Adding more NPCs? (Full Version)

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zelemania -> Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 6:50:02)

I think we /especially non-vars/ need more easy NPCs 30+ to farm. We all know 1v1 or 2v2 duels are nightmare so maybe increasing hour limit to 20 would be nice too.
Discuss or give your ideas.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 6:57:56)

I never understood why there were npc limit's to begin with. If you want to npc then please by all means do it, but there should not be a limit on how many we kill each hour.

T.600 -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 7:02:30)

There was a limit because they planned to introduce the brainwash feature in order to gain more profit. I have nothing against brainwash by the way.

Nebula -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 7:04:49)

@Angels Because people would just get 800-odd kills and win 1v1 far too easily? Most likely with a 100% win ratio.

zelemania -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 7:31:12)

^Not. Actually NPC farming is much more slower than just pressing 1v1/2v2. It may be easier but there is no way a man could make 800 npc kills in a day.

King FrostLich -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 7:41:10)


I kill Admin 12 every 2 mins. If there was no limit, he'd die 30 times in 1 hr by my hand.

Nebula -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 7:45:49)

@Zelemania Well. Let's say you farmed Valery for a full day. It takes a minute - a minute and a half to beat her. Which would be 45 - 60 wins per hour. Multiply that by 24 and that's 1080 - 1440 wins maximum per day. Yeah, people can totally do that by pressing 1v1 all day.

zelemania -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 8:03:38)

I didn't mean to remove the limit, just to increase it and not the 5 times each npc per hour but the max npc kills per hour.

Nebula -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 8:09:33)

I was replying to Angels saying how with no NPC limit players could get 800+ wins easily in a day and you said it wasn't possible. So I proved you wrong.

However, I do agree that increasing the ammount would be good. Especially for level 27-ish players who get pummelled by high levels.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 8:10:16)


I didn't mean to remove the limit, just to increase it and not the 5 times each npc per hour but the max npc kills per hour.

That's the same thing as removing the limit lol.
Max NPC kills per hour=Max NPC kills per day, which is the same as no limitations.
EDIT: Unless you meant max was 20.. so you said 20 NPC kills per hour :D

I can kill the bio hazard in 43 seconds, 4 hit kill. So...
60 an hour*24=1440
17 sec*24 hours=408 seconds/60 sec in a minute: About another 7 kills per hour.
7 kills an hour*24=168
1440+168=1608 kills in a whole day without a limit.

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 8:48:02)

I agree with this, since 1vs1/2vs2 is a deathzone for nonvariums that are level 27+.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 9:02:10)

Level 27 players have the bio guard, the heavy bio guard, the lower level bio hazard, mirv, the higher level exile guard and the marauder hulk. There are probably some others down in an obscure corner of the mine tower as well. The range of named NPCs here will decrease to 5 at level 28, 3 at level 31, and 2 at level 32. But other NPCs become available, like Valery, the higher level bio hazard, the Shadow Guard and the Gamma Guard at higher levels. The range does not even take into account the possibility of fighting higher-levelled NPCs than yourself, like Admin 12 and the Lawman. Though some of the NPCs may be quite hard and the player's win ratio against them may not be 100%, overall there is no dearth of NPCs for level 27+ players to fight and no need to add any more for this purpose, especially with the NPC fighting limit.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 9:10:14)

i think there should be a daily limit instead of an hourly limit.
some days i dont have the time to play 100+ wins from npcs.
perhaps changing the limit to daily to 300-400 wins a day
15 an hour those seem kinda unfair seeing how not everyone has the time to play every hour.

King FrostLich -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 9:25:54)

Hmm, adding more npc's is good. I want a lvl 36 npc already to come out so I can have fun.

hardcore59 -> RE: Adding more NPCs? (5/22/2011 9:53:21)

replace lowe with CHUCK NORRIS

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