(HS) OminX Commentary and Dissicussion (Full Version)

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Master Kage -> (HS) OminX Commentary and Dissicussion (6/13/2011 12:53:58)

Here you can comment on My AE (HS) Fan Fiction OminX

Velmur -> RE: (HS) OminX Commentary and Dissicussion (6/19/2011 0:14:22)

Not bad. It's got potential, you really need to add more details and more of your character's thoughts, though.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) OminX Commentary and Dissicussion (6/22/2011 12:16:11)

Hmm... I like it... Very good way of starting it off, you have...

I do not believe you're logic is sound on the law enforcement thing, butthen again, you ARE insane...

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) OminX Commentary and Dissicussion (6/22/2011 21:34:21)

NOOOOOOO!!! NOT ANOTHER CLOWN *calms down* good intro,could use some more details and action though.

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) OminX Commentary and Dissicussion (6/23/2011 14:43:10)

One bad day. Thats all it takes...for a normal man to become a MONSTER! One bad...rotten...terrible...nasty day. Thats all that seperates your people from our people. Theres no canyon seperating us, no wall...just a line drawn in purple chalk. All you need to do is cross the line...or be pushed over it.

Some of us don't get a choice.

Dare to cross? Once you do...theres no going back. Heh heh heh.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: (HS) OminX Commentary and Dissicussion (7/7/2011 2:15:55)

Geez is there a joker quote you don't know?

Anyway in my opinion it's a bit to short.

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