Favorite ED Time Period (Full Version)

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endtime -> Favorite ED Time Period (5/18/2011 23:49:03)

What was your favorite time period in Epic Duel?

My favorite time period was the Beta Testing period (specifically for me, February 2010 to August 2010). Reasons:
1. During this time, I bought varium for the first time.
2. For less than 3,500 varium, I was able to become fully equipped with the best gear available--now for 3,500, all you can do is buy an auxiliary and partly enhance it.
3. The Azrael allowed high support mages to thrive.
4. Stats were not insanely lopsided--the real culprit of imbalanced builds are enhancements and removing enhancements would be better than adding the concept of incrementing stat investment.
5. Many unique builds existed without restriction
6. legends roamed the PvP battlefield rather than the PvE battlefield--I even saw Angels Holocaust and Daphne in 1v1.
7. Players were more focused on creating battle-tested builds and honing their abilities than establishing an artificial win rate through NPCs.
8. The game was focused on PvP since extraneous facets such as rating and fame did not exist.
9. Achievements were not overdone and thus actually had meaning and value.
10. The forums were more liberal and enjoyable.

beastmo -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/18/2011 23:50:46)

I pretty much agree with you beta was a blast

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/18/2011 23:52:08)

mine was Independence day 2010. there were so many great non varium weps and the screaming eagle bike was uber cool and beasically every1 was happy with that update.

TankMage -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/18/2011 23:52:18)

Early Beta was definitely my favorite stage of the game :D.

helloguy -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/18/2011 23:53:38)

On December 09,When everyone raced to get to lvl 30.

xxmirxx -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/18/2011 23:58:17)

My was when I won my 2vs2 achieve and 1vs1.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 0:01:33)

Early To Mid Beta Were The Good Ole' Days.

When The Game Was Truly Fun And MOST Of The Current And Past Legends Were Very Active And Still Playing.

The BEST All Time Factions Were In Their Glory Days Going Head To Head Daily.

The PEAK Was Independence Day 2010, Like Luna Stated... Gamma Had Just Begun...There Was Still HOPE For The The Game Becoming GREAT, As We All Had Wished For.

The Weapons Were Cool Looking And Powerful (And BOTH Varium & Non Varium). The Bike Was Awesome. Epic Duel Seemed ALIVE And HAPPY.

Then...It All Went Downhill Fast...With Weekly Varium Type Releases, Enhancements, Focus, Agility, Stat Build Nerf, Frequent Class/Skill Nerfs, War Kills, Fame, Etc...

Apparently, The Expression... * If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It *...Was Beyond The Devs, Becuase They Continued To Find Ways To Go Away From What Epic Dule USED To Be.

What A Shame.

ajs777 -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 0:03:01)

beta and founder were the best it was worth it to buy varium then

The Shadow Creeper -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 0:26:40)

Im going to have to agree on Luna_moonraider on this one
I bought every independence weapon except for the non varium zooka
feel bad that I sold my cleaver my mistake
But defiantly beta was the best

jegaggin -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 0:28:22)

beta was awesome ^_^

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 1:07:52)

Beta was obv. the best. The difference between varium and non-varium was not far away if you knew what you were doing. There was much more balance between the classes compared to now.

Deimos... -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 1:13:55)

My favorite is delta! (Or omega. [:D] )

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 1:36:45)

Beta Phase ==========>>>>>> AWESOME , Gamma phase ==========>>>>>> horrible (the only good thing is Missions)

hardcore59 -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 5:32:42)

Same as tankmage, definitely early beta

Nebula -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 6:35:05)

In December of 09 ( before Frostbane and Founder ) when it was possible to use a full caster build and own in 2v2. Those were the days. =p

Practel -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 6:48:44)

My favorite era was from December 12th 2009 to about August 4th 2010. Beta :D. I still love Gamma, but in beta I was getting used to the game and man if there is one feature I miss is the "A player has joined 1v1, you should join too!" or the "A player has joined 2v2, you should join too!" I loved that.

The first time my character took a step in ED I met the mod J6, with his green colored name. He didn't tell me how he got it and for 3 weeks I spent non stop googling "How to get a green name in epicduel" then someone told me it was mod only. I wish I new that.

I miss the old forums, been a long time since iv'e seen em.

RKC -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 7:02:41)

It was they were offering founders armor. That was the most awesome month ever.

altimatum -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 7:33:03)

I remember founder testing.... so much inexperience, so much fun [:)] of course there were balance issues BUT the forums were awesome. Then came july, there wasn't enhance blocks so the weapons were actually on par and aesthetically pleasing, then came the *soon* to be gamma. We were really anticipating it, and it was still enjoyable even then. The only time i really didn't think of the game as much is when enhances and the latter came (that's when i switched to other games)

LambO -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 7:51:00)

Beta hand down. Money involved, but that's because the game needed it, which everyone was happy to buy varium & spend cause you got you're moneys worth at the time, everyone had a blast. Non variums & varium players.

Gamma just went down hill, just about the money now..


Off to work......

T.600 -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 8:02:53)

February 2010 when Azrael was released and I was was a non varium! I was speculating whether it would return on the old forums and it did return...but the game had already gone down hill by the time I had Azrael. :(

I remember the first day I played; I think it was December 30th 2009 or the 31st. I played throughout the evening and I was having such great fun! I even visited Marauder Hulk and saw a nice shiny sword. A few weeks later I found out that it was the legendary Frostbane!

That's just two great memories from beta for me. I could recite many more but I won't. :P

DillBagel -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 9:26:09)

Beta wins without any consideration, even though I designed two weapons during gamma.

PD -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 10:22:45)

I don't find it suprising when everyone here glorified the Beta Times. :P

As for myself, I have no favorite time period.

Kaiquef -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 11:50:26)

Alpha/Before Beta,no fame,no Houses,funny Builds,the free varium... [:)]

kakilleon2 -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 13:52:56)


Xendran -> RE: Favorite ED Time Period (5/19/2011 14:57:58)

I entirely agree with endtime. that time period was by far the best (although i preferred pre-azrael to post-azrael)

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