goldslayer1 -> RE: Balancing Overpowered Mercs and Buffing Underpowered Mages. (6/14/2011 16:44:47)
@mir yeah but i wasn't using a heal loop build. i didn't have the right items for it back then. and it was late august when i started playing a little more and mid october when i decided to go for 2 vs 2 champ. at that time heal loop had just been nerfed and focus damage was focus X7. either way i only had beta gear to use back then and impulse armor physical. quote:
Guys you both bh, right so you can't complain, their are many builds for you, mages got only too and we are so ****ing bored about them, we need more creative and effective builds , if we abusse a stats we are pnealized, bh and mercs aree not penalized so hard like we are. Mages need seriously a buff, we won't stop until we are fairly balanced with bhs and mercs. If you didn't know, I have always been a mage and always will be. i been a mage around 4 times, a BH about 5 times, and a merc about 6 times (i originally started as a merc so im counting that one) right now im a BH. and im thinking of going mage or waiting for the new classes to come out. since i have 6k varium thats enough for the next 4 class change allowing me to try all of the new classes and then go back to any that i like. mages have good builds 5 focus: tech abusing with physical armor, dex abusing with energy armor, support abusing with moderate dex/tech support mage: heavy support with low dex and high hp. moderate dex while still high support. caster mage: heavy tech abuse with 4-5 focus and a physical armor with a moderate malf. (altho some people say its very weak, it isn't as weak as people exaggerate.) Heal Loop: altho people say heal looping is dead, it isn't. its just less effective than before. but still pretty strong. (dont come telling me its dead because i made a build a while back and tested and got almost 98% without npcs.) strength mage: with about 87 str moderate/high dex with a good DA and malf and 94-110 hp and ur set to go. just make sure ur gun is physical and ur primary is energy. just because im a BH doesn't mean i cant say that they are OP. they are OP in fact, thats why im using it atm to get a load of wins. yesterday i did 350 wins with 96.2% with str BH. the day before that i did 370 at 93%, the day before that i did 500 at 93%, and the day before that i did 500 at 93% im thinking of doing 400 today and 500 tomorrow.