Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (Full Version)

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endtime -> Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 1:00:39)

Before Delta introduces new classes, which original class is your favorite to play and which is your least favorite to play?

Mage is my favorite class to play. The Deadly Aim/Malfunction/High Support Combo results in fast and exciting (70+ damage) kills with an excellent rate and less random moments of bad luck. Also, my first account was a mage and I enjoy healing repeatedly.

Bounty Hunter is the class I loathe. With their EMPs and blocks, BHs are annoying to play against, but playing as them is even worse. Five focus BHs are insanely slow and Shadow Arts+Blood Lust are no where near as consistent as Hybrid+tanking. Meanwhile running a strength BH seems fun, but seeing the ridiculous luck opponents occasionally experience--you SS and they block--and the inability to heal effectively always irks me. Mercenaries can be annoying in the same way, but at least their five focus builds consistently achieve insanely high win rates.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 1:02:47)

fast wins good %.

i liked str merc back when i could do 90% with it. but now that its nerfed because of stat diminishment i use str bh.
altho back then for me there was a big gap between founder and space warrior str BH. plus i didn't have bunnyzooka. so couldn't do a good str BH build until eggzookas came around. now the gap between founder and bunny borg is small. thats why i had str merc back then.

xxmirxx -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 1:24:05)

I like being mage and then merc.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 1:36:11)

hmm i like playing all classes in 2v2. i just hate doing 1v1 cause they are boring IMO. well here is the list of build i like to use.

1) support merc in 2v2 because support mercs are fast in 2v2.
2) tech bh in 2v2 because smoke and emp annoys almost every1 in 2v2
3) support mage in 2v2 because they beat support merc like mad.
4) str bh in 1v1 because they are Very fast
5) Tech caster mage at low lvl( spam tech and have max bolt and plasma rain) because i can 2 turn a person using this build lolz

now for the build i hate to use.

1) dex bh yes they are verey fast in 2v2 but they make mercs rage easy
2) str mercs in 1v1 and 2v2. there are too many bh with max sa so basically it is hard to play as a str merc cause zerk and maul will get blocked

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 1:37:48)

Heal Loop Tech Mage

Mr.Pablo Jr. -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 2:22:36)

I love playing as a Five Focus Bounty Hunter, especially with a build as unique as mine. I can get 35 wins at 97.5% every hour which by my standards isn't half bad. Also I noticed it's the class best suited to fight you.[:D]

I despise playing as tech mage mostly because the wins are too slow to come by. The percentage is great and all but I rather have 35 wins at 97.5% then 25 wins at 100%. Also I apperantly lack the skills to come up with an original build.[8|]

Kinda neutral on mercs since the 40 wins and hour at 98% comes with the price of boredom.

charwelly -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 3:10:37)

My favourite class to play is BH and least favourite is merc even though i am

Master Volcon -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 3:28:24)

I started as a mage, but then became a merc. Honestly Merc is the most fun because you have so many options with it.
Mages are only malfing you cant do a caster anymore
Bounties are either str. or 5 focus which gets boring.
Mercs can be str, tank, 5 focus, high tech, support, etc....

Merc is the most fun, bounty is so boring

Crunchy Reptile -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 3:30:15)

1. Heal loop mage
2. Tech tank mercenary
3. str bh
4. 5 focus mercenary/bounty hunter

midnight assassin -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 7:17:44)

Hmmm defense bounty hunter

Xendran -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 7:58:29)

High hp mage.

5rr5 -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 8:11:43)

Everyone knows that Mage is OP now with high hp high support, because they crit everytime they hit, so what's the point of discussing this?

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 8:14:29)

Support Mage: Most reliable build/class combo for me personally, combined with enjoying actually playing it. [Mage in general]

Bounty Hunter: I love smoke+massacre build and poison build, plus I look really cool :)

Merc: its ok but has way too many advantages, too easy to tank etc. thats why my merc is still lv29.

Drakadh -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 14:26:15)


Tech Mage



I like Both Merc and TM but I kept messing up my BH Builds DX


Synbad Syndicated -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 14:30:16)

i just love to use my s.t.s tank mage. My god am i lucky you know how many times i survived and one by just one won measly life point. i'll give you a hint it's higher than 4 and it mostly includes mercs and bhs and at least 2 mages so far.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 16:43:44)

1v1: STR BH
2v2: Support merc
Least favorite:
1v1: str mage
2v2: str merc

hardcore59 -> RE: Favorite/Least Favorite Classes to Play (6/20/2011 16:48:18)

i like playing as a BH because i can make a creative class and do good but i don't like playing my mage anymore cause all this "balance" has made him weak and i cant be creative with my mercs' builds without losing

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