Sketching methods (Full Version)

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Ronin -> Sketching methods (6/10/2011 10:38:04)

Yep. That old-discussion-which-you-all-love.
This is mostly for artists who use both:

1) Paper
2) Drawing software

The point of this discussion is: Which do you find more comfortable? Sketching in paper or in software like Flash?

My answer: I'd go with Flash. Easier to erase and somehow, I just click with it.

flamingknight11 -> RE: Sketching methods (6/10/2011 20:11:34)

Paper. I feel, i have more control and easier to create the many effects. And shading on flash is just really hard for me. (But my answer most likely because I just started out with flash and is still very, very bad at it)

Davosaur -> RE: Sketching methods (6/10/2011 20:29:01)

There is a quality that can only be achieved by hand drawing. That being said, the vice versa is also true.
In the end it is what you feel most comfortable using.

I would say hand-drawing or digital program with a tablet is more effective for me. After all, uniqueness is what makes art, art.

Ronin -> RE: Sketching methods (6/10/2011 23:05:47)

@FK11: It just needs practise :)
@Davyo:'s the long-gone Davyosaur :D WB, Apo. Also, yes. Wonderful words, my friend.

Glais -> RE: Sketching methods (6/20/2011 1:06:28)

I've never had the computer programs for drawing, only paper. That being said, I agree that the qualities from each are very different.
As I can only hand draw, that's what I do but I'm wondering if drawing with a tablet or so is easier or more difficult. Seems like you could get more effects easier out of it.

Hadal Serpent -> RE: Sketching methods (6/20/2011 1:16:49)

I'm better off with paper. It feels as if the work done on that piece of paper was more directly done by you.

I should look around the forums more expandedly. I never thought I could find a thread like this! :P

Smalls -> RE: Sketching methods (6/26/2011 14:59:06)

For me I tend to like, sketch with paper. But when I'm out of paper (like right now) I'll use my computer
But paper is so much easier for me, I have a greater control over what I'm doing on there I guess, I don't have to worry about my tablet bugging out and stuff

Crystal Lion -> RE: Sketching methods (11/5/2011 4:04:06)

I like sketching on paper, especially notebook paper. I feel that I can draw more complicated poses on paper compared to on the computer. Though I like coloring digitally, since you can undo color mistakes there.

Nerd Sage -> RE: Sketching methods (11/5/2011 12:39:21)

i prefer paper cause you can you draw anything without having to click certain tools and such, but i still like flash beacause it also saves time with shading things in and coloring.
all in all, i prefer paper!

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