Sparticus -> RE: What was like before class change. (6/14/2011 11:21:54)
Whoooah there. Class change was never the most requested feature ever ever ever. There was a small but vocal minority that pushed for that feature, they were super aggressive about posting and that made it look like everyone wanted it but if you checked the names of the posters you would have found the total number posting for this feature was relatively small. The main reason the feature was enacted was as a revenue generator. Allowing class changes at the same time class nerfing/skill nerfing began in earnest was no coincidence. It drove players to spend varium, class change to what they perceived was the oped class until it became nerfed and then just class changed again to the next OPed class. Need proof? Look at the leaderboard and remember how most of the top players moved from class to class as the class became OPed. (with the notable exception of my dear Fay Beee who, like me, is a BH forever) If this was just a feature to add fun to the game, it would have been priced in credits and be affordable. All premium features cost varium to enhance revenues. No one can deny that. As to the OP: Before class change, players were proud of their class, tried harder to make interesting new builds for their class and things were much less confusing. Add name changes and you can't tell who is who or what they are any more. Next thing you know gender changes will be released and we will have big male mercs running around with the name hot kitty or female BH's named BOB.