RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (Full Version)

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Raph21 -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 18:11:24)

Frostbane is not the worst, its the most versatile energy weapon in the game and IMO the best looking sword.

frosty123 -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/30/2011 19:10:14)

Frostbane is BEAST!!!!! Look give the legenary weps a extra atk thingy. Okay the extra atkcould cause side effects. LIke example. Frostbane select the trhing and the guy who wields frostbane puts his sword in the air and screams. I am beast. Zeus shcoks the sword and it takes out energy the guy hits the dude in the head with the sword and hopfully 10 percent dtun. And Arazels bane can be. Wave the sword in the air and scream He is dead then fire his the sword and burns the energy out of his hand. He hits the oppenant with the sword and 5 percent extra damage. For the weird cleaver you wave the sword in the air and the sword enlarges. 7% hit and 2 % extra damage. Or each wepon should have a energy bar that its special affect can only be used once. Or select a skll and it will csay do you wish to use the swords special affect. Yes or NO?

DillBagel -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (5/31/2011 1:42:40)

You can't beat Lowe without your frost weapons? I made an awesome build with my level 31 BH alt and killed him, no frost weapons, before he was the mayor of noobsville. I used my own weapons (Axes of Fury) btw.

MrBones -> RE: Frostbane, Azrael Bane and Celtic Cleaver. (6/1/2011 8:28:41)


I killed lowe with a celtic cleaver and not when he was nerfed...

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