Whats the point of enhancments (Full Version)

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DarknessTime -> Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 12:57:30)

I mean seriously if they removed enhancments then its just the same as before only diffrents is that wee dont have to pay for it
wgat do you think dissus.

Tiago X -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 13:03:03)

Enhacements are here to help in some situations, boss fights, etc.
But they also serve as a big disadvantage for non variums.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 13:04:12)

This feature was requested for by players for a long time. Many thought it would be a basic trade in of old weapon and get a updated version at cap level. No one expected this variation of the request. Basically it added another tier of paying players. If the game removed enhancements, they would loose this tier of paying customers.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 14:42:31)

No becuase we all get a major nerf. I love them. Keep the enhancements. Peopel stop whining over them there good and there awesome.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 15:07:00)

In Beta most players wanted item upgarades and here it is with Varium prices or extremly high credits

5rr5 -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 15:12:04)

The point of enhancements is that u get better stats if u didn't know that [;)]

Polandor -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 16:22:06)

You don't get better stats since all competitive players also enhance, you just pay more $, to stay at the same power level, and the weaker (non varium) become even weaker.

DarknessTime -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 16:29:36)

Thats exacly what mean

veneeria -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 16:45:11)

I suppose of enhancements was to give a new aspect to build making... if we can control our items stats... different builds emerge. We no longer depend on having "this" weapon only for our builds to work.

A small step back was just the credits prices....
I kinda gave a idea about this.. on making them lower... but whatever.

Shadronica -> RE: Whats the point of enhancments (5/25/2011 18:45:48)

Actually I just posted in another thread regarding the enhancements.

I feel that the enhancements should have been on the primary weapon only. That way we could have made unique builds without having abuse builds. Currently all we have is abuse builds of all kinds even the 5 focus is another abuse build.

Oh well too late.

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