-Drain Bamaged (Full Version)

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No Brainer -> -Drain Bamaged (5/30/2011 10:50:34)

Hi, I'm somewhat new to the AEF, on other forums I was in I typed -Drain Bamaged at the end of every post I posted, It has just crossed my mind that it could be offensive/mean, Should I refrain from typing -Drain Bamaged at the end of every post?

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
Thanks in advance.

The Forgotten -> RE: -Drain Bamaged (5/30/2011 20:50:15)

I don't see how it's particularly offensive, unless you start directing it maliciously at other users.

No Brainer -> RE: -Drain Bamaged (5/30/2011 21:58:27)

Well, I would never use it in such a way, I thought it may be offensive if someone or someone close to them may suffer from a medical condition.

Stray Cat -> RE: -Drain Bamaged (5/31/2011 1:34:27)

Although I agree with The Forgotten's evaluation that, so long as you are not using it to hurt other users, you should be fine, it's not really possible for us to determine whether someone will be offended upon seeing the words. Even if someone close to a patient or a patient himself finds it inoffensive, that can't be taken to represent the opinions of all such people. On the other hand, even if it isn't normal to react in such a way and is therefore impossible to predict, one particular person might be offended. So if you genuinely believe that there is no cause for worry, then I think you should follow up on that and continue as you always have. If, however, you yourself believe that there is the possibility of offending someone, then I think that's sufficient rationale for avoiding the use of "Drain Bamaged".

No Brainer -> RE: -Drain Bamaged (5/31/2011 7:23:46)

Alright, thanks guys. I won't use it ^^

Resolved. Locked. ~Stray Cat

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