Kausen -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:58:51)
*There's a blur and the sound in the distance of the sound and light barriers being broken* Hi. Impressive! First off congrats. Thank you! Second, what is your favorite book/series? Mine is the Gone series. Hmm, well Daughter of the Empire, Dragon DelaSangre, Eragon, and Elric are all some of my favorites :) Third, What is your favorite drink? Cheerwine! Fourth. What kind of powers did the void give you? Don't give me any lip I know of your powers. I just fought you PvP 5 times and baisiclly destroyed your soul, yet you still beat me up. Purple Corrupts...... Fifth. Please don't go to the dark side :'(. We need warriors like you on our side. If you want i will personally steal back the darkness orb and give you all the purple/pink/black monsters you want, just plz don't go to the dark side. Butbutbut he darkside has this! Sixth. How can other soldiers join the void like you did? We need more soldiers like you. Just start painting random things/people purple like I did :) Seventh.Does the void corrupt you like DOOM or darkness? Both in a way, though mostly darkness. :) Eighth. Can we join other elements like light or ice? (Bacon) Probably, though I am not quitesure how. Ninth. If you could have any mutant super power what would it be? Mine would be anything having to do with the mind (telekinesis, mind reading, etc.), laser hands and eyes, super speed which you can see by my intro, or the power to sneak attack with yellow!!! Never mind all of the above. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *dives under a nearby couch and hides* Good luck on making the world a more purple. It is your job as the child of the void now go and continue your mission. Bye. *slautes* Will do! Yellow power activate!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yellow has touched your soul, it has left a permanent stain mwhahahah!!!!! Just kidding it will wear off[:D] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Thats just mean o_o You might want to cover your ears now. *My legs become a blur, there's a giant flash of light, and mega sonic boom. You take out your mirror and find your hair singed and blown back, stuck, melted together. There is a giant wild fire trail were i was running.* *grumbles under her breath and washes her hair with purple purifying soap* There! All better :) *Your phone rings half a second later* Hello? Get back on the battlefield soldier! By the way your hair will get better. Now get back here now or else i'll come get you and then will be permanently glued together!! I never left the battlefield! I type between animations ;)