Improvements to the Creative Art Section (Full Version)

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Stelios -> Improvements to the Creative Art Section (6/2/2011 9:33:41)

Well, I've been around the art section a lot now and it seems to be dead and derelict most of the time. So I ask the forum staff to make some improvements and encorage more visitors to come by the creative boards. I would love to see it as buzzing and alive as the L&L boards. I feel that the people would enjoy such things as I know many great artists who know next to nothing about the Creative Art section.

Thanks for taking the time to read my suggestion! ^_^

drDOT -> RE: Improvements to the Creative Art Section (6/2/2011 12:58:11)

It's easy to say "make some improvements", it's harder to find good ones.
Firstly, the new layout of Creative Arts made some old artists find other places to show their artworks.
Another reason the activity is so low there is the AdventureQuest Worlds Suggestion board. Many, fresh or old artists, focused their work on the AdventureQuest Worlds style, hoping to get their items made in-game. If you look around, most of the pieces are now hosted on Twitter and linked in AQW Suggestion board. Only a few artists still post their works in Creative Arts.
Now, to make improvements. It is really hard, given the on-going activity. Bringing back new contests like Illustration of the Week and Signature of the Week don't work very well because we don't have enough contestants.
I guess until someone comes up with a very, very good idea, the Creative Arts board will be inactive.

Khelios -> RE: Improvements to the Creative Art Section (6/2/2011 14:20:35)

If you have any suggestions, what would you propose? It is easy to say improvements can be made, and we have tried to make the boards more open and hosted events in hopes to increase board activity in the past. We have and will continue to encourage people to be active in the boards.

As drDOT pointed out, some people use the boards as a means of showing art targeted to weapon or armor designs for one of the games. This certainly isn't prohibited, however there's a difference between using the boards as a community and using them only to show off your work.

I've seen multiple tournament and contest ideas come to life, but after the initial interest level has been obtained, it dies down and the number of entries received often isn't the same as the number of entrants. SOTW and IOTW used to happen, as their names stand for, weekly. The number of entries I receive has dwindled and greatly stalled any IOTW or SOTW event from happening.

Now, there are plans for future events and ideas that could help promote activity, including one that hopefully will kick off in the next month or so. There's no immediate solution that will make the Creative Arts section buzz with activity, as you put it. However, do note that we are trying to increase activity.

Stelios -> RE: Improvements to the Creative Art Section (6/3/2011 8:41:10)

I understand that the people are posting in suggestion shop threads so why not move that section to Creative Art? That way more people will have to come there to submit. And if they're anything like me, they'll have a good dig around the whole section to get a feel and hopefully be intrigued enough to make a start on other types of art that they have not tried before.

And Khelios, I look forward to this event that will occur in a month or so.

O_O Brainwave! How about all the art competitions that go on once in a while? Why don't they all be posted in the Art section?

Alpha Atom -> RE: Improvements to the Creative Art Section (6/3/2011 8:50:04)

About your last point, I don't think it's a lack of awareness, more a lack of willingness to participate, but I could be wrong. I guess it's worth a try to post a link in there.

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