RE: Can We Buy Some Guns Please? (Full Version)

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beastmo -> RE: Can We Buy Some Guns Please? (5/21/2011 13:26:34)

Everyone can beg/ask for them to be in game but we all know they dont care and wont listen

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Can We Buy Some Guns Please? (5/21/2011 13:33:57)

3500 is WAY over priced
2200 for the eggzooka was over priced
if any thing 1200 at most

Wraith -> RE: Can We Buy Some Guns Please? (5/21/2011 17:54:09)

^Dude Marauder Bike and Screamin Eagle were 3500.

After checking the sellback, it was 6k creds and 149 Varium. It should be the normal 12k Creds/995 Varium.

Polandor -> RE: Can We Buy Some Guns Please? (5/21/2011 21:43:34)

Yes 12k credit and 995 varium for each gun.

Aere -> RE: Can We Buy Some Guns Please? (5/21/2011 21:49:18)

Cinderella hasn't replied to any of these posts yet? Ehhhh...

Support, I've retired from this game and I'm not spending any more money on it. I have enough left to buy one of these guns, and I'd like the chance to do so...

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