Skurge -> RE: Fonts (5/21/2011 20:42:36)
Fonts are okay on this forum, as long as it is viewable (something like "Parchment" will be deleted) and isn't distracting/attention grabbing. As for the "Halo" font.. You'll have to download it to your computer only then will you be able to use it. Also note that it is not a default NotePad font, so it can't be viewed by everyone (only to those who have downloaded the font onto their computer)* Instead, why don't you browse through the default NotePad fonts, and use those? And remember to use the quotation marks when manually using the code, I can see that you forgot those when you were testing the Andy font. ;) -Scherzo *If you still insist on using it, PM a Forum Moderator and check up on this. I might be wrong since well.. I haven't done any coding for the text system here.