Default Background (Full Version)

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BlueKatz -> Default Background (6/2/2011 0:44:06)

The Default Background on this Forum is light blue. It looks as not good as Gray Back (the other color) I wonder if we can change the default to Gray Black?

And maybe add newer Background color like DF's Red or Dark Blue?

Womba -> RE: Default Background (6/2/2011 1:36:03)

There's already a "Red" forum background. Red/Gold makes the forums background a reddish color, and many of the links highlighted in a dull yellow (so it doesn't hurt anyones eyes). I see no need for this as the 3 choices already given are fine as is. I can see what you're getting at however, the blue just makes everything a bland gray. And the "Dark" just takes the blue and darkens everything from there.

BlueKatz -> RE: Default Background (6/2/2011 6:09:55)

Oh, I think Gold Red is new because I didn't see it few years ago. Dark red would be cooler though

Womba -> RE: Default Background (6/2/2011 6:21:47)

Anything but new. It's been a choosable option there since I first joined the forums back in 08. That was quite a bit of time before the crash even.

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