(HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (Full Version)

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Arachnid -> (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (6/19/2011 18:59:13)

The Story of Captain Arafae
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Chapter 1- The Map

"Captain!" the crew hand shouted over the pounding waves, the torrential downpour, and the yelling of the rest of the men. "Are you sure this be a good idea, Captain?"
"Keep 'er steady, Wiiman!" the Captain replied. The boat was tumbling, rocking, rolling, and shaking from the force of the waves. it had been the Captain's idea to go through this storm. The Captain would do anything for the map. What map? Oh...Well, that's a different story entirely, there! But I'll just tell the details...

The map to the fountain of youth. Ay, the fountain...Legend says only someone with darkness in their future can read the map. Makes me worry about the Cap'n. Speakin' of the Cap'n, I met her...Did I say her? Nevermind...You didn't hear that from me...Anyway, I met the Cap'n years ago, in a bar. I was just a wee one back then, but the Cap'n took me in anyway. Said they needed more blood or somethin'...I can't really remember, that night was a blur...But I was in a bar, so what did I expect? Anyway, back to the story.

Waves were pounding the ship. Crewmen were falling over due to the waves rockin' the ship back and forth. I had a wee bit o' sea-sickness over the railing, then got back to work. The ship couldn't take much more o' this.
"Cap'n! We have t' get out of this blasted storm!" I shouted. All the Captain did was smile. "What's got you in such a fine mood, Cap'n?" I yelled over the waves.
"We're nearly there." And then a crash.


"What're ya waitin' fer? Dig you scalawags!" The Captain commanded. I opened my eyes. Immediately I regretted it, closing my eyes to the searing light of the sun. I was laying on my back, in the hot sand.
"Where are we?"
"Well! While you fell asleep on the job, just because of a wee lit'l lightning strike, me and the rest of the crew here had to get you and everyone else on the lifeboats! Then, we paddled for hours to reach land. Lucky this was exactly where we needed to be."
"Cap'n! We got it!" The crewman lugged a chest out of a hole, just recently dug.
"Ah! Thank you!" The Captain picked up the chest, holding it up so the whole crew of forty three could see. "Gentlemen...Do you know what this is?"
"A box?"
"A container?"
"A monkey!"
"A holder?"
"A chest?"
"Ah! That's the answer I was looking for! Now...What do chests do?" the Captain asked.
"They hold...things?"
"Yes! And what is in this chest?" the Captain asked.
"Treasure!" The crew shouted.
"No! It's much more valuable! What lies in this chest...Is the secret to immortality!" the Captain said.
"It holds the fountain?!"
"No! It holds the map to the fountain!" the Captain replied.
"So how do we open it?"
"Ah! Good question! What normally opens a container," the Captain pointed to the front of the chest, "With a keyhole?"
"A key!"
"Yes! But, that's serves to be a problem, as the key is in a sack. At the bottom of the ocean." the Captain solemnly explained.
"So why don't we go get it?"
"Gentlemen...Can you name a few,eh...Sea monsters?"
"Aye. Mermaids. And do you know what mermaids like?" the Captain asked.
"Our flesh?"
"Men to eat!"
"Shiny things?"
"Aye! Shiny things! And do you know what is shiny? The key!" the Captain exclaimed.
"So...The mermaids have the key?"
"Aye! And do you know where we're headed to next?" the Captain asked.
The crew was quiet.
"What? No volunteers? Alright then. I'll say it. Mermaid Bay!"
The crew cringed in horror.
"B...But Cap'n...We need a boat to get to...You know..."
The Captain turned to look at the crewman, and smiled.
"It's good I know people then, isn't it?"

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (7/12/2011 21:28:25)

Chapter 2- Mermaids

Mermaid Bay. Also be known as the Bay of Death.
Mermaids...Monstrous sea demons!
Sometimes called sirens, but they're all the same to us.
They sing to ya, and bring you into the water.
Ya think they're all nice until...
They close their jaws on ya!
Either way, the Cap'n wanted a mermaid.
And a mermaid we came to get...


"THOSE SELECTED, GE' TO THE SIDES OF THE BOAT!" I yelled over the waves to the crew. "GET IN THE LIFEBOATS!" There was seven, not including me.
We began to board the lifeboats. We were all terrified.
We were to get in the boats, and wait for a mermaid to come to us, then, we were to rope 'er up! Hopefully no one was goin' tuh get hurt...

"Everyone in? Good. Start rowin'!"

We began to row to the middle of the bay. The men were shake'n.


We stopped.
Beautiful humming...
I could feel myself falling asleep...To the sound of the sweet humming...
No! Have to stay awake!
I dipped my hand into the icy water to get some to splash on my face.

"AGH!" I started.

"What? Wha' was it?" a crewman asked.

"Something brushed my hand!"
They started to whisper.

"Was it a mermaid?"

"This soon?"

"Couldn't be..."

The men gasped, and turned white. They pointed at me...No. Behind me.
I slowly turned around. I looked at the water. I saw the surface ripple...Something was coming to us.
The humming stopped.
We all frantically looked around.

"Where did it go?" I whispered to the crewman next to me.

Then a head came out of the water.
A woman's head...With beautiful features...
Long flowing hair, pretty eyes, an amazing smile.
She just looked at the crewman and smiled.
"Were you th' one humming?" the crewman asked.

"I was." she replied. Her voice was beautiful, soft like silk.

"D...D'you sing?"
"I can." She smiled. And began to sing.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid..." I began to feel sleepy...Lost in the words of her song.

"...I disdain all glittering gold." So...Sleepy...

"There is nothing can console me..." ...Sleepy...

"..But my jolly sailor bold." She grabbed the crewman's face, and began to pull him into the water, acting like she was going to kiss him.

"N...No. D...Don't do into th...the water..."My warning had no effect.

"Are you my sailor bold?" She asked him in her trance-inducing voice. She pulled his head in. And he screamed. She pulled him into the water. He never came out.

"No...No...NO! MEN! WAKE UP!" The rest of the crew jumped up instantly.

"Where's Dirty Steve?" One of them asked.

"Shh! Quiet! He was taken by the mermaid! Now just keep quiet and..."


All of the men screamed. The noise of the mermaid feeding call was deafening. I looked at the water.
Thousands of ripples.


The screeching stopped. The water stopped rippling.
Total silence.
Utter chaos.
Four mermaids leaped out of the water on our right. I pulled out my sword just in time to slay one going after one of the men. Two were taken.
That left five of us, not including my self.

"We need one in a net!" I yelled. Two of the crew began to pick up the net, struggling with it, trying to hold it up. Three mermaids burst out of the water. The crewman were taken by two, but the third...It landed perfectly in the net! "Hold it down!" I yelled. Four of us left, including myself.
Quickly! Start rowin' back to the boat!
Two picked up the oars and began to paddle.
The third and me had our swords out, ready for the mermaids.

"My heart is pierced by Cupid..." No! Not the mermaid song! I could see the crew getting tired.

"PADDLE! PADDLE YA DOGS!" I had to yell to drown out the song...But it was only keeping them awake longer.

"...I disdain all glittering gold."

"PADDLE! PADDLE!" We were only thirty yards from the boat. But the men looked like they were going to fall asleep any moment. Twenty yards.

"There is nothing can console me..." Five yards...

"...But my jolly sailor bold." And with the last word, the crew fell asleep. We bumped against the ship.
I had to make a decision.
Take the mermaid and go...
Or try to save the crew.
I picked up the mermaid's net in one hand, and grabbed the rope on the boat with my other hand.

"I'm sorry men..." I began to pull myself up.
I could hear the mermaid hunting screams and the screams of the men.
But I didn't look back.
I reached the top of the ship, and flung the mermaid onto the deck in her net.
And fell onto my face.


I was barely conscious...
"What be the mermaids name, Cap'n?" a crewman asked.
"Zafara. Her name is Zafara." And the Captain walked away.
And I fell back into unconsciousness.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (7/13/2011 17:07:08)

Chapter 3- Flashback

Why did that name sound familiar?
Was it in my past?
Ah! That's it!


Twenty seven years ago when I was living with the light'ouse keeper...
I was on the beach, near the rockies, a group of rocks where sea lions and such would come up onto and sun themselves.
I was walking along the shore, the sand in me bare feet, when i saw somethin' shiny in the water abou' ten feet away. I ran into the surf and was walkin' to it when I saw this fin in the water.
I froze. What was it?
It bumped into me. I looked down, trying to see the creature. I screamed.
It began to circle me. I began to slowly walk back into shore. It stopped circling, and began to swim away. I sighed. That was close...
I began to slowly walk towards the shiny object, still wary. Almost there...
And then I heard a splash. The shark had turned around...And it was heading right towards me.
I yelled and started to run as fast as I could towards the shore, but it was to no avail.
The shark bit down on my leg, and wouldn't let go. Blasted fish...
it began to tear at my leg, I was screaming the whole time.
Then I heard a scream.


