New juggs levels (Full Version)

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Mr. Black OP -> New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:18:38)

as a lv 33 full varium bh i fought 2 full variums lv 30 and only got 1 dead (this was the 1st time i pressed juggs from update), now imagine a nv trying to do this...
what are ur thoughts on the new levels for juggs?

Cinderella -> RE: New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:26:55)

It's definitely more of a challenge than it used to be. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

Sparticus -> RE: New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:30:08)

I think its great, about time it was a challenge. I bet tomorrows daily leaderboard will look very different, LOL

Mr. Black OP -> RE: New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:32:42)

it just seems way more erratic for me some fights are free wins some are impossible unless i block or crit once or twice

LambO -> RE: New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:32:49)

Not tried it, don't want to mess up my 35 - 0 record, lol. xD
Anyway it's propably better for giving a challenge, but might still need tweeking.
(Two level 30 varium players, is abit over the top)

It's still new so..give it time...give it time...

batista669 -> RE: New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:34:00)

Well my thoughts of this new juggernaught battle is that it is alot harder to play 2v1. I myself is a full varuim tech Mage and my last 2v1 battle was very hard barely made it out alive to me it is no different from a 2v2 battle where your partner leaves u and u go up against 2 guys. I kinda like this new 2v1 battle because it's more challenging but at the same time i kinda hate it because u might go against like 2 varuim supp merc lvl 29 or 30

Mr. Black OP -> RE: New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:37:16)

ya ik, i think it would be nice if they scaled so if u get a lv 30 the highest u cld get as a 2nd enemy would be 26 or lower, so a lv 30 with a 25 or 26, a 29 with 27 or 26, and a 28 with another 28, does that sound good to anyone? would still be a challenge, but wld be possible for a nv lv 33 to win one of these

Liz Vicious -> RE: New juggs levels (5/26/2011 19:38:05)

Love it. And, hopefully, it will put to an end comments about this battle mode being unfair. I fought a battle earlier against a 30/28 team both Varium one left standing me on 20 hits. I did win but, it was a close run thing. Great fun.

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