RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (Full Version)

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Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/31/2012 11:49:34)

I just find it stupid to ponder over the question that there is irregularities in Paxia's defense scores. It's not like you can change anything just by complaining/pointing it out/stuff like that. The numbers aren't going to change and be favorable just by whining about sync fail. Just live with it and move on, for god's sake.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (1/31/2012 13:57:58)


I tried to prove how false your arguments are the first few times you brought them up, which was quite some time ago. But you kept ignoring my points and brought up the same crap again and again. At some point I just stopped caring about your accusations. Yes, they are accusations. You accuse Dynami of cheating, it's a fact, everyone can see it in your post.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 15:05:08)



Still waiting for confirmation from a member but the current response from Geoto is this; this weekend Geotians can choose whether to attack Dynami or defend. I hope Dynami takes no offense from this but if this game is to remain interesting Dynami needs a challenge.

I personally will help attack Dynami and I think another member will agree to help. That is the limit to our support though.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 15:23:07)

That's good news! I hope it will suffice to show an effect. As for Dynami taking offense.. isn't it kind of a compliment when they are stronger than the rest of the clans combined [;)]

Fishtank -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 16:33:56)

Just swinging on by to drop off a screenshot of the current defence scores, because someone told me to.

They also said to declare the contest officially open, but I don't really know what's going on so yeah.

I guess the contest is officially open.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 17:27:37)

Strange, I thought the contest didn't start until midnight server time.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 17:55:57)

That's really weird.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 18:08:57)

I agree, this is strangely weird.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 18:40:15)

I hope no one started defending like crazy, 'cause I said someone would need to take a picture if I was a hour late. There's still 5 hours left until the round begins. And yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be there for the screenshot. Don't know who Fishtank is referring to by "they", but I've PM'ed no one so far, unless someone from the PFs did so without warning me.

Regarding that, I asked a week ago if someone was willing to carry out my duty as a judge in case I would be absent or late. Don't know if you guys skip that part or anything, so I'm asking again. Who want to be a co-hoster of this game when I'm not around to post screenshots? I need someone to pick from those who are willing to do it, so it can properly count. Don't ask me why, just making it so it seems legit and all.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 20:21:44)

Thanks for clearing that up.

Regarding the screenies, even though I very much prefer you doing them, I don't mind anybody posting one if it's an hour or two after the supposed start..
I just don't wanna do it myself as the difference I see between my chars would put me into a dilemma of having to choose one.
I guess someone who isn't participating would be better suited as a backup.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/3/2012 20:27:51)

Kinda hard to find that someone. Everyone who might be interested in Paxia are playing.

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 0:07:17)

Here's the starting screenshot. Good luck to all.

Tuss -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 6:58:28)

I'd totaly do it if I wasn't in a coma every midnight.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 7:00:51)

Ok time to see if Dynami can be defeated.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 7:16:04)

First 150 wins are in, ~400 will come later tonight. Dynami's still up around 1500 at the moment.

dethhollow -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 9:34:26)


I personally will help attack Dynami and I think another member will agree to help. That is the limit to our support though.

Alright, thanks Oliver.

ALSO I've been trying to get new Nautica members, but I could only find 2 active players in Nautica.

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 15:00:12)

My main is capped but at least Dynami is down to 5240. Only 1000 left to go for today (and whatever they throw out tomorrow).

Red Dragon Archfiend -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 17:25:08)

Dynami at 5101. Here comes the cavalry!

gerri -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 17:51:24)

Good to see you. Started to feel like I'm the only one fighting. Second char capped as well. That's it for me today. Battle on!

Red Dragon Archfiend -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/4/2012 20:37:09)

Gold capped for the day. 136 wins, Dynami down to 4952. Battleon!

DaPhantom -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/5/2012 0:57:25)

How does Dynami defend 1500~ in a single day?

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/5/2012 2:29:24)

Dedicated people and quite a few capped characters.

DaPhantom -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/5/2012 8:41:28)

Capped at around 200 wins. Dynami still at 6320 though :(

Riffus Maximus -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/5/2012 11:33:19)

It was glorious when this war first appeared. Numbers going chaotic and all, dropping and raising like crazy.

Red Dragon Archfiend -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest! (2/5/2012 19:06:26)

Done all I can today. Dynami at 6,412.

~13:33 Dynami at 4,199. By 21:07 Dynami at 4,180. At 12:00 2/4 Dynami at 5,240. At 17:37 Dynami at 4,952. By 2/5 5:41 Dynami at 6,320.

Clearly a bunch of Dynami folks, defending thousands per day.

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