The shark released my leg. It was struggling with something in the water. I dragged myself to the shore, my leg bleeding heavily. I laid down on the sand and closed my eyes. I could hear splashing and yelling. Was it the lighthouse keeper? A random passerby?
I laid there. Staring. Not helping.
The splashing stopped.
I looked up. Is that... A sea lion on the rock?
I slowly stood up, and limped closer to the rock.
Was that...A girl?

"H...Hello?" I said warily.

She turned and looked at me. She was silent.

"W...What is your name?" I asked. She looked at me, curious.

"Zafara" She replied. Her voice was beautiful. She smiled. Then she turned and dove back into the water.
"My heart is pierced by Cupid..." Was she singing?
"...I disdain all glittering gold." It was making me...Sleepy...
"There is nothing can console me..." Very...Sleepy...
"...But my jolly sailor bold."
And I fell asleep.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (7/15/2011 21:59:56)

Chapter 4- The Key

Two days had passed since we had captured the mermaid.
The Cap'n put her into a container with water, for fear she'd die without it.
The next step to the fountain was unlocking the chest.
However, the key was supposed to be with the mermaid.
But it wasn't...
Why did we keep her again?
Bah, nevermind.
The Cap'n told us that the key was taken from the mermaids by a Captain by the name of "Captain Overcast".
Sounds like a dreary felluh' to me...
Anyway, we be sailin' where little miss mermaid said he'd be near.
And, so...Wait... What's that...Is that...?


"Cap'n! It's the ship!" I replied, hanging onto the railing.

The Cap'n smirked, and said, "Wonderful. We're catching up."

We were sailing straight for 'er. She wasn't moving. Clearly expecting us.
The crew was getting ready, swords ready.
We knew this was going to be a fight.
200 yards.
We turned, and pulled alongside the boat so that we were next to it.
We looked at the boat's deck.
We all looked at the Captain.
She looked as confused as us.


And all hell broke loose.
They came out of the riggings, the deck, the crows nest, everywhere.
Their ship came to life, firing the cannons without anyone there.
Both crews began to fight.
I pulled out my sword, instantly ready for the pirate charging at me. He had a red scarf, I assumed he was second in command.
He ran at me, charging. He threw his sword down, so as to get me on the head.
I dodged to the left and swung, getting him in the stomach.
Blood came out.
He turned and yelled, then charged again.
He tried to feign, striking left, then right.
I countered his attacks, the stabbed my sword into his stomach.
He fell to the deck, dead.
I turned, just in time as another swing came from another of the enemy crew.
I dodged, then swung, cutting his foot clean off.
He fell to the deck, losing blood quickly.
I looked up and around.
All of the enemy crew was dead, very few of ours fallen.

"Have we won?" I said.

Hollow laughter came from all sides.

"Oh, I think not!"

"Overcast! Give us the key!" The Captain yelled.

"Or what, Arafae?! You'll kill me! Hahahahahahaha!"

"What does he mean by-" I began.

Then I looked.
The enemy crew as getting back up.
Oh, no...

"Cap'n..." I said, but she was too busy yelling at out steering wheel to listen.

"You think you can just kill my crew, Overcast! Well, ye got another thing comin'!"

Sometimes, she worries me.
I unsheathed my sword.
The crewman with the scarf looked at me and smiled.

"You're over the edge of the map now! Here there be monsters!" He yelled in a hollow voice.

And with that, he charged. I was ready. I dodged his attack, stabbed him in the stomach, and kicked him back into another of the enemy crew.
I turned around, right as another was about to stab me.
I dodged, grabbing his head and forcing it down.
I skewered him with my sword, then kicked him away.
I flipped my sword around and stabbed the enemy behind me in the leg.
I then pulled out my pistol and shot him in the head.
I looked around.
Round two was done.

I looked towards the Captain's Quarters. Something in the window had caught my eye.
Was their an enemy crewman in there?
Or maybe Captain overcast?
I ran to the Quarters and opened the door.
The first thing I noticed?
The mermaid tank was empty.
Did they take her?!
A hand touched my shoulder.
I whipped around, my sword instantly at the neck of the unidentified person.
It was the mermaid.

"What are you doing?! You're out of the water! You could-"

Then I noticed she had legs.

"You cannot defeat his crew without this." She said, holding out a sword to me. It glowed blue, and was covered in ice.

I had a stunned look on my face.
I stared at her.
She simply walked over to the water tank, dived in, and within seconds, her tail was back.
She smiled.
I held out the sword.
A strange language was on the sword that I couldn't make out.
Yells from outside the room.
I ran out, sword in hand, into the battle.
I charged an enemy crewman and slashed, barely touching him, but from the wound came ice.
The ice spread around him until he himself was frozen.
Then he fell to the deck, and shattered into a million pieces.
No one noticed.
I continued to fight.
Slash, cut, stab, slice.
Soon there were only a few left.

"'Ello there!"

I turned around and held up my sword, blocking the strike.
It was the scarfed enemy.
He laughed.

"You think tha' sword is gonna 'elp you? Hahahahahaha!"

He charged, and I couldn't dodge in time.
He cut my arm deeply.
Blood came flowing from the wound, and I could barely hold the sword.
He laughed, and charged again.
This time, he got my leg.
Blood flowed.

"You're weak! You can't fight me! You're just a boy!"

He laughed, and charged.
I deflected his blade, and sent mine into his chest.
His face was shocked and horrified.

"Never...Call...Me...Weak..." I said through clenched teeth.

I twisted the blade, and kicked him off of it.
Ice began to crawl up his body.

"I feel...Cold..."

And with that he crashed to the deck, shattering into pieces.

"NO! NO, NO, NO!" The voice yelled, coming from everywhere. "YOU CAN'T WIN! I NEVER LOSE! NEVER!"

He walked out of the steering wheel, gun aimed at the Captain's face, face red with rage.


Overcast was stunned. He looked at his chest, then at me.

"What did you think that was going to do, boy? You can't kill the unkillable!"

"You're right. I can't. But he can." I said, pointing behind him.

He gave a confused look, then turned around.

"'Ello, poppet." Drakkoniss said, grabbing Overcast by the throat.

"No! You! You...You're s'posed to be dead!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Bad habits and all."

He smiled, then threw Overcast at his ship with amazing force.

"Now stay away from this ship, Captain Overcast!"

Overcast got up, not even a scratch on him.

"You'll pay for this Drakkoniss! I'll be back!" Overcast yelled back, sailing away on his ship.

"Drakkoniss! Thanks for helpin' us! We were-" I said.

"Silence, Wiiman. Where is the mermaid?"

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (7/18/2011 23:39:29)

Chapter 5- The River

"Why do you want to see the mermaid?" I inquired.

"I need to see her. Captain Arafae, where is the mermaid?"

"In my cabin, why?"

"I need to see her!"

He seemed a little edgy.
Not the Drakkoniss I remembered when I met him, many years ago.
He had seemed younger when I met him, but not because of age.
He seemed...Older. More worn now, like he'd been through a lot.

He began to walk to the Captains cabin, me and the Captain followed.

"The rest of you, stay out here! Prepare for eastern sail!" The Captain shouted to the crew.

They began to work as she closed the door to her cabin.
The second the mermaid saw Drakkoniss, she started to scream the mermaid call.


I cringed. "Get her to stop!" I yelled to the Captain over the noise.

She closed the lid to the container the mermaid was in, instantly lowering the volume of the call significantly.
The mermaid was terrified.
Her teeth had elongated, and her eyes were red.
She looked like a demon.

"Are you happy, Drakkoniss?!" I asked him angrily.

He was silent.

"Drakk..." I began.

"Why is she here." It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
He wanted to know why we kept her.
I looked at the Captain. Even I didn't know why we kept the mermaid.
The Captain looked very anxious.

"I..." She began.

The door burst open.
"Capitan! A rivier! Shall we go trough it?"
I couldn't stand Bart's accent...

"Uh...Um...Yes!" She said, heading to the door. "Sorry gentlemen, maybe we can have this talk later, eh?"

And with that, she slammed the door closed.
It was silent, other than the mermaid's screech.
I looked at Drakkoniss.


"Why does the mermaid like you?! It doesn't scream at you! WHY?!" He shouted.

"Why was are you so mad about it?! I have no idea why the mermaid is nice to me, nor do I care!"

He glared at me, and furiously walked out the door, slamming it behind him.
The mermaid screeching stopped.
She looked at me through the glass tub she was in.

