megakyle777 -> RE: (HS)The Rise Of Shadowcorp! (7/15/2011 12:07:55)
Chapter One: Portrait of a Hero Jae smiled. For once in her busy schedule as a hero, she was having a break. She had overworked herself to the point of nearly fainting last week due to the incident with Vincent Van Hot, who had claimed that He would put out the fire on Pandora's Statue when he got a snapshot of it, and forcibly protested when they tried to put it out. So she had decided to walk along one of Herospire's magnificant gardens when she got a call from her Smashphone. "That's odd" She thought to herself. "I'm not on duty. Defiant's taken over my area while I recuperate. Why would someone ring me? I had better answer it." So she did so, and was shocked when it flew to the ground and caused a hologram to appear! Now, the hologram thing was not too unusual in itself and was usual technology (Though most used normal video fedd), but the fact that whoever was behind it was masked was. "Greetings and Salutations, Miss Jae." The strange masked man said. "Who are you and how did you get this line?" Jae yelled, shocked. "I can get ahold of a great many thing Miss Jae. But for the sakes of this conversation, you may call me The Dealer." "The Dealer!" Jae thought to herself. The Dealer was but a rumor and a myth, a mysterious figure said to be able to supply anyone with anything! "But he can't be real, can he?" "I assure you I am quite real milady." "Did you just read my mind?" That should be impossible with my defences!" "No, it's just everyone wonders if I am real the first time I meet them. But I wish to change that. I wish to make The Dealer, and my products, a household name. Well a villanious household name anyway. And you can help me with that." "What makes you think I would ever help you?" "Because I beleive I can restore your sister's mind." Jae was stunned speechless. She had talked to noone about the events that had occured about her sister Raeven. Taken in from a life of tourture by the monsterious Clown the Jester, a being who took delight in causing chaos and dispair to many, her mind had been lost and all she wanted to do now was cause pain and terror to all she met. The prospect of her sanity restored and thus the chance to save her from such misery was a tempting one to Jae. But she had heard of this Dealer and how he twisted his words to meet his ends, and before even considering it, she wanted to know how he would do it. "Oh, it's quite simple." The Dealer said when asked. "I know that you worry that I would tourture or mind control her or something, but rest easy. I have built a machine that can restore sanity in a person. You can have a scientist friend of your examine it if you like. In return for me turning her sane, I shall require you to fill in Form 27 - B from the local council saying that you give consent to my proposal of making Shadowcorp a legitimate company." "There must be some kind of catch." "I shall admit that all is not as good as it seems. All I can do is restore her sanity. I cannot actualy change her worldviews. While I can remove many of the things that Clown placed inside her mind to influence that, I cannot change it with my machine without tampering with her mind myself. It will be up to you to influence her to the side of good. All I can do is lay the groundwork and make it possible." A part of Jae was screaming "Don't do it! He will betray you!" but at this point she did not care. The Dealer had won her over with his honesty on the subject. Besides, he needed two other heroes, a Judge, and a Government official to push it though anyway. Noone would ever find out, and if they did, it would not matter. "...Very well. You have a deal." "Good. I shall keep my word on the subject when the proposal is either refused or accepted. I will be keeping a recording of this conversation as evidence of the deal, and I suggest you do the same. Have a nice day!" The Hologram faded and the line went dead. Jae thought she had done the right thing for her sister. She tried to say to herself that there was no way the proposal would pass. She almost convinced herself. But she had to do it now. Still, she could not hep but feel that something was not right. And for some reason, the thought failed to register: "Surely he would have planned to get the others needed?"