Powermerged Drakel Armor V6 (Full Version)

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Ello -> Powermerged Drakel Armor V6 (6/11/2011 21:34:29)


Powermerged Drakel Armor V6

Level: 23
Price: Drakel Power Armor V6 & Drakel Power Cell
Sellback: Needed

Location: Power Up!

HP: 349
EP: 204
EP Regen: 17

Immobility: 50

Description: An experimental mecha design by QjikHan at Khaeldron Labs. This version has an Advanced Cockpit.
Image: Powermerged Drakel Armor

Image thanks to Avantir

golden1231 -> RE: Powermerged Drakel Armor V6 (1/31/2012 20:57:40)

Drakel Star Lance

Equip Slot: Front Arm
Damage type: Laser
Damage: 50-62
Hits: 1
Energy: 35
Cooldown: 2
Bonuses: N/A
Special Effect:
  • Chance of halting energy regen for two turns.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: A lance of pure lightning that may disrupt your opponent's ability to regenerate energy.
    Image: Attacking

    Mana Star Phaser

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 51-63
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 35
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Splits damage between HP and EP of the enemy.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: A rapid-firing magical weapon that fires bolts of mana that may also drain your opponent's energy.
    Image: Power Blaster, Attacking

  • golden1231 -> RE: Powermerged Drakel Armor V6 (1/31/2012 21:00:34)

    Star Disruptor

    Equip Slot: Front Shoulder/Back Shoulder
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 46-66
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 35
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Adds 2 cooldown to the opponent's back shoulder/front shoulder weapon.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: A rapid firing autogun that can force your opponent's weapon to overheat.
    Image: Overclocking Autogun, Attacking

  • golden1231 -> RE: Powermerged Drakel Armor V6 (1/31/2012 21:01:41)

    Advanced Cockpit

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Ranges: 0-0
    Damage Type: Laser
    Hits: 0
    Energy: 0
    Cooldown: 8
    Bonuses: N/A
    Special Effects:
  • Boost and Defense BoT of +10 per turn for 5 turns

    Combos: N/A

    Description: This cockpit has pre-programmed combar maneuvers that can give you a growing boost to Defensive and Offensive system.
    Attack Image: Link

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