RE: 'no heal' Requests (Full Version)

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Mr. Black OP -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/1/2011 23:56:01)

i say "dont tell me what to do nub ill own u 1 way or the other now shutup and fight"
they actually stop talkin the entire fight after this lol
or "like a really need to heal? i cld beat u in 2 atks" then i smoke wait till massacre and kill lol

Death -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/2/2011 1:15:46)

They request that and then they go and heal themselves anyways.
They are just trollz

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/2/2011 10:15:02)

@Lord Siniastir Their just little 10 year old kids who cant take defeat over a computer game.

ajs777 -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/2/2011 11:55:19)

lol lord sinister, with your permission to use those words, i think i will start doing that to people lol

Lycus -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/2/2011 12:02:46)

One thing that you can do, that is a very good tactic, that not only makes you not annoyed, but also you can find very amusing - is to protend you speak another language and you really don't understand what they are saying :P If they say 'No heal' you just type in some random stuff that looks like you genuinely speak a differant language - problem solved, and you can laugh as they get all confused :D

veneeria -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/2/2011 12:31:18)

A tag would really be nice.. but an ignore button is just plain a genius idea. Just reporting someone doesn't help at all.. actuality.

endtime -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/2/2011 20:15:40)

This is what I say to people who call me noob (feel free to copy the quote in battle):

"Noobs don't win. Since u r losing guess who is the noob?"

ninjatom -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/2/2011 22:44:26)

I usually just do not heal because i do not like being called noob, especially in two vs two were other people sometimes join in, but after reveiwing these comments i see no reason not to.


They say "no heal" I say "no attack" :D

That has got to be my favorite response. Mind if i use it too 8x?

Thanks digital :)

Digital X -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (6/3/2011 3:35:15)

[quote] Text here [/quote]

@Ninjatom, I usually don't heal for the same reason as well, for the name calling how ever slight. But if they heal first, then i know i can too :) (Obviously you can anyway, but without the name calling)

charwelly -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 1:29:53)

" No Heal" 1 of the noobs favourite fraises i just ignore them

ND Mallet -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 1:38:43)

I haven't got a "no heal" for awhile actually.

Opponent: *Malfs*
Me: *Malfs*
O: *crits with Plasma Bolt* No heal
Me: No attack then. *kills with Gun*
Me: Ty

The whole "no attack" idea failed but succeeded all at once.

Defiant -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 4:42:44)

The moment your enemy has the advantage, "no heal" is called. If you heal, they will call you a noob. The moment you have the advantage, they become hypocrites and heal themselves.

Everyone can heal. Every class has it available, and if someone invested stat points and skill points so they can heal; so be it! If they didn't heal, it'd be like taking away all those points and leaving them at a big disadvantage.

We need to get the words "no heal" filtered, imho.

Gold -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 4:45:52)

And also the numbers and/or signs that can be used to imply such a message. :P

redxtra -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 10:49:22)


We need to get the words "no heal" filtered, imho.

it would be funny tho
opponent- "no heal"
system boots him off the game
me- "woot free xp [:D]

charwelly -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 17:03:40)

i like the way you think

Tiago X -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 17:17:48)

@redextra: that wold be awesome for juggernauts : )

EDluyil -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 19:16:38)

My opposite day strategy works great.

Him: No heal
Me: Today is opposite day, so I'm healing.
I heal
Him: Noob
Me: Oh tyvm for the compliment
Him: You suck.
Me: tyvm again for the compliment

Aere -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 21:07:51)

I never understood why people were annoyed by this. There's a chat button for a reason, and it's not like the chat affects the battle in any way (Unless you don't heal :p)

Death Gigas -> RE: 'no heal' Requests (7/3/2011 22:28:41)

A few days ago, my opponent said, "No heal", I beat him my next turn, I didn't need to heal anyways. He needed it.

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