=MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (Full Version)

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Mritha -> =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 21:39:08)

*waves hello* Heyas everyone! :D

I'm the newest AK for DFGD and I'm soooo excited to be working here. :) For those of you who do not know what a MtAK thread is, it is a Meet the ArchKnight thread where you can ask all kinds of questions to better know who will be slowly painting all of Lore purple working to keep this place clean and fun for you guys :)

First however, time to lay down some ground rules!
1. All standard General Forum Rules and Guidelines apply.
2. Only 10 questions per post.
3. You may only post once per page.
4. Please avoid questions that are very personal in nature.

For normal posts, I will be posting in this color, however when needed I will pull out
the purple AK voice of DOOOOOM! which I will also be using to invade your posts with purple! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! answer your questions :)

Static Wolf -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 21:40:34)

Haiz there. :3
Heyas! :)
Don't think I really know you, but congratulations anyway!
Aww thank you! :D
Do you ever go on the OOC?
I have posted once or twice, but I'm not very active there.
That's all from me, keep it simple. C:
Alrighty then :) *waves goodbye*

1412. -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:04:07)

Hiyas! (I tried putting your color in here already, I think I got it but if not, Sorry!)
You didn't get the color right, but to be fair it wasn't listed in the foum color box :)
Well...I usually save my adventure stories until the 2nd time I post. So, I'll ask you questions I haven't asked yet.
Alrighty! :D
Are you Brave?
Depends on the situation.
Really...How do you define Bravery?
I see bravery as like courage, facing your fears.
Since your favorite color is black...why are you the purple Dragonlord O_O
I'm not the purple dragonlord, I'm the Black Dragonlord! :D (who likes to paint random things purple)
I finally decided to write a War Story...but: (it won't have any connection to what will happen in Fragment.)
I read that! It was good :D
What would you do...if you defeated Sepulchure and he was at your mercy. How would you destroy him? Or would you let him live...
Depends on how the battle ended. If we were in the middle of a fight then I would kill him quickly so he does not have a chance to recover. However if it ends with him laying defenseless on the ground and my blade raised high, I won't kill him. No matter how evil he is, I cannot kill a defenseless person.
Well, I don't want to post too much...you'll be getting enough questions.
haha I don't mind, invading people's posts with purple is fun!
Oh.. *Puts Anti-Purple lock on the orbs. Once you touch it, everything purple around you will turn..um..pink!*
Thats just cruel.

Next time...I'll have a blue version of you. Purple cannot stand up to blue.... Blue and Red made purple!
I never tried to stand against Blue! Its yellow that I fight! D: Get it? Cause purple and yellow are opposite on the color wheel? ................. oh never mind.
See ya next page! And good luck on the battlefield.
*waves goodbye* See you later :)

Dragonknight315 -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:13:57)

"Huge Dark Flame materializes into Dragonknight"
*waves hello*
Hello Mritha, I have seen you post around before.
Likewise! :D
Time for my questions.
*Time for answers
How do you feel about the color orange?
Not my favorite color, but I like it :)
Are you good, evil, or neutral? "Hopes for Evil!"
Whoever has the most purple. Good had the Orb of Darkness which created purple monsters, but after the latest turn of events.........*ponders*
Really? I had no clue?
Yessssss my plotz are working.......
Well i think purple is a good color.
Yay! :D
Well i have to kill some paladins. Goodbye
Watch out for Artix
"Dragonknight Explodes with dark flame"
*puts a marshmellow on a stick and holds it out to the flames*

extreme wizard -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:15:25)

Haidere! (stole TM's greeting...bwahahahaha!)
Dawww poor True :D
Why do you like purple so much? Yes, it is my second-favorite colour, but I never knew why...
I like purple for many reasons, one of them being that I really don't like the color yellow because I firmly believe it broke my arm in 2nd grade. And since purple is the opposite of yellow...... and its a really pretty color :)
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I pick option C
Mrithbuster...that made me smile. Very clever. Anyway, I suppose I need to ask a question and not waste time. So, how did you become an AK?
Thank you! A friend of mine came up with that :) I first became an AK in Legends and Lore (L&L) section of the forums. I love writing, so working there is tons of fun!
What's your favorite food?
Who is your favorite band?
A tie between Fireflight and Linkin Park
What music do you like to listen to? (Metal(<--yuss-->), heavy metal, classical, pop, rap, hip-hop, techno, screamo, etc.)
Rock Christain, Country, Soundtracks (Halo FTW!) a little bit of Rock and Pop
That's all for now! Congrats on becoming an AK for the DFGD!
Thank you! *waves goodbye*

