juggernaut battles, and I never even came close to losing. It's a sure win. I'd say: screw the mandatory level difference. Make it such that everyone could be on either side of the battle. Just ensure that, let's say (and this is an arbitrary number an not thought out) the combined level of the juggernaut opponents never goes above 90% of 2x the level of the juggernaut. So a 33 could face a battle with a 33 and a 27 (90% of 66 is roughly 60). Allow everyone to be a juggernaut. So if you have a lvl 25 juggernaut you could face two level 20s or a 25 and a 15 (90% of 2x25 =40). Tricky, but certainly not impossible. This way, I think everyone would be happy. Juggernaut battles would be harder (they are boring right now - sure win) and the lower level stand a chance with a high level buddy. And good players will still be able to rule juggernaut with the right builds.

King FrostLich -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 20:04:21)

Here's a simple idea, let's just separate 2v1 from the team battles. Besides, our battle records has one space good for a new record called juggernaught.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 20:13:44)

^Frostlich Agreed.

Shadronica -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/16/2011 23:58:33)

Buffy its nice to hear you have taken this point of view.

I read all of Angels threads telling us how great the Juggernaut release is.

The other day when Juggernaut was released there was a level 25 non varium mercenary who was at No. 1 on the daily 2v2 I have forgotten her name now =/. Anyway she met up with my level 33 mercenary account twice within an hour.

She was getting upset that she kept getting thrown into Juggernaut battles which were guaranteed losses for her. She quickly slipped back to third on the leaderboard and I don't know how she finished up but I sure felt sorry for her.

I wonder if our game developers might consider a way for us to do a 2v1 boss battle instead. Somehow I always thought that this was how 2v1 was going to be. I am positively, absolutely sure that an NPC boss 2v1 would have been not only far better than our current 2v1 but I truly believe that it would have brought quite a deal of players back to the game.

A game mode where you and a partner fight the computer is a far friendlier atmosphere than beating up a whole heap of players that didn't want to be in a Juggernaut battle.

I have some friends that like this current 2v1 and I have some friends who don't like it.

Some people say that its nice to get the lower levels back for running on us in 2v2. Also on a selfish note its nice easy credits and tokens.

However, it doesn't leave a nice taste in my mouth just beating up people who didn't wish to be there.

So yeah I care.

stryker914 -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/17/2011 0:44:41)

If I'm as daring as I normally am with builds and weapon choices, I would probably come out losing to two level 25+ non-vars, because My stats aren't that great :D

But, then again, if I was smart, I would have no problem.

If the two players are smart non-varium players like the old Syfy, then they should have no trouble beating me. If they're not smart enough and not dedicated enough to find a winning build and then just complain, it's not really my problem. Variums aren't undefeatable.
By the same token, variums have an obvious advantage and the gap should be cut down on.

Wandering Guardian -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/17/2011 4:43:34)

I'd introduce a simple formula.

Juggernaut's opponent's combined level total = 2x Juggernaut level - 10

For example:

Juggernaut level 33.

Opponents = 2x 33 = 66 - 10 = 56

This could come as 28 + 28, 27 + 29, 26 + 30 etc.

Seems much fairer than pitting 2 25's against a 33, for example.


zelemania -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/17/2011 5:04:45)

I agree on making another key for 2v1 battles and some special prices for win against juggernaut to attract people.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/17/2011 11:37:29)

@Cindy i know that some player like you,wiseman and many other care but im sorry if im rude and I know that you are just doing your job. but all the things titan and nighwraith do it all goes to varuim everything and by EVERYTHING I MEAN EVERYTHING and thats not the problem the problem is that they just release bad features and by BAD I MEAN BAD. and is funny how they reduce price of items and increase the slot so the price goes back to normal. Like Npc brainwash they reduce the price but they increase the time that a player could do it. They are literally calling us IDIOTS in a big way.

8x -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/17/2011 11:51:57)

I think lower lvls should only have to fight in 2vs1 once out of 3 2vs2 battles. And prize for killing juggernaut should be 1k credits and 200 exp.

Cookielord12 -> RE: Juggernaut ~ The "OTHER" Side Of The Coin (5/17/2011 11:58:23)

lol ironically my alt went into his first juggernaut battle (he was level 19 and the partner as well) and we slaughtered the juggernaut who was level 27. he only survived 2 rounds

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