Whats up with the promo items. (Full Version)

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RKC -> Whats up with the promo items. (5/20/2011 22:33:22)

Instead of releasing items for non-variums and varium they are putting more promo items that only those with a lot of money get.

They are indirectly forcing us to buy varium, Saying that its up to you if you want to buy it or not.

At first I ignored the promo items for a while thinking that it was gonna be a temporary thing and everything will be back to normal, but I was wrong. They are going over board on this.

I mean c'mon a gun that can stun thats pretty scary item for only those who can get it.

How long are the dev's gonna go before people really start quiting. Why cant they for once release something that everyone can get, just once.

I'm getting fed up because the eggzookas was insanely powerful opening for unbalance builds then they put a gun that can stun, this time not available in NPC's.

I appreciate the silver card, really I do, but can you just once lay off the promo and just release a good old fashion AE release that makes everyone happy.

Nexus... -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/20/2011 22:38:10)

Yes please :) I agree.

Just once so we know that you guys care.


Chosen 0ne -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/20/2011 23:29:41)

it should be with any varium purchase. Maybe not the 500 varium one...

ForTun3 -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/21/2011 3:07:51)

if u guys are planning on doing this with all the items... i for one will not be happy at all.....

RKC -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/21/2011 3:14:14)

Hey I also disagree with the 500 varium package thing.

Maybe in the 35$ package at most.

T.600 -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/21/2011 3:37:11)

They should still make RARES and SEASONAL RARES right? Because I love buying unique RARES which I know no one else will never have ( unless you were there at the time the rare was available of course).

leo07123 -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/21/2011 5:41:30)

Yes i agree with the top two boys

the promo item should just for making money. It should be available for both the user non-varium as well as varium

5rr5 -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/21/2011 5:48:47)

If u didnt' understand this, they did it because they wanted to earn more money!

8x -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/21/2011 8:16:15)

There should be only 3 promo weapons per year that last 1 month at max.

Devs should release at least 3 non-varium weapons and 3 varium (non-rare of course, from lvl 30-33) per month.

And when new OPed items are released devs should give them same number of stats as old ones and give them more damage and enhancement slots instead.

Polandor -> RE: Whats up with the promo items. (5/21/2011 8:30:30)

So what do i do with my high cost varium already in my account ?

Since they worth nothing give us a 100% pro-rata sell back, so we can use the money to buy 10k varium pack...

We had plenty of special bonus weapon already, stun is not the first special effect.
Azraels Bane 5% chance to get crit on normal strikes Celtic Clever 7% chance to connect on normal strikes

You trying to find logic behind 2 items for 50$, there is no logic beside greed.

Varium are worth nothing now.

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