RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (Full Version)

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theosenia -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/12/2012 14:27:27)

@ gerri: THAT my friend, is the "greatest mystery" on Paxia! [8D]

Seriously,good question! It's a problem imo,as the numbers between the free n guardian take ages IF EVER to "synchronise". Loads of views n discussions on the matter during the past but 2 things I can be quite certain of:

1) The difference between the free n guardian normally should be around 200 wins/attacks but there r times that was more than 10k!!! o.0 n

2) Imo the free is not so much to be trusted,unless u have at least a couple of waves before u take a screenie.What I mean is:

You start playing on the free n u see for example a - 1750 for D. U may as well take a screenie without knowing that the most probable thing to happen next is have just 1 wave look at the score again n now it could show -2000 or -1500! Now WHICH is the "right" score/screenie?

You'll start noticing these things when u play during the weekend... [:)]

EDIT: I own page 5! XD

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/12/2012 16:48:03)

Hope you don't mind sharing page 5.. ^_^

Going by your experiences the conquest is gonna be an even bigger gamble than I expected if it's not only based on 99.999% of the player populace possibly influencing the outcome despite not being active in the Paxia forums but also based on defense force counts that might be completely different if taken at slightly different times. Not that I mind it. Kinda sounds like fun. At least, as long as Aerodu is winning.. [:D]

By the way, when I checked a few minutes ago (4.37pm server time) the counts were almost exactly identical between both servers.

theosenia -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/12/2012 16:59:19)

Not at all!
I've seen so many times other ppl using the "I own this page" before,I just wanted to use it once! [8D]

Well,good luck this weekend n have loads of fun!!! (Just keep at the back of your head a couple of "tips" I tried to give u about the score n different servers. [;)] )

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/12/2012 17:24:18)

It's simple: the more people play, the more the numbers fluctuate. And when are the most people playing? Exactly, on the weekends.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/12/2012 17:30:39)

It doesn't matter about the difference between servers, I believe I've mentionned that we all use the Adventurer server while doing the contest. The said screwed synchronisation between the two servers wouldn't affect the contest.

But we've seen in the past that some people from the forums logged in at the same time can do quite a difference in a matter of time. Especially Lucians. Let's not underestimate those who farm Paxia that aren't even active on the forums.

theosenia -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/12/2012 17:32:41)


unless u have at least a couple of waves before u take a screenie.

This is simple too... A tip regarding the free server screenies! :-)

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/12/2012 17:57:29)

Hmm interesting,good thing the screwed synchronisation,does`t affect the contest though.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/13/2012 13:23:05)

Well, it would have had for me since I only realized the part "we use the adventurer server" yesterday and usually play at the guardian one. ^_^

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/13/2012 16:55:33)

So does this weeks contest start today or tomorrow?

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/13/2012 17:19:54)

It should start in 6hours 40 when it's midnight at GMT-5, i.e. with the server reset..

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/14/2012 0:22:07)

I can tell that this is going to be an interesting weekend, but I can't say anymore until the weekend is done.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/14/2012 10:15:04)

so far Dynami's up 500 points and Nautica's down 100, so if Dynami chose to attack us, we're done.

EDIT: my gosh! Dynami just jumped up to 1500!!!!

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/14/2012 13:06:53)

We ain't sleepin' over here.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/14/2012 14:09:11)

I was. Sleeping I mean but now I'm back for some more. I've altrady exp capped earlier though...

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 6:51:38)

Not much time left now, can't wait to see the results. I will see if I can get a few more waves in later.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 8:22:42)

Dynami up by 2,700 points.... there's just no way I can beat +2k waves and counting in one day.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 9:05:56)

Dynami's score is a mystery to me. Almost feels like attacking them counts towards their defense forces instead of against them.. )-:

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 9:26:42)


Dynami's score is a mystery to me. Almost feels like attacking them counts towards their defense forces instead of against them.. )-:

wait, maybe it does... let me try something real quick. just need to remember 63309

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 9:28:10)

Let`s hope it doesn`t.That one be a big bug.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 9:40:27)

ok, tried attacking Lucian, but they jumped from -63309 to -63371. It seems that this is going to be REALLY hard to test. ALSO there's no guarentee that Lucian would be bugged exactly like Dynami (if it is bugged).

IDK, but Dynami went from -1730 to -2300 so they seem to be going down.

EDIT: attacked and now it's back to -1741 again. I think there just might be a bug.

EDIT 2: now at -2682. I don't know what's going on, but keep doing it!

theosenia -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 10:27:44)

*cough* Bad weather around here n all...

I think there just might be a bug.
I must have caught a cold or smth... *cough* [:D]

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 14:28:15)

Dynami isn't bugged, we capped around 10 chars while defending in the past hours, which should explain the raise in points. Or rather the reduction of the negative points we're in right now. The only thing that might be bugged (or not proper synched) is the display of the scores. It always seems to be confused when there are many wins coming in in a short time. Hopefully it will settle down over time.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 15:19:20)

Woah, respect for your efforts Dynami!!!

I wasn't meaning to discredit them in any way when I jokingly called your improvement a mystery. What did and still does puzzle me is the massive difference in score between Dynami's score on my two chars that play Paxia simultaneously. The gap I'm seeing right now between them is 600, it was 2000 at times but I guess that can also be attributed to you having that many wins at the same time. Respects for that again! It's a well deserved win for you guys.. [;)]

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/15/2012 19:18:25)

Yeah, everyone sees that gap, including us. The paxia code is to blame.

And thanks :D

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/16/2012 0:20:05)

Time's up! Now, for the results. I must say, this is the first time that I have to calculate so much.

Weekly Results:
-Nautica moved to take back C5, now Dynami's territory.
Nautica gained 45 points, while Dynami gained 2403 points. Nautica's attack failed to take C5.

-Aerodu proceeded to conquer C2, an uncontrolled territory.

-Dynami moved to take A14, Nocturu's territory.
Dynami gained 2403 points, while Nocturu lost 105 points. Dynami's attempt to seize A14 is successful.

-Geoto moved to take A10, Dynami's territory.
Geoto gained 0 points, while Dynami gained 2403 points. Geoto's attack failed to take A10.

-Nocturu moved to take A5, Glacius' territory.
Nocturu lost 105 points, while Glacius lost 6 points. Nocturu's attack failed to seize A5.

That is all for this weekend. Congratulations to Dynami for seizing A14 and defending their territories and Aerodu for taking C2. Better luck next time for the others. I look forward to receive all of your battle plans for the next round.

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