"Why do you like me? Did I do something good? Or nice? Or..."

Her eyes widened, and she screeched.
I backed away.
Did I do something wrong?
The door burst open.

"WIIMAN! GET OUT HERE! WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!" Drakkoniss shouted at me.

I ran out the door, following Drakkoniss.
The crew was running everywhere, yelling and screaming, obviously in a panic.
Some were looking into the water, eyes wide with terror.
The Captain, on the other hand, was shouting at the water.


Who was she yelling at?!
I ran to the side of the boat, grabbing the railing, and I looked down.
The water was murky, and muddy.
Perfect river water. Ugh.
The water was rippling... By the size of the ripples, whatever was making them was...Bigger than the ship.
It went under the ship. I turned to go to the other side, when I saw...A creature.
The crew began to scream, and yell, and shout.
It was massive, at least a hundred feet high, and covered in scaly skin.
Its mouth was huge, with razor sharp teeth throughout.
come to think of it...It looked like another animal.
Wait! That's it!
It was a giant crocodile!
I was standing on its hind feet, standing as tall as it could.
It opened its massive jaws, and crunched them down on three of the nearest crew.


She held up a jar filled with...Dirt.

"Capitan! We are all dumed!"
And with that, Bart got eaten by the crocodile.
I couldn't help but be a little grateful.

How were we going to hurt that thing?!
The crew was stabbing it with swords, only to have them break or bend.
All the Captain was doing was throwing the dirt...
That's it!

"Captain! Aim for the eyes!"

She looked at me strangely, then tried it.
She threw he dirt...Ha ha! Right in the eye!
She crocodile shouted.


He lunged at her, but she rolled to the side, throwing dirt into his other eye.

"AGH!" He yelled. Then he dove underwater.

Seconds later, he came back up, laughing.


Great...What else could we...

"Captain! Use a sword!"


Then he lunged at me.
I pulled out the sword the mermaid gave to me.
I dodged to the side, slashing at his eye.
It began to cover with ice.


And with that, he fell into the water, encased in ice.
I was panting as I walked to the Captain.

"What...Did you...Do to that...That...Thing?!" I asked.

"I tried to cross its territory! You know how animals are..."


The crocodile burst out of the water, growing in size.

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

The crocodile laughed, its jaw splitting in four directions, its eyes doubling, its claws and teeth getting longer.
It was an abomination!


His eyes widened. His body stiffened up.
And he crashed into the river, sending water up, splashing the whole ship.

"Wonderful..." I said.

"What was that?!" The Captain asked.

"That would be me." Said a voice.

A figure walked from behind the steering wheel.

"My name is Experimental. Oh...And hello, master." He said, looking at me.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (7/29/2011 12:35:59)

Chapter 6- The Mermaid and Drakkoniss

"Master? Why'd you call me 'Master'"?

"Not important. You! Drakkoniss!" Experimental said, pointing at Drakkoniss.


"Adjust course. We are not going through the river. Taser's only work so long."

Drakkoniss' face was blank. He was probably thinking what I was thinking.
What's a taser?
He went to the wheel, turning us around.

"Master. Please go bring the mermaid."

"I the tub?! But I can't lift that thing!"

"No. Out of the tub."

"But won't she-"

"Go, please."

I turned to the Captain's cabin.
I opened the door, walked in, and closed the door behind me.
The mermaid looked at me through her tub.

"Umm...Hi there, mermaid. This guy wants me to take you outside... Do you think you can do that?"

The mermaid just stared.
I stared back.
She stared back.
I stared back.
She stared back.
I blinked.
Then she smiled and laughed.
Did I just have a staring contest with a mermaid?
She poked the glass, trying to get me attention.
She pointed to her tail, then the ground, then my legs, then to the Captain's dress.

"You want me to...Oh!"

I walked over, and picked up the Captain's dress.
I dropped it in front of the tub, and turned around.
I heard a splash, then a few grunts from the mermaid trying to get the dress on.
The tapped my shoulder.
I turned around.
I was speechless.
She radiated beauty. Her long black hair, her stunning red eyes, everything about her was beautiful.
She smiled, then put her arm out.
I was to escort her.
I wrapped my arm around hers, and we walked out of the door.
I was blushing.
Drakkoniss looked at us and immediately turned to go back to the wheel.
We stopped at Experimental.

"Thank you, Master. Now, mermaid. Please join me on my ship. I need to analyze you." Experimental said.

The mermaid looked at me with concern.
Was she worried about me?
She let go of my arm, and followed Experimental to his ship.
I sighed as I watched her go.
I turned to the Captain.
She glared at me, then stomped off to her quarters.
Was she mad that I let the mermaid use the dress?
Drakkoniss was mad at me...The Captain was mad at me...
What did I do wrong?


The rest of the day I helped the crew.
We had to sail next to Experimental's ship so we didn't lose him or the mermaid.
We sailed until nightfall.
The Captain had a rule that no one was to be outside the boat at night.
I directed the crew to their quarters below the deck.
Before I closed the trap door I looked over at Experimental's ship.
I saw silhouettes.
Drakkoniss? And was that...the mermaid?
What are they doing out so late?
The mermaid was close to him...
Was she hugging him?
Drakkoniss grabbed her, and began to lift up into the air.
Was he taking her?!
He's flying away!

"AY!" I yelled.

But it was too late.
Drakkoniss had flown away with the mermaid.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (7/29/2011 23:13:31)

Chapter 7- Over the Edge...

I woke up.
All I remembered of the last night was Drakkoniss leaving.
Was it a dream?
I walked out of my cabin, and went to the top deck.
The crew was hard at work, preparing for a voyage.
Where were we going.
I saw the Captain, and she looked furious.

"Cap'n? What's goin' on? Where we headed?"

She turned to me and angrily said, "THAT BLASTED DRAKKONISS STOLE THE MERMAID!"

"Where did he take her?"

"I don't know...Maybe your 'Experimental' friend will know."

"Speak of the devil..." I said, as Experimental walked up.

"The mermaid is gone. It appears Drakkoniss has taken her. They have gone over the edge." And he walked away.

"'Over the edge'?" I asked the Captain.

"Over the edge. To Hell. To Hades. To Davy Jones' Locker. To the Underworld."

"Oh. Sounds...wonderful..."

"Indeed. Set sail crew! We're going to the world's end! And you, Wiiman, need to get some rest. You're going to help very much once we get there."

"Aye, Cap'n!"

I walked to my quarters.
With what?
How was I going to find the mermaid?
And what had Drakkoniss done with her?
I laid down in my bed, and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.


I woke up to the cold.
The freezing cold.
I got up.
The boat was rocking badly, and I fell against the fall, using my hands to catch my fall.
I got up off the wall.
My hands were covered in ice.
I looked at the wall.
No ice.
I looked back at my hands.
No ice.
That was weird...
I walked out of my cabin to the upper deck.
The crew looked freezing, the were all covered in frost.
The Captain was at the wheel.

"C-Captain! Why the c-cold?"

"We're at the bottom of the earth! What'd you expect? Warm?!"

The boat lurched.
I ran to the side, and looked at the water.

"We're gaining speed C-Cap'n!"

"Aye! The edge approaches!"

I ran to the front of the ship.
I could hear the roar of crushing water.
Mother's love...

"It's a waterfall! Turn 'er around!"

"Belay that! We're goin' over the edge!"

The boat began to lean forward as we approached the edge.
It began to tilt until at a ninety degree angle.
Everyone was holding on to ropes, myself included.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Captain laughed.

And we fell over the waterfall.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (7/30/2011 17:18:17)

Chapter 8- Freezing for Dummies

I opened my eyes, and yelled in pain.
The blaring sun was too much for my eyes.
I leaned up, and slowly opened my eyes.
A vast ocean of white.
We were on a beach, a vast desert spreading out in front.
I looked to my side.
The ship was stuck on the beach, the front in the sand.
The crew was working hard to try to dislodge it, while the Captain watched with a worried look on her face.
I got up, and walked towards the Captain.


"Yes, Wiiman?"

"What be the crew doin'?"

"I'm not sure...Trying to move the ship into the water...But I don't think the water will help us...Ay! Crew! Enough!"

The crew put down the ropes that they were puling, realizing their attempts weren't working, and walked up the the Captain in one large crowd.

"Listen up, all o' you! We're going to search for that thieving Drakkoniss in the desert!" the Captain yelled.

"Cap'n?" I asked.


"May I go by meself?"

"You may. Head in that general direction," she pointed straight, "Me and the crew will split up and go along the beach. What say you!"

"AY!" Me and the crew replied.

"Then let us go!"

I walked forward.
I wanted to go alone, because I was afraid.
Lately, I had been feeling very cold, and in a desert, that's a bad sign.
If I was to die, i'd do it alone.


