Retrosaur -> Common Courtesy - Guide in EpicDuel to Treating Players Equally (6/9/2011 22:38:21)
Here's my guide on basic common courtesy within EpicDuel. Most of you should know this, if not, try it! Everyone knows that common courtesy is the way to have others respect you. Dale Carnegie's book "How to Make Friends", exemplifies that common courtesy is one of the ways to really get people to think and rationalize with you. Thus, I am in the process of writing this guide so that others may also learn and follow the ways of the Force (:D) I have seen a lot of hatin' in EpicDuel as well lots of lovin' in EpicDuel. I have played matches against ragers, or trolls (although I do find them mildly amusing). I have played matches against competent people. And one thing that separates the men from the boys, or the women from the gals is courtesy. The first command is /spawn. Nah just kidding :D (Minecraft reference). The first thing you should try is before beginning a match is saying "Good luck". Most of the time I play against a higher level, or more varium, or lower level, no matter the circumstances, always say "Good Luck". Now some of you may say that "Good Luck" could be used to troll others. Especially when you face someone five levels below you. What matters is that by saying "Good Luck", you "connect" with them; at least you don't go trolling "NOOB U SUK I GONZ PWNZ YOU MEHEHEHE". Whenever I play against LvL32-33, full variumed or not, even if it's obvious they have an advantage over me, I still say Good Luck, to which they respond "You too". Such greetings should be common around EpicDuel. I once played against a particular fellow, who took my "Good luck" as an insult, as I had Energy Eggzooka (Sorry, non-variums). Then I trolled him to death, typing exactly what I have typed before here (i type fast), then all of sudden he was like, oh sorry. Then a week later I happened to play against him, and he even complimented me, saying, "Nice Build" (he said "Good Luck"). If only all players could be like that. ------------ ROUND TWO: Compliments The best thing you can do to make others like you is compliment them. No, don't say "You have a sucky build, hooray, now it's an easy win!". Instead compliment them. Say something like, "Nice build.". Or you could say "Nice weps :3". Most players do this. However, I have met players who "flatter" me. DO NOT FLATTER (says Dale Carnegie). They tried to flatter me, then followed with a "Can I win?". Sometimes I let lower levels win if they have common courtesy like that. Because what I hate are people who go "Wow, nice build, I really like your weps, your pretty cool, your pretty pro." followed by a "CAN I WIN? PLZZZZZZ I NEED GP WINS NOW :D" Anyways, that's all for now. I'll add more soon. Sorry for the slang, wish I had more linguistic capabilities. I'll prolly add a section on foruming (though there are rules and all).