He Who Lurks -> Expenses (5/21/2011 11:15:00)
After playing EpicDuel for a while I've realized common a trend among our players. When ever the opportunity to become stronger arises(stronger than previous weapons) players jump at the chance to acquire above average weaponry(primarily varium players). However, when these above average weapons are released, you can expect that prices are also above average. When a player purchases these AAW, who benefits? The answer is simple; no one benefits when everyone else(primarily varium players) have purchased top grade weapons yet we the buyers are backed into a corner and have to pay for these "expenses", otherwise we''ll lose more than often. The same goes for enhancements; a heavy debt to pay when one wishes to succeed. It would not make much of a difference if enhancements wasn't available in the game, the only exception would be more Artix Points in our accounts. The analogy below will sum up an accurate explanation of what this means. "When one player purchases a top-tiered weapon, the rest follow. However, when the rest[repeat varium buyers] have followed, is anyone top-tiered now?" If this wasn't an MMO/PvP game, the situation would be better, however this is not the case as it seems. DISCUSS.