Brega -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:22:53)

Sssshhhhh, I'm sneaking on. I should be studying for finals <.<
Tisk tisk :)
MRITHA :D Congrats on (Spreaded?) AKship!
haha thank you!
How's my favorite purple spreader?
Doing awesome! :D
How do you feel about finals?
Too much studying involved -_-
They give me the sads :<
I know the feeling
Onto a happier subject, uhhh, favorite stuff?
If its purple I will probably like it :)
Favorite Movie?
Transformers! 1&2 (cannot wait for 3 to come out!)
Favorite Game? (Aside from Dragonfable. Cuz it's awesome.)
What consoles do you have if any?
None right now, my brother move out and took the xbox with him. Actually I think I still have nintendo 64 somewhere......
I've gotta go back to work, and keeping peace in the house.
Good luck!
See ya Purple Friend!
*waves goodbye*

Kiki Cadavera -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:23:08)

I have one question. Why purple? Not that it's not a nice color. But why?
Because purple is epic. I mean really, look at him! He looks so cute now! :D

Eric Greydawn -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:33:12)

*wanders into thread* o.O wait... what? Well, well, well... what have we here?
Another MtAK?
I thought you said you weren't going to do this.
I wasn't, but honestly. This is the perfect opportunity to spread the purple corruption [;)]
Soooo doing one for DFGD huh?
Bwahahaha. Are you skeered yet?
I am now
Okies, I am going to wander off for now... but I am formulating a question for you. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
*Wonders if Mritha is worried yet*
*wonders how fast she can run*
*nervously waves goodbye*

Sollix -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:34:32)

(You probably will get this alot) Congrats on becoming an AK! :D
Thank you Sollix!
1. Who's your favorite DF NPC?
*coughs* Well Aspar is purple........ naw I'm just kidding. I honestly can't pick, there are too many good ones!
2. If you could do anything with the entire world, what would you do?
Paint random things purple :D
3. Why do squirrels climb trees?
To get the nuts at the top
4. Why purple? (I like purple too, just green a little more.)
Cause purple is pretty :D
5. Name a vegtable/fruit you would want to be.
6. What's your favorite thing about DF? :D
Oh gawd I don't know, you have the amazing art, music I could spend hours listening too, a storyline that blows my mind........
7. Edit: If you come down stairs late at night, because you heard a noise (it can be anything a duck, purple, or footsteps/a voice) the first place you look is.... (mine is outside, then the fridge xD)
Under my bed
I think that's all I'll ask for now. Have a nice day! :D

You too! *waves goodbye*

Verethragna -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:35:07)

Hi, Mritha.
Wasn't there one of these a few months back too?
For L&L yes. When an AK expands to another forum, they can create another MtAK thread if they want to :)
Did I just waste a question there?
Did I do it again?
*paints her fingernails purple*
I really need to stop doing that, don't I?
*waves her hands in the air to dry the paint*
Alright, fine, fine. Enough messing around.
Time to ask the burning question.
Burning? The question is on FIRE!?
Why are you typing in DARK. PINK? [;)]
Don't give me any lip. You know I'm right.
No I know your wong
Congrats on the promotion though.
Thanks :)
Now remind me why you're doing one of these in the middle of a war?
Because this war is intended to last several weeks, if not months. By the time it is over I won't be new to DFGD anymore :)
*Pinches Mritha by the ear and drags her back to the battle field.
ow ow ow ow ow
C'mon, Sissy. There's fightin' to be done.
I AM fighting! Typing between animations FTW!

proguardian -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:36:15)