It seemed like hours, though I knew that little time had passed.
I was getting colder and colder by the minute.
In fact-
What was that?
I ran to the sand dune in front of me, and looked over.
It was them!


Drakkoniss turned and glared at me. He took a few steps toward me. His eyes burst into flames.

"DON'T...CALL HER...THE MERMAID!" He yelled, his body erupting into flames.

He drew his sword, which was also engulfed in flames.

"HER NAME IS ZAFARA!" And with that, he charged.

I pulled out my sword, ready to block his strike.
He lunged up and swung down, but I easily blocked it.
I slashed forward at his flaming head, but he dodged it easily.
He jumped backward, yelling curses at me.
I dashed towards him, preparing to slash...
He prepared to block. Immediately I threw my sword.
It imbedded itself in his chest, knocking him down.
I stood there, amazed.
Had I killed Drakkoniss?

"Heh heh heh...Heehee...MWAHAHAAHAHAHA!" Drakkoniss laughed, standing back up. He took the sword out of his chest and threw it to my feet. "YOU CAN'T HURT ME! AND DO YOU KNOW WHY?! IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE WEAK! HAHAHAHAHA!"

I picked up my sword.


I dashed forward, preparing to strike.
Drakkoniss get ready to block, but I feigned, and stabbed the sword in his chest.
Ice began to spread from the wound.

"W-What?! You can't be! That isn't...NO!"

The ice spread faster and faster, until his body was completely covered in ice.
His yelling stopped.
I turned around, panting.

"Zafara...Please come with me, back to the ship."

We began to walk back, when...

"Oh no..."

I turned around. The ice was breaking.
It cracked, pieces flying off until it completely chattered.
Drakkoniss stood still and glared at me.

"Where...did you get...that sword?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"From this little mermaid friend! Why?"

"How...did you get it...to work?"

"Work? What do you mean 'work'?"

"Oh no...Oh no, no, no, no..."

"Drakkoniss? What did I do?" I was beginning to get worried.

"Wiiman...You're the Ice Lord! You control the element of ice!"

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Zafara (8/6/2011 17:11:22)

Chapter 9- Daughter of Death

"What?! Are you crazy, Drakkoniss?!" I was confused and angry.

"I knew there was something different about you when I met you...You should have burst into flames in our fight...You were the only one on the ship not covered in frost!"

This was true. Not to mention the ice sticking to my hand in my cabin.

"Drakkoniss, we can talk about this later, but for now, we need to take Zafara back to the ship!"

"Wiiman, I don't think you understand the situation. She's...What was that?"


"That hissing noise..."

"You can't trick me, Drakkoniss, there was no noise! Just give me Zafara, and-"


A huge monster burst out of the desert sand.
It was brown, and covered in scales.
Its fangs were huge, and it had a large rattle on its tail.
Its eyes were reptilian, and it made a horrible hissing noise.

"SNAKE!" I yelled.

Drakkoniss burst into action.
He ran in front of Zafara, shielding her from the snake, and drew his sword.

"Don't come near her you slithering scaly cur!" He yelled to the snake.


The snake lunged at Drakkoniss, missing barely.
He slashed at the snake's neck with the sword.
Golden blood poured from the wound.


The snake shrieked, blood flowing from the wound.
The snake continued to attack Drakkoniss, who was getting farther from Zafara.
I ran to her.

"Zafara! We have to leave!"

She shook her head.

"We can't leave him. I can help you."

"Zafara, there's no time! We have to go-"

Water rose from the sand, covering Zafara's hand.

"I'll shoot, you freeze." she said with a smile.

"Uh...Um...O-Okay then!"

Zafara walked behind the snake, walking up stairs she had formed out of the water.
How was she walking on the water?



"I'll take that as a 'no'!" I said.

Zafara shot backward using a jet of water.
She stood standing on a platform of water, launching a cannon of liquid at the snake's face.
I held out my hand. Instantly it gold cold, but no ice.
The snake was getting closer to Zafara.

"Drakkoniss! Distract it!"

"Why should I?!" he shouted back.

"It's after Zafara!"

Drakkoniss burst into flames, lifting into the air.
He began to fly around the snake, rapidly cutting into it's skin.
Golden blood spewed from it's wounds.

"Wiiman! Freeze it!" Zafara yelled.

"I don't know how!"

Wait! The sword!
I unsheathed the glowing blue blade. It was covered in ice.
Was I making it stronger?
The snake knocked Drakkoniss out of the air with its tail, and quickly slithered towards Zafara.

"Wiiman! NOW!"

I ran towards the snake.

"AAAAUUUGGGHHHH!" I yelled as I stabbed the sword through its skin.


It slowly began to freeze from the wound.
The ice traveled up its slithering body, yet it still advanced to Zafara.


It closed its jaws around Zafara.

"NO!" I ran to the snake, and stabbed my hand into the wound.
The ice spread increasingly faster until it was completely frozen.

"Wiiman! Where's Zafara?!"

"The snake got her!"



The snakes mouth exploded, shards of ice flying everywhere.

"'Ello, boys!"

Me and Drakkoniss stood with our mouths gaping.
Zafara jumped down to us.

"Eh...Uh...Zafara, I have a question...You said you were...'The Daughter of Death'?"

"I'll answer that one." Drakkoniss said. "That's why you didn't understand the situation, Wiiman. Her father is death. Do you know who the mother is?"

I thought.
I thought hard.
Then it hit me.
She kept her.
In her cabin.
So, it had to be...

"Captain Arafae is Zafara's mother!"

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (8/10/2011 12:05:26)

Chapter 10- ...Over Again

I was stunned. I had never thought that the Captain could be the mer- Zafara's mother...
But now was not the time.
I could talk to the Captain later.
But now, we had to leave the underworld.
I looked at Drakkoniss.

"We need to get back to the ship."

Drakkoniss had a stunned look on his face when I turned and walked away, motioning for the two to follow.


We walked for some time, arriving at the beach, then walking along the coastline for a few minutes until we saw the crew.
But...No ship?
I walked up to one of the crew.

"Where is the ship?" I asked.

"We think the Cap'n took it. 'Avn't seen her in a while. Maybe she wandered off with the ship?"

"Why would she take the ship? There's drag marks into the desert, not into the ocean. Did she...?"

There was a hissing noise that was progressively getting louder. It was coming...To us.
I looked at Drakkoniss. He had already drawn his sword.
I looked in the direction of the sound, and saw...
Over the huge sand dune in front of us, the ship came over top, the captain at the head.
My mouth dropped.
The ship slowly slid into the ocean with a splash.
The Captain hopped onto the shore.

"Well? Get on, then! We have what we came for, let's go!" The Captain yelled.

The crew got over their amazement and began to climb aboard the ship.

"Ay! You three! Get aboard!" the Captain said, pointing to me, Drakkoniss, and Zafara.

We climbed aboard the ship.
I got to the wheel, ready to sail.

"Cap'n! Where we be headed? How do we get out of the underworld?"

"I thought you'd ask that! So I brought along a friend!" she said with a smirk. "Gentleman, I present...Captain Gibbs!"

A man walked out of the Captains Quarters.
On word came to mind when I saw him: Hairy.
He was covered in hair, his chest, his back, his face, his legs, even his hands and feet were covered with hair.
His eyes were...Feral.

"'Ello there everyone." he said in a gruff voice. "As you know, I'll be leadin' us back to the upperworld. I suggest you all go to sleep. We won't be going back 'till midnight."

And with that, he retreated back into the Captains Quarters.

"Well then! You heard him! All of you to bed!" the Captain ordered.

I carefully watched Zafara and Drakkoniss.
Zafara went to the Captains Quarters, and Drakkoniss headed to the crew cabins.
I followed behind him to head to my cabin.
I laid down in my bed, and drifted to sleep.


I opened my eyes, aware of the freezing cold.
If it was cold, that meant we were close to the upperworld again...I hoped.
I went to the upperdeck to see the crew waiting for further instruction.
Captain Gibbs was at the wheel with Captain Arafae next to him.
Gibbs let go of the wheel and smiled.
His eyes glowed blue for a brief second, and the boat lurched.
The boat stopped moving.


The boat began to flip over.
The crew began to grab the ropes and cannons of the ship, anything to keep from falling into the water.
I scampered to hold onto the side railing.
The boat was almost completely flipped over.
Just a little more...
The ship had entirely flipped over, keeping everyone underwater.
I looked to Gibbs.
His eyes glowed blue once more, and the boat lurched.
Then it stopped.
I looked down.
Or...up, now.
The boat was plunging down...Up...
The ship broke the surface of the water, launching upwards, then crashing back down onto the ocean in a satisfying splash.
Gibbs smiled.

