Skullcrusher 25K (Full Version)

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Ello -> Skullcrusher 25K (6/20/2011 0:37:14)


Skullcrusher 25K

Name of Mecha in Series: Skullcrusher 1000, Skullcrusher 10K, Skullcrusher 15K, Skullcrusher 20K, Skullcrusher 25K, Skullcrusher 28K, Skullcrusher 30K, Skullcrusher 33K, Skullcrusher Ultimate

Level: 25
Price: Skullcrusher 20K + 1 Galvanized Skull
Sellback: 0 Nova Gems

Location: Skullcrusher Upgrade Shop

HP: 365
EP: 335
EP Regen: 13

  • 80 Immobility

    Description: Developed by Joran Koltan. Countless Shadowscythe invaders fell to a single Skullcrusher in the legendary Battle Vidia.
    Image: Skullcrusher 25K

    *Thanks to ShiitakeWarrior for links, Evo for image and original entry, bob.builder for corrections!*

  • Ello -> RE: Skullcrusher 25K (6/20/2011 1:26:32)


    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 47-71
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 46
    Cooldown: 1
    Bonuses: none
    Special Effects:
    vs non-customisable mechs/monsters:
  • Chance for "Skull Crush! Critical Chance +50!" (+50% critical hit chance on hit)
    vs customisable mechs:
  • If Front Arm weapon is present on enemy: "Arm Jacked!!"; "steals" Front Arm from the enemy; enemy can no longer use its Front Arm weapon
  • Any time after "Arm Jacked!!": Chance for "[Enemy Name] is Dizzy! -70 to next attack"; enemy gets -70 Bonus on its next attack
  • If Head weapon is present after "Arm Jacked!!": Chance for "Skull Crushed! [Enemy Name] Loses Head!"; enemy's Head weapon is removed, rendering it inoperable

    Description: Skullcrusher attack. This weapon uses more energy than standard equimpent of its level.
    Image: Skullcrusher; Arm Jacked!!; Skull Crushed!

    Combos: N/A

    Original Post, images, and info all thanks to ShiitakeWarrior!

    Skullcrusher's Laser

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage type: Laser
    Damage: 53-65
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 46
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: none
    Special Effects:
  • Destroyed Fuel Storage Tanks! - inflicts "Fuel Explosions" status; HP DoT for 5 turns
  • This weapon deals an additional 50% bonus damage when fired.

    Combos: N/A

    Description: This weapon uses more energy than standard equimpent of its level.
    Image: Skullcrusher's Laser; Attacking

    Original post, images and info thanks to ShiitakeWarrior!

  • Ello -> RE: Skullcrusher 25K (6/20/2011 1:27:04)

    Skullcrusher's Shoulder

    Equip Slot: Front Shoulder/Back Shoulder
    Damage type: Fire
    Damage: 56-62
    Hits: 4
    Energy: 38
    Cooldown: 4
    Bonuses: none
    Special Effects:
    1st hit:
  • Chance for "Hot Rocket! +15 Bonus Damage"; +15 bonus damage on hit

    2nd hit:
  • Chance for "Extra Explosive! Crit Boost!"; raised critical hit chance on hit

    3rd hit:
    vs non-customisable mechs/monsters:
  • Chance for "Combat Sensors Disrupted: -50% Damage!"; enemy gets -50% Boost for 2 turns
    vs customisable mechs:
  • "Combat Sensors Disrupted: [Weapon Slot] Temporarily Disabled!"; inflicts +4 CoolDown time on a randomly selected Arm or Shoulder weapon

    4th hit:
  • Chance for "Delayed Detonation! Will cripple weapons systems upon Completion!"; Inflicts "Delayed Detonation" status

    • "Delayed Detonation": Shows message "Delayed Detonation X% Complete" on enemy's turn, where X is 20 times the number of enemy turns reached since infliction; "Weapons Crippled" status is inflicted upon 100% completion
    • "Weapons Crippled": "Detonated [Enemy Name]'s Weapons System! -40% Damage"; enemy suffers -40 Boost for 3 turns

    Combos: N/A

    Description: (none)
    Image: Skullcrusher's Shoulders; Front Shoulder attacking; Back Shoulder attacking

    Thanks to phoenixfire555 for correction on the 3rd hit! Thanks to ShiitakeWarrior for original post, images, and info!

  • Ello -> RE: Skullcrusher 25K (6/20/2011 1:27:50)


    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage type: None
    Damage: 51-67
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 38
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: none
    Special Effects
    1st hit:
  • "Crushed Armor!"; Inflicts "Crushed Armor" status; heavy HP DoT for 4 turns
    2nd hit:
  • "Crushed Power Systems!"; Inflicts "Crushed Power Systems" status; EP DoT for 4 turns

    Combos: N/A

    Description: (none)
    Image: Dashing forth; Dashing back

    Images, original post and info thanks to ShiitakeWarrior!

    Skull of the Crusher

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage type: Explosive
    Damage: 57-61
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 38
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: none
    Special Effects:
  • "Skull Crushing Headbutt"; Inflicts "Reeling!" status on your enemy; grants "Opponent is Reeling!" status to you
    • "Reeling!": "Reeling! [Enemy Name]'s Damage and Defense Lowered!"; enemy gets -8 Boost and -5 Defense per turn for 5 turns*
    • "Opponent is Reeling!": "[Player Name]'s Damage and Defense Increased!"; you get +10 Boost and +8 Defense per turn for 5 turns**

      *: Finishes at -40 Boost and -25 Defense
      **: Finishes at +50 Boost and +40 Defense

    Combos: N/A

    Description: (none)
    Image: Skull of the Crusher; Attacking

    Images, original post and info thanks to ShiitakeWarrior!

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