How did you become an AK?
I was asked :)
Is it fun/tiring/depressing/whatever?
Oh it is soooo much fun! I am honored to be able to work in my two favorite forum places! (L&L and DFGD)
How's the DF community? Nice? Lots of trouble?
Evil! EVIL I SAY! Naw I'm just kidding. You guys are great :)
Is your avatar a SoulAlly?
Yep! Back when I was given the Frendly! title before becoming an AK, Tomix made me this avatar. It is a purple recoloration of Lust :)
Are you related to Aspar?
I'm not sure, if I am I didn't know I was lol
Why purple?
Because purple is the embodiment of epicness
Are you a Dragonlord?
Then are you a purple dragonlord?
Nope! I'm the Black DragonLord. *points to her CP*
Then do you own Bargok [:D]
No, Odgne is my bond dragon. *points to the black and purple dragon standing beside her*
Oh well, that's it! Don't think I exceeded 10. Bye!
Byes! *waves*

raylas -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:40:09)

So, they gave you another area? Cool.
Congrats Mritha.
Thank you raylas :)
Ali sends you a hug.
Give her a hug back for me :)
Have fun spreading purple and black madness! :)
hahaha oh I will :D

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:41:35)

*flies in from the battlefield*
Tis the purple fairy! *glomps*
Not going to ask alot of questions.
Just wanted to say congrats on AK4GD!
Thank you! :D
I know you're busy, so I won't keep ya!
hahaha ok :)
So long!
*flies back onto the battlefield*
*waves goodbye* Give em hell soldier! :D

Alanna Zelen -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:49:51)

*appears* May I ask, which shade's of purple and/or blue haven't been taken by AK's? (seeing I like the colours too, and I can't use hex purple since its taken)
I think I am the only one in DFGD that uses purple, but it really doesn't matter. There are several AKs and members that use the same colors, pink and blue are the most common I think.
*cough* Oh yeah, congrats :P Glad to see you decided to do another MtAK for us. *Hands pack of equipment* Careful with the poison though.
Thank you! *catches the pack* Woohoo! war stuff! :D
Have a magical purple paintbrush! *splatters some in her own hair by accident, turns purple* Aww man!
This paintbrush does that?
I'm in heaven [:D]

Does your banhammer turn your victums purple when you use it? :P
Favorate book? Ok, make that plural. I'm not mean like some people.
Hmmm, well the Daughter of the Empire was good, Eragon, Elric, and Dragon DelaSangre are all favorites of mine :)
Tea, coffee, cola or water? *offers tray of beverages*
Sweet tea please! :D
Well, see you out on the battlefeild. *waves, vanishes*
*salutes* Give em hell soldier!

Condor -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 22:57:49)

Heyas Epic!
cheese or cheese
I ahve a surprise
*loves suprises*
you know how the darkness orb was stolen & you got angry cause no more monsters for u??
Yea, I am very sad now :(
*gives mritha purplke monster maker machine* TADAA
if u do get teh orb back jsut put it into that slot
There is no if, it is only a matter of when ;)
anyway just press the button!!!
oooo a shiney purple button!
*mritha press button & a purple elemental works* WOOHOOO I WON THAT BET
100000 gold here I come
Wait, what bet?
Later mritha *pres teleport button*
*waves goodbye* Thank you! :D

nield -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:09:49)

Le gasp!
Le hello!
What area shall be next to fall to the purple corruption?!?!
Hmmm I was thinking Popsproket....
Oh the horrors!
Oh the glories!
Heheh. Congrats, Mritha.
Thanks nield :)
Don't have any questions for you soooooo...
GRAH! *looks down to see a pink spot on her armor* Oh you are sooooo going to get it [:D]

Yessssss come back later. I will have......a gift for you muahahaha

Shadow Ravena -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:30:01)

