flame187 -> Gyrate Shield (1/2/2005 13:31:01)
Gyrate Shield Level: 65 Power Level: 65 Price: 26,800 3,117 Sellback: 13,400 1,558 Location: Yulgar's Intermediate Shop Element: Neutral COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: +10 Ranged: +10 Magic: +10 ELEMENT MODIFIER Fire: -2% Water: -12% Wind: -12% Ice: -2% Earth: -12% Energy: -12% Light: -2% Darkness: -2% DESCRIPTION Similar to the Glave Shield, but more powerful defense. Protects against Water, Wind, Earth, Energy, and all attack types. [image]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia2/Shields/Gyrate_Shield.jpg[/image] Image thanks to aNyThInG. Update thanks to In Media Res.