Where do I post it? (Full Version)

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Gabby21 -> Where do I post it? (6/3/2011 7:16:06)

So if for example, I wanted people in the forums to do these for me:

1. Cut-out my AQW character?
2. Make a plushy version of myself?
3. I want a better signature?

Where do I post my request? The Artistic Requests Page? If so, what thread on it?

bsteiny16 -> RE: Where do I post it? (6/3/2011 7:35:05)

If you want to have a sig, go here.

Lady Azjurai -> RE: Where do I post it? (6/3/2011 7:36:09)

Can all likely be found right here. You'd need to choose which person/persons you'd like to make the art yourself though, everyone has their own personal tastes ;)

Many of the threads in there will make a plushie/signature if you ask nicely (just make sure to read any shop specific rules in their threads). But just to give you a head-start, see below.

More sigs

Can also use the link from the above poster of course ;) Happy shopping :D

Gabby21 -> RE: Where do I post it? (6/5/2011 21:57:26)



Is Lady Azjurai really a Toaster Thief? Just asking...

Locked on request. Also yes, I am (changed from stealing doormats) ~ Lady Azjurai

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