hmm, new thread, new congradulation!
Thank you!
mirthabuster? I take it you like mythbusters? (tis one of my favorite shows)
Aye, I loves that show :D
hey, since you have a new mod voice color (and its pinkish...) does that mean you're allowed to use you old purple on a daily basis again?
It isn't pink. And yes I can use purple text, just not the shade I originally used. I picked one light and one dark :)
remind me how yellow broke your arm, I know it did the second time because you had a yellow cast, but I forget the first beyond it was diving related...
I was wearing a yellow bathing suit
amazed that I remembered that? mwhahaha, I remember trivia very well... (latin not so much :p)
Actually no, your memory is amazing
acually... if i had a nickle for every time my mom told me to do more than one thing and I forgot them all after 10 minutes... I would be a millionaire.
were you assigned the DFGD or asked to mod us?
A bit of both :)
hmm... ah! ever taken the mary sue limus test for Raven and Mirtha? (random yes, but awhile ago I thought of Raven because raven is an auto-sue name)
Actually no, I have never heard of a mary sue test.
(hard to think of questions I haven't asked before...) oh, who came up with diamand warmonger? you or someone else?
I did. Talion made sigs a while back for defeating X amount of waves. Plainum Warmonger was for 3000+ waves but when I hit over 4000 waves I wanted something a little more pricy and so he made me this one :)
okay, questioned out. Bye, and purple FTW!!!! we shall rule the world!!
*highfives* Aye that we will purple sister! :D
*flies out leaving yellow-eliminater. the instructions say to point at anything yellow to change/destroy it!*

Yay! Thank you tiger!

Razen -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:41:24)

So, Master Thief here.(No Halo pun)
Halo! :D
You want to learn about Vereriaz outside of the Book of Razen?
Sure :)
Now that the important stuff is out of the way, can I steal your time?
I'll do it anyways! [:D]
*equips chronomancer*
*Steals Mritha's time*
*steals it back*
And, if you have read ALL of this...
Which I did
...I have successfully wasted your time...
*chuckles* My time is not wasted, it was well spent talking with a friend :)
...and I'm victorious! >:D
*waves godbye*
You can wave godbye!? D=

Yes. I am waving to a god lol

nothinglord -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:48:35)

Congratz on becoming an AK!
Thank you!
Ok, now for the questions.
*cracks her knuckles*
1.) Does this count as a question?
Technically yes, since you put a number beside it lol
2.)Why do you like the color purple?
Because purple is the best looking color IMO
3.)This sentence ends in a question mark?
4.)What if Chuck Norris hates the color purple?
I would paint his house purple and run
5.)How much chuck could a chuck would wood, if a chuck wood could would chuck?
6.)What is my favorite color?
7.)Why do YOU think you became an AK.
I'm not sure......because I am active and try to be helpful and friendly? :)
0.)What number question is this?
14/0.) *bzzzzzttzzttztttt...... zzzbztttzzzb..... Error code: 9001.117 system failure.... !-212!$#3?
10.) Does this sentence say nothing?
(My favorite color isn't purple or tan.)
Is it Blue?
*waves goodbye*
EDIT: What do you think of my sig?
I likes it :)

wolfmansbro -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:53:01)

MRITHA! A MtAK, I see... If you see Eric, run the other way.
Running is too slow, I plan on flying away on Odgne! The only thing that can outrun a dragon in full flight is another dragon! :D
In case I did not say so already, Congratulations on your dual AKship.
Thank you! :D
Wait I was not prepared for this...
*gasp* You must always Be Prepared!
Ok. So if I posted last on this page, could I post another 10 questions immediately after?
Would that be double posting?
Would you warn me about posting in the thread about learning about the person warning you?
Um....wait, what?
Are you as confused as I am?
*raises a glass of cheerwine to her* I will make a toast, for you, and luck in all of your purple justice bringing! (or some other inspirational message)
*clinks her glass with his*
*smiles* I wish I could think of more things to say...
*grins* Come back next page if you think of anything :)
I will do to you what I did to both TM and Chisagen on the next page [;)]
Umm......should I be worried? o_o

Talion -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:54:23)

Mritha! ♥
How was your vacation?
I'm making forum avatars. Want one?
Hmmm Idk. I really like the one I have now, but I can always take a look :)
Next time you traveil, come somewhere near Québec :D
hahaha I wil try :)
Gratz on AKship btw.
Thank you!
uhmmm... I cant think of good questions...
It happens :)
Maybe I should stop now?
Only if you want to :)
Nahhh... saw the war's new stats? Will you go for Mithril warmongership?
New stats? And Mithril warmonger......hmmm sounds a lot like my name! How many waves does it cost?
Wanna buy a slightly used cursed apron? :3
*slowly backs away in horror*
Alright then see you in chat Mrithie.
Chat....heh forgot I was logged in lol. I will jump back in later, see you then :)

oh one last thing *evil smile*...
*Paints Mritha's closet in hot pink*
Oh your going to pay for that. Apron Boy.

