Acer DeVille -> Rate Suggestions (6/2/2011 7:50:06)
Here is the idea, I come up with an idea for a suggestion, so I go to the suggestion board, where I see that someone else has posted the same suggestion. Right now all I can do is forget the idea, or post a secondary post. Or while I'm there I see another suggestion that I really love, or really hate, all I can do is just ignore it, or make a secondary post. So here is the idea.... place a button for "Me Too" or "Not Me" or even 1,2,3,4,5, rating button at the bottom of a post, that way we can have some input to the suggestions posted. It would make things easier on the AK's trying to keep up with multiple post, or the staff trying to look over the suggestions to see what ideas the player want (at least the one's that are actually feasible). I realize that not all suggestions are feasible when it comes to coding and such, but this way the staff can easily see what the majority of players would like to see, and even with the one's that aren't feasible, the players will at least feel that they have some more input. I know that if I could vote yes or no on suggestions, no matter if I actually saw results from every vote, I would feel that the staff was listening to my concerns more than they are now (which the DF team is wonderful, don't know about the others). This is just another way for the players and staff to communicate without taking up any more of the staff's time, and hopefully make things easier on the AK's and staff, and get the players more involved. Maybe make it so that you have to search for your idea before posting, to avoid multiple post.