(HS) Brother and Sister: One Evil, One Good!: Ch.1 Beginnings! (Full Version)

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DarkLore -> (HS) Brother and Sister: One Evil, One Good!: Ch.1 Beginnings! (5/29/2011 11:46:23)

Long ago, before the beginning events of HeroSmash, there lived a brother and sister. Sadly, they never knew who their parents were.
But, they never gave up in their home, which resided in Super Hero City's Orphanage. They did not have any powers to speak of and were ashamed of that fact. They wished to help people and make their unknown parents proud. They longed to be adopted, but that day never came. But on their first day of junior High, they were gladly welcomed by their fellow classmates. They went to their class and introduced themselves. "Hello! My name is Jericho Darko!" The brother replied proudly. "My name is Rebecca Darko." The sister replied sweetly.
"Alright Class! It's time to tell you about the great field trip in store for the entire school this Friday! We're visiting Super Hero City's Power Plant! Isn't that exciting?" Said the teacher. The kids couldn't wait until Friday came. Then, it finally came! The school was told by the staff of the power plant that they could not be held responsible for any injuries that may occur. "This is bogus!" Said a boy with a purple mow-hawk. "Well I think it's cool!" Said Jericho in return. The school then visited the area where they kept the large vats of chemicals. "This is where we keep dangerous chemicals kids." Said the worker. Jericho leaned over the railing that had a vat of strange chemicals under it.
"Hey kid!" Said the boy with the purple mow-hawk. "You think this stuff is so cool? Then take a closer look! Hahahaha! The mean boy then pushed Jericho over the railing and he fell into the vat of strange looking chemicals. "Oh no! My brother!" Rebecca screams in panic.
"Mr. Purple! You come over here right now young man! I saw what you did! You pushed that poor boy!" Screamed the teacher.
"Sorry about that. But he should have been more careful. He shouldn't have been leaning over that highly unstable vat of experimental radioactive poison." Said the worker. Suddenly the vat started bubbling violently. Then, it started draining somehow. "What's going on here!" said the manager of the power plant. Before anybody could say anything else, a hand reached for the top of the vat and emerged.
It was Jericho! But something seemed off. Jericho's once green eyes were now red. His once blonde hair was now a toxic green color. His hair was now in the shape of a mow-hawk. "Muwhahahaha! You dare push me?! Let's see if you survive! Hahahaha!" Jericho said manically.

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