Kausen -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/28/2011 23:58:51)

*There's a blur and the sound in the distance of the sound and light barriers being broken* Hi.
First off congrats.
Thank you!
Second, what is your favorite book/series? Mine is the Gone series.
Hmm, well Daughter of the Empire, Dragon DelaSangre, Eragon, and Elric are all some of my favorites :)
Third, What is your favorite drink?
Fourth. What kind of powers did the void give you? Don't give me any lip I know of your powers. I just fought you PvP 5 times and baisiclly destroyed your soul, yet you still beat me up.
Purple Corrupts......
Fifth. Please don't go to the dark side :'(. We need warriors like you on our side. If you want i will personally steal back the darkness orb and give you all the purple/pink/black monsters you want, just plz don't go to the dark side.
Butbutbut he darkside has this!
Sixth. How can other soldiers join the void like you did? We need more soldiers like you.
Just start painting random things/people purple like I did :)
Seventh.Does the void corrupt you like DOOM or darkness?
Both in a way, though mostly darkness. :)
Eighth. Can we join other elements like light or ice? (Bacon)
Probably, though I am not quitesure how.
Ninth. If you could have any mutant super power what would it be? Mine would be anything having to do with the mind (telekinesis, mind reading, etc.), laser hands and eyes, super speed which you can see by my intro, or the power to sneak attack with yellow!!! Never mind all of the above.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *dives under a nearby couch and hides*
Good luck on making the world a more purple. It is your job as the child of the void now go and continue your mission. Bye.
*slautes* Will do!
Yellow power activate!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yellow has touched your soul, it has left a permanent stain mwhahahah!!!!! Just kidding it will wear off[:D]
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Thats just mean o_o
You might want to cover your ears now. *My legs become a blur, there's a giant flash of light, and mega sonic boom. You take out your mirror and find your hair singed and blown back, stuck, melted together. There is a giant wild fire trail were i was running.*
*grumbles under her breath and washes her hair with purple purifying soap* There! All better :)
*Your phone rings half a second later* Hello? Get back on the battlefield soldier! By the way your hair will get better. Now get back here now or else i'll come get you and then will be permanently glued together!!
I never left the battlefield! I type between animations ;)

Voodoo Master -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/29/2011 0:42:22)

Heeeeeeeello Mritha
Heyas Voodoo! :D
A double AKshipness? Are you totally insane?
I will take that as a yes [:D]
So congratz [:)]
Thank you :)
Maybe I will be back next page for some questions
I'll be waiting! :D
*waves goodbye*

Lady Greydawn -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/29/2011 0:51:43)

*Sneaks into the thread and looks around* Oh goodie! No one's here! *Whips out can of Spraypaint and paints a message on the wall in blue* There will be NO trading of Orbs! *Goes to Mritha's closet and stashes an entire army of purple minions inside for her*[:D]
*looks at the painting on the wall*
*paints over it with purple* heh heh
Yay purple minions! Gather my purplings, we have an Orb to steal back! :D

No questions for now... I have to think up some good ones.
Congrats oh
Purple One!
*grins* I will be waiting :)
Thank you oh Blue One! :D

StriderAigis -> RE: =MtAK= Mritha (is spreading purple corruption) (5/29/2011 0:57:49)

Hmm so now ur an AK of the GD Congratz!!!
Thank you!
Now i guess its time for teh questions
Paladin or Necromancer?
Seppy or Noxus?
Purple or Light Purple?
Least Fav color?
Fav Anime?
I don't watch anime, though I did read part of the Full Metal Alchamest Manga. It was good though having to read it backwards was confusing lol
Favorite food?
Tacos! :D
Purple is a cool color
Aye that is is :)
5 cookies a-day keeps the doc.... wait.....
Cookies! :D
Well thats it for now, have fun doing AK-Like things :3
Will do! :D *waves goodbye*

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