Digital X -> RE: being in best faction is rewarding or just phase? (5/24/2011 3:20:18)
I've never been in a faction purely because of getting noticed, the only reason i still in a faction of because of the others in it. If a faction is alive, friendly and actively particpates in things (i.e competitions and goals as i have said before) then you are more likely to want to stay within that faction. Now, about the being noticed part, sure it helps a little if the faction is known around the game a little as others may want to try and join every chance they get, even if that does inolved a waiting list which i know many of the more popular factions have. Feeling rewarded in a faction is great is it not? You get a feeling of self achievement and well being inside knowing that you have helped someone (even being a flash game is it still nice) and in turn that can spark off a reaction to others who may think: "well hey, this faction seems pretty as they help each other, maybe i will ask if i can join." With that being said more people will eventually join and the better the faction becomes. If any that is slightly not understandable, give me a nudge and i'll try to simple it down a bit :)