Rate Suggestions (Full Version)

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Acer DeVille -> Rate Suggestions (6/2/2011 7:50:06)

Here is the idea, I come up with an idea for a suggestion, so I go to the suggestion board, where I see that someone else has posted the same suggestion. Right now all I can do is forget the idea, or post a secondary post. Or while I'm there I see another suggestion that I really love, or really hate, all I can do is just ignore it, or make a secondary post. So here is the idea....

place a button for

"Me Too"
"Not Me"

or even 1,2,3,4,5, rating button at the bottom of a post, that way we can have some input to the suggestions posted. It would make things easier on the AK's trying to keep up with multiple post, or the staff trying to look over the suggestions to see what ideas the player want (at least the one's that are actually feasible).

I realize that not all suggestions are feasible when it comes to coding and such, but this way the staff can easily see what the majority of players would like to see, and even with the one's that aren't feasible, the players will at least feel that they have some more input. I know that if I could vote yes or no on suggestions, no matter if I actually saw results from every vote, I would feel that the staff was listening to my concerns more than they are now (which the DF team is wonderful, don't know about the others). This is just another way for the players and staff to communicate without taking up any more of the staff's time, and hopefully make things easier on the AK's and staff, and get the players more involved.

Maybe make it so that you have to search for your idea before posting, to avoid multiple post.

drDOT -> RE: Rate Suggestions (6/2/2011 13:05:11)

I don't think this is really needed.
If a suggestion is already made and you don't have anything to add to it or nothing against, you can simply not post.
On the other hand, I bet the forum staff would rather have you guys posting improvements you would add to a suggestion or reasons why a suggestion shouldn't be implemented, instead of a high/low rating.

Acer DeVille -> RE: Rate Suggestions (6/3/2011 17:03:12)


I bet the forum staff would rather have you guys posting improvements you would add to a suggestion or reasons why a suggestion shouldn't be implemented, instead of a high/low rating.

If this is the case, then let us "Post Reply". Even with this this I still believe that with the suggestion thread we should have to search for a topic before posting, and the suggestion forum be organized by topic/suggestion instead of person. I told someone the other day, different people organize things differently, and I don't think anyone is doing it wrong, just saying that it makes sense to me to do it by topic, it would make it easier for the poster to see what others have posted on that subject, and can then just post the improvements to a suggestion, instead of a completely different post. It would take up less server space also, once you cut down on the duplicate post.
I have already volunteered my time to comb through the forum and make a list (including links) of all the duplicate post, and topics if it will help the staff. If I'm asked I'll do it, if I'm not asked that is OK also. It's just that I see something that I think will help and I'm willing to help do the work, if it's decided that the staff wants my help.

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: Rate Suggestions (6/4/2011 14:27:38)

yeah, why did replying in suggestion forums get disabled anyways?

i understand through the destinyknight incident that it resulted in terrible spammage, but it's still a forum, it can be moderated like a normal forum.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Rate Suggestions (6/4/2011 20:06:03)

Because there are usually a grand total of two Archknights moderating DF Sugg. Two people cannot be expected to clean up 94 pages of suggestions threads, much less clean those threads if they all allow replies.

Replies tended to be spam or not useful in DF Suggestions, anyways. Things like 'I like this', while nice, are not really doing anything but adding more clutter to an already heavy traffic board.

At one point, a rating system existed for mods to rate people's posts, but it was discontinued. I'm not seeing any particular reason to implement such a system in DF Suggestions, as it really doesn't contribute anything to the board. Staff will choose suggestions on their own, based on their own judgment. While popular opinion can be useful at times, it is not always perfect and players will not always know the line between what is and what is not a feasible idea.

dig yo -> RE: Rate Suggestions (6/5/2011 13:47:17)

I would prefer a rating on suggestions, e.g. stars...... Especially on the art suggestions. This way Ae could pick the ones the fans like the most. The only problem I see is preference over certain artists..... maybe it is best to let the people who already pick the items, keep picking them....[:D] Kinda did a loop there.... You know what I was getting at though, right?

The Forgotten -> RE: Rate Suggestions (6/6/2011 0:33:54)

dig yo, please read LB's post right above yours.


Staff will choose suggestions on their own, based on their own judgment. While popular opinion can be useful at times, it is not always perfect and players will not always know the line between what is and what is not a feasible idea.

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