RKC -> Whats up with the promo items. (5/20/2011 22:33:22)
Instead of releasing items for non-variums and varium they are putting more promo items that only those with a lot of money get. They are indirectly forcing us to buy varium, Saying that its up to you if you want to buy it or not. At first I ignored the promo items for a while thinking that it was gonna be a temporary thing and everything will be back to normal, but I was wrong. They are going over board on this. I mean c'mon a gun that can stun thats pretty scary item for only those who can get it. How long are the dev's gonna go before people really start quiting. Why cant they for once release something that everyone can get, just once. I'm getting fed up because the eggzookas was insanely powerful opening for unbalance builds then they put a gun that can stun, this time not available in NPC's. I appreciate the silver card, really I do, but can you just once lay off the promo and just release a good old fashion AE release that makes everyone happy.