"That should do it!"

Everyone laughed.
It had gotten icy cold.
No waves.
No wind.
No noise at all.
I drew my sword warily.
I walked to the mast of the ship.
Suddenly, a sword came out of the mast, and stabbed me straight through the chest.
I cried out in pain.
Captain Overcast came out of the mast, owner of the sword.

"That's for killin' me crew."

He twisted the sword, then ripped it out of my body.
I fell over, and he disappeared back into the mast.
The crew began to panic.
Blood began to pour from my chest.
Drakkoniss, Zafara, Captain Arafae, and Captain Gibbs ran over to me.
My vision began to dim, and I began to cough up blood.

"Wiiman! Come on, stay with me!" Drakkoniss yelled, gently slapping my face.

My vision dimmed more.

"Is there anything we can do to help?!" Zafara yelled to Arafae.

The Captain looked to Gibbs and nodded.

"Do it." she said.

And Captain Gibbs bit through my arm as my vision went black, and I went limp.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (8/12/2011 18:55:06)

Chapter 11- The Sword

This chapter is in the POV of Zafara the mermaid

I was amazed.
Why would mother resort to something so horrible?
The infection in Wiiman would begin to spread, until he was completely transformed.
Until that time, we had to protect him.
Captain Overcast wouldn't come here without his crew.
Drakkoniss, Arafae, and Gibbs drew their swords.
I picked up my sword from Wiiman's body.
Overcast's ship appeared next to ours.

"Men! To arms!" Arafae shouted, thrusting her sword up.

The enemy crew began to board our ship, yelling and shouting.
Our crew yelled, and charged to fight the enemy crew.

I ran towards the nearest enemy, cutting through him.
I turned and jabbed another enemy, then did a complete spin, cutting down three more enemies.
I summoned a wave to knock the ship, knocking down a few of the crew, enemy and friendly.
I cut down those of the enemy crew, six in total.
I looked around.
The crew was gone.
Enemy and friendly.

"Oh, no..." I said, as the enemy crew that I had not attacked, twenty three, began to get up.

They stood there, swords at the ready.
Captain Overcast walked out of them.

"Well, hello there, Zafara." He smirked. "Would you like to have... a dual?" he said, smirking.

He pulled out his sword.
It glowed orange, flames licking up and down the blade.
The legendary sword of fire.
Excalibur was the legendary sword of ice.
It's said that when Excalibur was made, there was an excess of metal on the blade.
The creator took the metal and made it's twin, Exuro.
Overcast knew the two swords couldn't fight each other.
If they did, they would consume themselves and their users.
I dropped Excalibur at Wiiman's feet.
Overcast dropped Exuro.
He cracked his knuckles.

"So...You and me...Hand to hand."

"It would appear so, Overcast."

He lunged towards me, fists at the ready.
I ran towards him, and slid under him on my knees.
He turned around, much too quick for a normal human, and charged me again.
I ran towards him again, ready to dodge, but he anticipated it. He uppercutted me as I ran towards him, knocking me backwards.

"Bwahaha! You're weak! Just like you're dead friend! Ha!"

I got up, shaking in rage.
My hands radiated blue.

"DON'T...CALL...HIM...WEAK!" I shouted, running towards him.

He laughed, and ran towards me.
I stopped, arms forming an 'x' in front of me.
He smashed into my arms, but I didn't move.

"WHAT?!" he yelled.

I smirked.

"Have a nice swim."

A huge wave crashed into the ship, taking Overcast, the enemy crew, and the bodies of our dead crew into the ocean.

"AND STAY AWAY!" I yelled after him.


I turned around. Wiiman had awoken, and was shakily walking towards me.
I ran up and caught him before he could fall.
He was shaking violently.
He was getting a bad fever.
But he was alive.

"Z...Zafara...What...What is happening...to me?"

A tear ran down my face.
He was in so much pain.
I could see it in his eyes.
His eyes turned yellow, and wolf-like.

"You're becoming a werewolf."

His face contorted in pain before he passed out.

"We need a healer! Someone!" I yelled.

"It's okay. I have the situation under control."

I turned around.


Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (8/16/2011 22:13:46)

Chapter 12- Experimental

I woke up.
Burning...My insides were burning...
I opened my eyes, and saw Zafara fighting Overcasts' crew.
She was amazing.
Slicing, cutting, stabbing, making it look like an art.
Graceful, deadly, beautiful.
Overcast pulled out a sword...
I felt...Bad.
The sword made me angry.
Zafara dropped the sword she had gave me at my feet.
They engaged each other, hand on hand.
Zafara got hit...He called her weak...And me...He thought I was dead...
Zafara was filled with hatred.
Her eyes briefly glowed red, and a huge wave washed over the ship.
It washed over all of the enemy crew, Overcast, and the dead crew.
The water went around me, Drakkoniss, Gibbs, and the Cap'n.
I slowly got up, and limped over to Zafara.
The pain was unbearable.

"That...was...amazing!" I said.

She turned around, ran to me and caught me before I could fall.
I began to shake.

"Z...Zafara...What...What is happening...to me?" I asked her shakily.

She began to cry.
My eyes burned briefly.

"You're becoming a werewolf." She replied, tears running down her face.

And I passed out from the pain.


I woke up again.
I was on a ship I did not recognize.
I was laying on a wooden table facing up.
I moved my head sideways, and my neck and head burst into pain.
I cried out.

"I suggest you don't move, master."

Experimental walked over to the table, looking at me.

"That would only harm the process. Please, try to stay still."

I watched him walk away.

"W...Wait..." I said in a gravelly voice. My mouth and neck began to hurt."W...Who are you? W...Why do you call me...'Master'?"

He walked back to the table.

"Do you wish to know the truth, or what is best for you to hear?" He asked.

"The...truth..." I replied.

"Very well." He sighed. "I was sent here from the future by an agency that I work for. My mission is to train you in the art of Chronomancy, which you have power over because of your control over ice."

I won't lie, I understood only about half of what he had said.

"I can...Control time...Because of...Ice?"

"Yes. When the temperature hits Absolute Zero, even time stops. You have the ability to slow or stop time. You cannot travel through time, nor accelerate it. If you wish to have total power over time, you must find the controller of fire, and take the power over time from them."

This was too much.
My head began to hurt, and I cried out in pain.

"Please, do not overstimulate yourself. You could cause harm. I will leave you."

He began to get up and walk away.

"W...Wait! You haven't said why...You call me 'Master'..."

"Now is not the time for that." He replied.

The pain was too much. I passed out again.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (8/23/2011 13:29:57)

Chapter 13- New Purpose, More Details

I awoke. The pain was gone.
I could barely feel, as my whole body felt numb.
Drakkoniss walked over from the side, and looked at me.

"So you're awake."

I was silent.

"Are you still mad at me for taking Zafara?"

I didn't reply.

"Fine. Look, the Captain told me to come down here to tell you that we aren't going to the fountain anymore."

"W...What? Why?" I asked. I felt extremely weak.

"Because. Overcast has declared war on our ship. We're heading to Inthadeel to find a crew. I will train them in fighting while we prepare for war. You need to practice your time powers with Experimental."

I was silent.

"Alright then. Goodbye."

He got up and walked away.

I could hardly move. I needed sleep. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up again. It was night time, judging by the view from the window.
I felt much better. I had some strength back.
I slowly got up, and tried to stand on the floor.
I wobbled around, and fell against the table I had laid on.
Maybe I wasn't as strong as I thought...

I slowly walked to the deck of the ship, using the walls as balance.
I opened the door that led to the deck.
Experimental stood on the other side, smiling.

"I see you're up and walking again, master."

I said nothing.

"We really should get you back to the table. You need a little more rest. Come."

He led the way back, and I followed.
We got back to the room.

"Now, please rest, master."

He began to walk away.


He turned.


"Tell me why you call me 'Master'."

He sighed.

"Okay. Do you remember when I said I was from the future? And that I was sent by an agency? Well, that agency is Unumulta. And you are the boss."

I was silent.
He got up, and walked out of the room.
I sighed, and laid down on the table, shutting my eyes once again.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (8/30/2011 20:51:34)

Chapter 14- Goodbye

I awoke. I felt much better.
Well rested.
I got off the table, and walked to the deck of Experimental's ship.
We were on the ocean, and a warm breeze swept by my face.
The sun beat down with a mild warmth.
The smell of the salt water was grand.
And yet...There was a sad sense in the air.
The crew seemed upset.

Arafae and Experimental's ships were linked by a wooden board, a few feet wide.
I walked across to see Bart, Arafae, Drakkoniss, Zafara, and Experimental talking.
They seemed upset.
I walked to them.

