#13 -> RE: Drakel War Armor V1 (5/24/2011 2:54:48)
Energy Spear Equip Slot: Front Arm Damage Type: Laser Damage: 16-20 Hits: 1 Energy: 20 Cooldown: 2 Bonuses: None Special Effects: Chance for "System Shock" - Stops enemy's Energy Regeneration For 2 Turns. Combos: None Description: A lance of pure lightning that may disrupt your opponent's ability to regenerate energy. Attack Image: Attacking! *Thanks to Peachii for attack image!* Auto Blaster Equip Slot: Back Arm Damage Type: Laser Damage: 12-24 Hits: 4 Energy: 20 Cooldown: 3 Bonuses: None Special Effects: Splits damage attacking HP and EP of the enemy. Combos: None Description: A rapid-firing magical weapon that fires bolts of mana that may also drain your opponent's energy. Attack Image: Attacking! Thanks to hauntar for special info, Peachii for attack image!*