Thoughts of the new NPC's (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 20:32:01)

Delta Guard?
Armor Hazard

Not sure if im allowed to make this topic but anyway what do you guys think of them

the ? after the name means im not sure what it really is but thats our thoughts

sleddyboy3 -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 20:33:44)

can't wait, more achievements for me!

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 20:40:01)

i want the armored hazard i want the armor of hazard and the guard ;D well can u giv me NW twitpic

xxmirxx -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 20:45:27)

I think there all cool.

DeathGuard -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 20:45:40)

I would like to have a pre-battle before release with Alydriah

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 20:46:42)

im thinking Armor Hazard will be my first target becuase i like to be dominate over the hazards

Sipping Cider -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 21:21:38)

Really hope that i can look like that Delta guard. The colors are great and so is the look.

TankMage -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 21:28:28)

I can't wait [:D]! I'm hoping these new NPCs will be very hard & require alot of thought to beat. The art already looks great for them so hopefully they bring a challenge to match their looks.

Hiddenblade -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 21:41:32)

i want hazard armor so bad looks insane!

Hun Kingq -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/22/2011 23:39:35)

You forgot Ultimate Caden and Imperial Mage and there will probably be more

PenyihiR -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 0:48:08)

I just Waiting Alydriah (Looks Epic n Awesome Art)
I Delta..The art will looks more Awesome than b4

edwardvulture -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 0:55:08)

Delta Guard looks like a ginat alien. Armor hazard looks even more artificial than elcto hazard. and the new guys just looks epci.

PenyihiR -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 0:58:09)

Armor Hazard maybe the Physical Version of Electro Hazard

charwelly -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 2:50:42)

Aroumed hazard looks un beatable

PenyihiR -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 3:09:39)

I think Alydriah Will be Have Pretty high dmg Like Tuna ._.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 9:52:17)

Hun send the links to the new Caden ill post it and Imperial TM isnt an NPC and is already shown in the DN

AQWPlayer -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 11:16:14)

Hope they aren't way too OP like George Lowe [8|]

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 16:00:09)

hope they stand a chance against me ;D

AQWPlayer -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 17:24:24)

You can't beat Alydriah cause you'll lose alot of health fighting his minions before you get to her :P

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 18:33:09)

i own shadow guard in 4 turns :P and its ok ill look at it from a mercs point of view, us bh are so OP cuz we have SA
if that doesnt work im dead lol

Wraith -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 18:43:16)

Lets look at it this way I'll just abuse hp and change merc and get max intimidate LOL.

Anyhow, I think i can last quite long.

Agiluz -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/23/2011 20:44:11)

man.. i wanna hunt some armored hazard xD

charwelly -> RE: Thoughts of the new NPC's (6/24/2011 4:28:57)

The amroumered hazard will be 2v1 boss battle and the others most likey 1vs1 boss battle

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