"But you can't leave!" Zafara said to Experimental.

"Believe me, I don't want to, but..."

"What's this about leaving?" I asked.

Everyone was silent.
I looked at Experimental.

"Well...Um...You see...You called me back to the future, so I have to go..."

I looked at the others.
None of them seem surprised by the "future" part of that.

"But...You haven't trained me yet..."

"That's what I said! But you told me it was urgent!"

"Will you return?"

"I will. Instantly, actually. Well, for me, anyway. To you, it could be minutes...Hours...Days...Months...Years. I don't know."

"Then who will train me?"

"I will train you to hone your werewolf abilities." Bart said. "However, I can't help with your ice powers."

"Do not worry. When I return, I will train you." Experimental said.

I was silent.

"I guess...This is goodbye then." I held my hand out for him to shake.

He reached out with a mechanical claw.
His hand?
I twitched slightly, rather weirded out.
Experimental stifled a laugh as we shook hands.

"Don't worry, everyone gets freaked out by the hand." He smirked.

"I don't even want to know what happened."

"That's exactly what I said!" Drakkoniss said.

"Well...this is goodbye." Experimental said.

He shook hands with Bart and Drakkoniss, and bowed to Arafae and Zafara.

"Bye then." Drakkoniss said.

"Nice to meet ya, mate!" Bart exclaimed.

"We'll miss you!" Zafara said.

"Wiiman still needs more training. I expect you to come back." Arafae smirked.

"Thank you... everyone." Experimental replied.

He turned to go to his ship.

"Hey!" I yelled.

Experimental turned around.

"See you later, Master." I said.

He smiled, then walked to his ship.
It glowed blue, then purple.
Then a brilliant flash of light.
And he was gone.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (8/31/2011 18:39:48)

Chapter 15- Inthadeel

Days passed.
I missed Experimental. I wondered when he'd come back.
There wasn't much to do on the ship, Arafae wouldn't let me work.
All I did was rest, so I was eager to leave the ship.
Luckily, we had arrived at Inthadeel, and now we had to find a crew.
Only a few words can describe Inthadeel...
It'll linger.


We were in the bar where I had met the Cap'n and Drakkoniss.
Music played in the background.
Loud, cheery music, which slightly dimmed the noise of the huge bar fight.
Men hitting each other with rum bottles, throwing each other off the stairs, all of it.
We had a little table, with a steady stream of pirates approaching asking to join.
Drakkoniss was at the table, accepting all admissions.

"How many do we have?" I asked.

"Including this lot, that makes it a total of about ninety six." He replied.

"Do we need more?"

"Doubtful, but why not?"

"Aye. The more the better."

"What, with the war coming."

"Aye. I'll be takin' a nap if ye need me."

He continued to take names from the pirates.
I took a chair, nestled it in the corner, and fell asleep.


Inthadeel at morning is a sad place.
No rum, no music, no anything.
All the pirates are asleep or dead.

We gathered the crew to take then outside to the dock, and lined them up.
I went to the far end where the Cap'n was, and walked down the line with her, inspecting all of the new crew.
She stopped at one.

"You, boy!" She said to the pirate.

"James, Cap'n." I said.

"Mr. James. Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?"

"Except for flying pigs Cap'n, but they be rare!" He replied.

The Cap'n looked at me, satisfied.

"Well? Have I proven they're a good crew or not?"

"Well, you've proven they're mad."

"Oh, that'll do. What says you?" She yelled to the crew.

"AYE!" They all replied.

"Well then, get on the ship! We need to get on the ocean, and kill us a very, very bad Captain!"


We sailed for days. The weather was getting worse and worse.
A hurricane was to be approaching soon.
We couldn't seem to find Captain Overcast's ship, until...

"Cap'n! The ship is on the horizon!" James yelled from the crows nest.

The Captain pulled out her spyglass and looked.

"Aye! It be him!"

"Cap'n! What's he doin'?" I asked.

"No...No...He wouldn't..." The Captain stuttered.

A pulse of water came from Overcast's ship.

"Captain?" I said warily.

"KRAKEN!" James yelled.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (9/2/2011 16:39:27)

Chapter 16- Kraken

All that was know about that kraken was horrible.
It could swallow entire ships.
Eat thousands of men.
And the worst?
It couldn't be killed.
Or...So it's said.


"KRAKEN!" James yelled.

"Oh no...Captain!" I shouted.

"It's okay! I have my jar of dirt!" She replied, holding up the jar.

She's lost it...

"Everyone! Get to the sides of the ship!" I yelled.

The Kraken would most likely come form the middle of the ship.
We all ran to the sides of the ship, grabbing the railings for support.
I looked at the water.
Something big was near us.
The ripples were enormous.
Everything went silent.


The noise shook the ship, the water, and the crew.
Where did it come from?
The Kraken, obviously, but where was it?
I turned to see if the crew on the other side of the ship was okay.
Something caught my eye immediately.
A giant eye the size of a ship stared at us from the front of the ship.
The head of the creature was massive, and it appeared to be a monstrous squid.
Its eye was pitch black, and covered in slime.


The head went under, and the water rippled away.
Had it run?
It went about 1000 feet away, and rose up out of the water...mostly.
The creature was the size of a castle, easily.


And it charged us.
With blinding speed, it rushed us, preparing to ram.
A blinding light appeared, and I closed my eyes.
A loud sound, then an enormous splash.
A ship appeared, hovering above ours.

"Well, I didn't think I would be needed so quickly!" Experimental said.

I laughed.

"Welcome back, then!" I yelled back.

"Why, thank you!"

"How did you kill the Kraken?" I asked.

"Oh, a little plasma never hurt anybody...except poor Mr. Kraken over there." He smirked. "Now, onto the battle!"

The sky got very dark, and the wind picked up.
It began to rain.

"Great. It's cold, windy, and rainy. What else could happen?" Experimental said.

As if responding, the water churned and lurched.
And a giant whirlpool opened up in front of us.

"MAELSTROM!" Drakkoniss yelled.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (9/3/2011 20:13:08)

Chapter 17- And So It Begins

I must admit, I'd never seen a maelstrom before.
It looked terrifying.
A massive storm ripping the waves, pounds of water coming from the sky.
And let us not forget the massive whirlpool.


"MAELSTROM!" Drakkoniss yelled.

The massive waves pounded us.
We couldn't avoid the whirlpool.
Both ships entered the whirlpool.
It would be a fight to the death.

"This makes things more interesting!" The Cap'n yelled over the sounds of the rain and waves.

I began to give commands. "Steady the line! Keep 'er trim! Have her turn starboard!"

We began to circle to the right, while Overcast's ship circled left. We were going around in the whirlpool, slowly going in.
Maybe we could finish them before we had to fight sword on sword...

"Load out the cannons!" I yelled.

The crew did as instructed, preparing the cannons for fire.
We had to make this work, or we could be doomed.

"Ready...Aim...FIRE! FIRE ALL!"




Cannons shot from our ship, and from the enemy ship.
A cannonball hit the front of the ship, going straight through.
Another hit a mast.
And another, one of the crew.
It was madness.
I turned.
Where had Experimental's ship gone?
Bah! Now was not the time!
We had to fight them in the middle.

The ships began to slowly circle inwards, towards the center of the whirlpool, cannons firing all the way.
The cannon fire stopped as the ships collided in the middle.
The crew and I all grabbed ropes and swung to Overcast's ship.
I pulled out the sword that Zafara had given me and prepared to wreak havoc upon the undead crew.
Soon the enemy crew was defeated.
But they rose again...Even the ones I had frozen.

Hollow laughter echoed from nowhere.
Overcast emerged from the ship.

"Well, well...Back to be defeated again, I see? You know it's futile...Why do you come back? You can't win, you're too weak!" He began.

I saw Drakkoniss and Zafara swing over to the Overcast's ship unnoticed.

"You're no Ice Lord! You can barely hold that sword! You're weak!" He laughed.

His crew laughed with him.

"I'm strong enough to kill you." I replied.

A battle began, with the enemy crew fighting my crew, and it was me against Overcast. Again.
We began to circle, preparing to strike.
I saw Drakkoniss and Zafara approaching Overcast quietly.
They were very close.


He charged me, and I stabbed my sword into him. It didn't phase him.
He grabbed me and threw me to the edge of the ship.
I slid and hit my back on the ship's railing, momentarily stunned.
He walked up to me, smirking.

"You see? You are just an insignificant bug to me. But I can't break your spirit..."

I saw Zafara quickly approaching Overcast, just a few feet away.

"...Unless I break her!"

He turned around, unnaturally quick, grabbing Zafara by the neck.
He lifted her into the air.

"No!" I yelled.

