DeathSpawn -> RE: Bountys massacre needs to be nerf (6/16/2011 1:22:39)
Ouch head hurts now after reading that lol. Agreed bounties have been sliding by a little but not as much as you would state. Keep in mind it's easy for someone whose been a mage the entire game to say something about another class and I use to think as you do but after changing classes 15 times I realized it's not really as lop sided as you say it is. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Luck. There will always be something there to beat another just gotta go with the build that doesn't have as many counters. Unfortunately it sounds as if your weak against physical and just not shielding, malfing, and gunning at the right times so it seems as if bounties are just pwners :) Also I believe everything is free for mods, something I remember from when I started a year and a half ago who knows if it's still true or not, and it's super easy for them to just switch to the stronger class. Mods are also some of the worst 33 variums I've ever played in this game lol beat a couple starting team battles alone (They know who they are lol) so I wouldn't get hung up on what class they are bro just concentrate on your timing and do the calculations for yourself at the worst case scenario before choosing what to do when. Practice makes perfect. You'll start pwning fools in no time :)