Arcknights and Titles (Full Version)

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Gabby21 -> Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 7:44:19)

So I would like to ask a question. Please make your answers clear. I am sure I posted this on the right thread.

    These are my questions.
  • What are all the Archknight Titles?
  • Are there contests in which I can win a title?
  • What do you need to be helpful on to get the "Helpful" Title under your avatar?
  • Can the non-AK forumists with titles lock posts/threads on the forums too?

Please answer with clear words. If you can answer this fast, I would really thank you guys.

NOTE: After OP thanks forumist, or when it reaches 3 posts, Thread can be LOCKABLE. OP Might not be online when thread can be lockable.


Serpeants -> RE: Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 7:58:15)

Some of your question has been answered here ---> Forum ranks, groups, and titles

Can the non-AK forumists with titles lock posts/threads on the forums too? No, Only AK can lock your post.[;)]

SKYWEE955 -> RE: Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 8:01:09)

1) Archknight titles are anything [image][/image] this for the most but above this sign it saids something let me give you one example:

Corvus Corax

2) Yes most contests in the Showcase Showdown! give you a title there is one right now that does give you a title but only when you joined in the first round.\


Your entry for the contest can be anything that would qualify for the IoTW contest, so anything ranging from digi-paint to a flash weapon to a sketch all qualify. So, I'm looking for up to 32 contestants, but that's probably setting my sights too high, so if we can get 16, I'd be happy. However, if you know you won't be active enough to make a piece for all the rounds, please don't enter, because it ruins it for everybody else. Each round will be a knockout battle between two people, the winner will advance to the next round. The winner will receive the title "Hand-Drawn and Flash Tournament Winner '11" and one custom avatar upload!

3)To get the helpful title you need to be nice and help players how need help in this forums and get the title "helpful" with a custom upload avatar.

4)No, even if you are not an AK and have a title so cannot lock threads.

Laos -> RE: Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 8:05:18)

There are no 'set' ArchKnight titles. We have custom titles although the boards in which we are assigned to, must be in the title. For instance, the two boards I'm assigned to; the AQWorlds Guides and Suggestions, are both in my title. Aside from that the title can be anything.

There are contests indeed in which forumites can be awared titles as explained in the quote below.


Contest Titles: Some forum contests include a title as a prize. These contests are not run frequently and will be announced on the forum homepage when they are being run.
Examples of these include: Minion of _____ (Zorbak, Kabroz, etc) and Scavenge hunt winner07.

The 'helpful' title is awarded under the below criteria, in short; being helpful and friendly around the forums.


Helpful/!: This title is given to outstanding forum users. To earn the title, they need to be both helpful and have a good attitude. People who actively seek the title will likely not be rewarded with it as "title-seeking" is discouraged. This title usually comes with avatar upload (at the moderator's discretion). A variation of this title is the "Very Helpful/!" title.

Quotes above both taken from Forum ranks, groups, and titles.

And to your last question, no. A forumite with a title is still a normal member, only with a title. They have no moderation power.

Gabby21 -> RE: Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 8:06:47)

I'm just having one more question...

What particular threads can I post my help answers so I can get a "Helpful" Title?


Serpeants -> RE: Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 8:22:21)

You can help others in Q&A Thread by answering their questions and solve their problem, also including helping others in Forum Support thread![;)]

The Forgotten -> RE: Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 8:32:58)

There is no set criteria for Helpfuls or other titles (including AKship). Users are judged on their attitude, helpfulness, and maturity among others to determine if they are deserving of a title.

Gabby21 -> RE: Arcknights and Titles (5/24/2011 22:52:18)

Thread Lockable now.
I had alot of answers from you guys. Thanks!


Locked per request. ~Stray Cat

Post edited and doubled sig disabled!
~ Army ~

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