"Interesting...A vampire mermaid...Well, that mean sI can only kill you this way." He said.

He shoved his other hand into her stomach, and ripped out a blue glowing orb.
Her soul.

"Goodbye, petty vampire." He said.

And he crushed her soul.
He released Zafara, and she fell to the ground, dead.

"NO! DIE YOU CUR OF THE SEAS!" Drakkoniss shouted to Overcast.

"Pah! You can't stop me!" Overcast replied.

Drakkoniss ran towards Overcast, I saw him prepare to block.
Instantly, Drakkoniss appeared behind him, stabbing his sword into Overcast's back.
He cried out in pain.
Overcast swung out behind him, but Drakkoniss was already at his side, stabbing him again.
Overcast cried out again, trying to strike, only to be stabbed again.

I painfully crawled to Zafara.
I looked at her pale face.
Her beautiful, now lifeless eyes.
She lay motionless...Dead...Because of Overcast.
A tear ran down my cheek.

I stood up.

"CONGLACIOR!" I yelled.

Instantly, everything got extremely cold.
Everyone had stopped moving.
Everyone but me and Drakkoniss, who was still mercilessly stabbing Overcast.

"Drakkoniss. Stop attacking him. We have to help Zafara." I said as calmly as I could.

He looked at me, his face a mixture of anger and grief.
His eyes were wet and red.
He dropped his sword and ran to Zafara's cold lifeless body.
He kneeled over her, and picked up her head.
I simply stood and watched him cry.
I waited a few minutes until he stopped.
He looked up at me, his face red with anger.

"I want him dead!" He said.

"We all do, Drakkoniss. We both want him more than dead. But now, we have to help Zafara."

"How?! She's dead, don't you see!? How can we help her?!"

"Overcast destroyed her soul, so..."

He looked at me, his face showing his realization.

"We have to speak to death." He said.

I nodded.

"And I can get you there." A man said, walking up.

He was wearing a suit, and he had a scar across his face.
His hair was icy blue, and his skin was pale, with a slight tint of blue.
He looked at me, and smirked.

"Did I really look that good in pirate garb?" He said.

That man...was me.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (11/13/2011 10:49:42)

Chapter 18- Deaths Land

"Don't just stand there gaping at me," the Man said, "We have work to do, do we not?"
I looked towards Drakkoniss, who nodded. I turned to face the future me.

"Alright. How do we speak to Death?"
He smiled and turned around, cracking his knuckles.

"Patefacio criptorium!" He yelled.
Instantly, a blueish blackish hole appeared. It looked like a massive drain, as If it was sucking everything into it. You could feel a horrible chilling cold coming from it.
"And they say Latin is a dead language." he said. "Pah. They probably don't want anyone to realize that... Oh sorry, let's go."
We followed him into the portal, against all better judgement.


Complete and utter darkness. It was cold, breezy, and there was a creepy chill in the air, as if the dead themselves were behind our spines.
Wonderful place, no?
I walked between the future me and Drakkoniss, walking in a line.

"So...How exactly did you know you needed to come when you did?" I asked the future me.

"Well, time travel is...Difficult. You don't entirely know when you're going to pop up. Unless, you ask the right person. You'll find out the rest on your own." He replied.

Well, as helpful as that sounded, it didn't help at all. But, it didn't matter. If I was going to be alive in the future, I'd have time to learn these things.
We continued walking in silence until we reached a massive barred gate. It appeared to be made of obsidian.
The future me grabbed one of the bars, and pulled.


"Oops..." he said.
He broke part of the bar.
"At least the door's open!" he said cheerfully.
He handed the broken bar to me. It was bout four feet in length, though strangely light.
"Here. Keep this. You will know what to use it for when the time comes."

...Okay? I'l just use this bar to defend myself from the dead. Yeah, that'll work.
We walked through the hole the bar had made, and continued walking, now on a path made of obsidian.
We walked.
And walked.
And walked.
And walked some more.
It seemed like it took forever, but we eventually came to a cave.
We walked into the cave, expecting to be...Well, a cave.
It wasn't.

"Every time I come here, I'm always amazed..." future me said. "Welcome to Death's Palace."

It was amazing.
Everything was made of obsidian, with blue fire glowing in obsidian lamps.
A set of obsidian stairs led up to an obsidian throne.
With someone sitting it in.
Was that?

"Gibbs?" I said.

Future me looked at me and shook his head, his face filled with worry.
The man on the throne looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, sir. I am Gibbs. In one form, anyways. Welcome to my Palace." He spoke as if his voice was a whisper, yet you could hear him clearly.

"Kneel..." future me hissed at us.
We kneeled.
"Sire..." future me said. "These two come here to save someone. They need help, as her soul has been crushed. Can you please help us, sire?"

Death looked at him, then to me, then to Drakkoniss.

"Who is the person that needs life?" He asked.



I looked to the future me.
He looked worried, guilty, and afraid.
But why?
He kept his head down ad he said, "Your daughter. Zafara."
I looked up at Death. His face was sad. Not for death, but...for sorrow of not seeing his daughter.

"I see." he said, his voice wavering. "Do you have another soul?" He asked.

"Another soul?" I replied.

"You haven't told them?" Death asked to the future me.
The future me turned to us.

"In order to bring someone back who has lost a soul...you must share a soul. The person receiving the soul cannot die, even if they lose their part of the soul. The person giving the soul...If the person who gave the soul dies, then they both die."
Well that sucks, to say the least.
No we had a problem.
Do I give my soul?
Does Drakkoniss give his soul?
Or do we find someone else?
No. It was either me or Drakkoniss.
I looked to Drakkoniss, who was still looking down. I couldn't see his face.

"What do we do?" I whispered.
He turned to look at me.
His eyes were red and puffy.
He had been crying.

"No one shall ever take Zafara from me again." He said firmly.
He looked up at Death.
"I shall give her my soul."

Death smiled. The room got warmer, as if his smile heated it.
"A good friend will never risk his life for another, but a lover will do whatever he can to let the other survive. Selflessness exists in love. Is your decision final?" He asked.

"Yes." Drakkoniss said firmly.

"Good. We will begin the process soon. And you." he said, pointing to me. "You have many troubles coming. You must do anything to help a friend. Anything."

I nodded. I really hoped he was wrong.

"And you." he said, pointing to the future me. "You must help the Red Death. You must save the Blue Gear. You need him to help you defeat the true enemy. And you know how a fad comes and goes? Jokes are like fads. And a big joke will come back. Mark my words."

"I understand." the future me said, bowing.
Wow. Glad I'm not him.

"Good. Now, Drakkoniss. Come to me. We shall save your Zafara...My daughter."

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (1/19/2012 20:56:10)

Chapter 19- The Final Battle

The walk was terrible.
Darkness, and cold. I was NOT made for the land of the dead.
However, the future me seemed to LOVE talking to death.

"So how many forms do you have?" The future me asked excitedly.

"Infinite, really," Death replied, "I am a god, I can be whatever and whoever I want to be."

"So how is Zafara only a half vampire if her mother is a vampire, and you were a vampire?"

"That, my dear boy, is Classified." he smirked.

"Now, that's not even funny!" Future me replied, laughing.

"Stop." Death said.

We stopped walking. I didn't see anything different. We were still in the shadowy void.

"You." Death said, pointing to Drakkoniss, "This is where we get your soul. Kneel."

Drakkoniss had a strange look on his face, but he kneeled. Death took his hand, and slowly stuck it into Drakkoniss' back.
He moved his hand around, as if looking for something. He seemed to be concentrating very hard. Finally, it seemed that he had grabbed something, and pulled out a glowing white orb. He frowned.

"Drakkoniss..." he began, "I hope you know that taking this portion of your soul will make it harder to deal with...your evil. Are you completely sure you want to do this?"

Drakkoniss looked up, his face made of stone. "Nobody will take Zafara from me. And when I find that Captain Overcast...I will rip his head off."

Death nodded. "I see. then, it shall be done!"

He held the glowing orb up, and crushed it with his hand. Drakkoniss exhaled loudly, as if a pressure was placed on him, yet he stood up firmly. I couldn't help but envy him.

Death looked at the future me. "The way to there time is that way," he said, pointing to the left, "And your time is that way," he said, pointing right. "Good luck." And he vanished. Everyone was silent for a moment.

"Well!" future me said, "It's been nice seein' you guys! Bye!" He walked to the right, and disappeared.

Drakkoniss looked at me. "You're wierd in the future."

"Just a little..."

"Ready to go beat Overcast?"


"Then, let's go." And we walked to the left, until everything went black.


I can't really describe the feeling.
A rush, I guess. It was...different. It was as if time was in fast forward, and we just landed on the ship.
And utter chaos was our greeting.
Our combined crew, Arafae's and Experimental's crew, was outnumbered, three to one, easily.
Arafae was surrounded, the enemy taunting her as she tried to fight back.
Experimental seemed to be hovering with the help of some scientific thing he had strapped to his back, so he seemed to be doing good.
And Zafara...Where was she? And where was Overcast?

"Over there!" Drakkoniss exclaimed, pointing to a dark shape on Overcast's ship. It was the evil captain himself, carrying Zafara's limp body.
Drakkoniss exploded into fire.
"GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF ZAFARA!" He shouted, and blasted towards the shadowy captain.
I would have to help Arafae while he helped Zafara.
I unsheathed my sword, and ran to Arafae's aid.

I jumped over allies and enemies, helping out a few of my crew by killing their enemies.
I saw skeletal soldiers start to rise from the deck of the ship, pushing back my allies.
They fought back, but the soldiers kept returning in waves. We would be overrun soon.
But I had to save the captain.

Immediately, I started killing.
Cutting, slashing, stabbing, dodging, parrying.
Nothing would touch me.
I stabbed one enemy, and kicked him off of my blade into an enemy.
I jabbed to my left, slicing the arm off another.
I rolled to the right as an enemy tried to get me, and cut him in half.
The crowd around Arafae was quickly diminishing.
She began to cut down those nearest to her, though they would return unless my icy blade stopped them.
"Well, well, Mr. Timemage! It be about time you returned form your little venture! Now, it would be nice if you could HELP ME KILL THESE PITIFUL SOLDIERS!" She yelled, killing soldiers all the time.

Well, she's crazy, I decided.
We continued slaying the enemies, even when they returned, until I stabbed them.
Slowly, we were fighting back, pushing the enemy farther and farther, until they were on Overcast's ship.

"Ha ha!" Arafae exclaimed, "Push those little beasties back! Hit 'em where it hurts!"

Just when it looked like we would win, a shout echoed through the ship.
The voice was horrible, like the sound from your worst nightmare. It said two word:
And thousands of skeleton knights rose.
I looked around.
We needed Drakkoniss NOW.
But where was he?

"Drakkoniss! NO!" Arafae shouted.

I looked over at Arafae...and saw Drakkoniss burning.
But how? He was resistant to fire! He was nearly invincible!
Then I saw. Overcast's sword had pierced his heart.

Arachnid -> RE: (HS) The Story of Captain Arafae (1/22/2012 10:56:09)

Chapter 20- And So It Ends

The first thought that went through my head was: "He can't die!".
But, I've been wrong before.

The fighting raged around us, as I ran to his burning body, some skin around the wound already turning black, and gripped the sword hilt to pull it out.
I pulled with all of my might (which was probably not the best idea), and yanked the sword free.
I heard laughing behind me. I turned around to see Captain Overcast. Horrible thoughts swam in my head.


I was about to run up to him and kill him where he stood when Arafae grabbed my sword, and took it.

"What are you...?!" I began. But then I saw. She had both of the swords, and she was pushing them together.
Wait...Can she do that? Fuse the swords?
I watched as her face strained with the effort, until finally, the blades melted into each other, forming a new sword.
It was just as long as the other swords, and the color was silver...But there were glowing runes on the blade, each one glowing blue and red.
She turned to Overcast. Immediately, she began to change. Her eyes glowed red, her fangs grew huge, and her body seemed to turn into a living shadow.
I backed up.

"YOU...WILL...DIE!" she hissed in an unearthly voice. You could see the slightest bit of fear in Overcast's eyes. Then she ran.
The dashed towards him with the sword with amazing speed, and stabbed him in the stomach before he could react.
The runes glowed brighter, and the wound began to freeze and burn at the same time.
Overcast yelled.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" He shouted at Arafae. She shoved the sword in deeper.

"This is for Drakkoniss...and Zafara...May Death have no mercy on you," she hissed, and ripped the sword out.

Overcast yelled, and got on his knees. It was silent for a moment. Then, he stood up, laughing.


"How about some jail time, then?!" Zafara exclaimed, jumping above his head. She was holding the jar of dirt. She landed in front of him, and took the top off of the jar.
Instantly, the air got colder, and everyone stopped fighting. "Goodbye, Captain Overcast." she said, smiling.

Slowly, he began to be sucked into the jar.

Zafara put the top back on the jar.

"You are now dirt," she finished.

I looked around to see that their was no enemy soldiers. Arafae had morphed back, and Drakkoniss was standing again.
Cheers erupted from everyone, for all of us.
We had won.

-One year later-

I walked up the deck of the ship. It had been at least a year since I had seen Arafae, after the battle. Experimental had given me his ship and crew, so I had no need to stay on Arafae's ship, though I did want to for many months.
I walked to the door to the Captain's Quarters, and knocked.


I opened the door to see Arafae holding two swords. She had somehow unfused Excalibur and Exuro.
I walked up to where she was sitting.

"Life...is precious, Wiiman. You only get one. It is unnatural to have two lives. And your body know this. It will catch up to you if you try something...That requires power. You remember when I used the fused sword to stab Overcast? Well, the sword was too powerful, it required energy form the wielder. Part of their soul. Do you know what I'm trying to tell you, Wiiman?"

"I...I don't know, Cap'n."

"I am dying, Wiiman." How could she die? Vampires are already dead.

"But..." I began.

"I have one last favor to ask you. A vampire's death is about two weeks long, as our skin rots, and our insides turn to fire. It is an extremely painful process. Well, I would like to skip that altogether. I need you... to kill me." she put the two swords down, and pulled out her won sword, a normal scabbard. I was in shock. "This sword has been...modified. It will kill a vampire by releasing it's soul, which will go to the underworld, but it is one use. It will disintegrate when you are done." She handed me the sword, and she walked to a small hammock, and laid down. She looked at me.

"Well? Come on! I don't have all day!"

It felt like I was in a dream. I slowly walked up to her, and held the sword above her, hesitating.

"It is my wish. Please, Wiiman. Do it so Zafara doesn't have to see me suffer."

I blinked tears from my eyes. I looked away, as I brought the sword through her body. The hand gripping the sword turned cold, and then the sword turned to ashes. I looked at Arafae. Her wound form the sword had already healed, and she had a calm look on her face.

"It may take...a few minutes...But I will die...Thank you, Wiiman...For...everything." She drew me in and hugged me. When she released me, she handed me Exuro. I walked outside the door, closed it, and cried.


I saw her ship in the distance. I began running to it in excitement. I climbed up the ropes, my long hair dangling. The crew greeted me, but something seemed wrong. I continued to my mothers cabin. Wiiman, who was standing outside her cabin looking very pale, with his eyes were red and wet as if he'd been crying, told me she was not feeling well. Of course I would have none of this. I moved him aside and proceeded in. I never knew that decision would change my life.
I walked in. "Mother, I..." I stopped. She was laying down, her back to me. "Mother? Is everything alright?" I walked close to her. I noticed she much paler than usual. Was she sick? "Mother?" I walked around so I could see her face. I gasped. "Mother! Mother!" I cried. She wasn't moving. Then she coughed. She slowly opened her eyes. "Mother?! Are you alright?!" I was sobbing now. She looked like she...was dying. But how?
"My dear...Zafara...You see me now...dying...No,no, please don't cry little one...I have something for you..." I looked up. She was smiling, and reaching under herself. She pulled out her sword, known to the humans in their stories as Excalibur. It glowed blue. I gasped.
"I can't take this! It is yours!"
"No...It is yours now...Think not badly of me..."
"Why would I think badly of you?" I cried.
"I have kept a secret from you...it's about your father..." My father? I had never known about my father. She never spoke of him. I had to hear this.
"What about him, mother?"
"He was a..." She was began to cough violently. I could tell her next words would be her last. I had to savor then, no matter what they were. "...a vampire." Then she sighed. A long, final sigh. I knew that now, she was dead. She left me in this world...right after telling me that I was a vampire. I had known already that she herself was a vampire. But I thought I was just a simple damphir...I couldn't believe it.
I took the sword and held it, then rushed to the door. I ran past Wiiman, ran past the crew. I ran and ran. And never looked back. No one should ever see a vampire cry.


He hated it. Hated that he had lost. Hated that he was trapped in a jar of dirt. Hated that they threw the jar into the ocean, and he sank to the bottom. Hated that his wound burned with cold and fire every second.
He didn't know how he would get out. He could be stuck in here for all eternity, with nothing but the burning pain, and the fish to keep him company. But a voice came. the same evil voice that was on the ship.


That was a sweet deal. He would be freed and healed, and then he could betray the voice.

"I accept!"


"We shall! We will kill them all! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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