RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (Full Version)

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3 Vandoren -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (6/30/2011 9:37:53)

Page five!
Hello, Wildroses!

If DF didn't exist, what AE game would you play?
AQ, MQ and AQW like I do now, I guess. I'd just spend more time on them.

If cats were actually lamps, would you still be a lampflower, or would you alternate to just rose?
Cats are still cats, no matter what they are called, so I'd still be a lampflower.

You're on a boat. The boat is sinking. There's one life-boat and the president is getting in it. WHAT DO YOU DO?
I live in a country with no president. We elect Prime Ministers to run the country and pretend the Queen of England is our Head of State. Therefore nobody would be in that lifeboat, allowing me to sit in it with no feelings of guilt.

So your MtAK is ending tomorrow, how do you feel?
Sad and relieved. MtAKs are quite time consuming.

This was the first MtAK I took actual part of, SAY CONGRATULATIONS!
What a coincidence! This was the first MtAK I took actual part of as well. Congratulations!

Thank you.

Congratulations to you to!
Ditto & ditto.

I will end my questions spree short, cuz you probably answered enough in this thread.
See ya' in the edit'z!

1412. -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (6/30/2011 10:26:05)


Where did he find a 'This shop is empty' note?

Its a Ravenloss War Item. A Little memory like the Stone of the Guardian Tower is in this War. Except the note gives me bonus stats! :D
Right. I was busy around the Ravenloss war, so I must have missed that one.
Want to know the meaning of life?
I hear it is 42.

Squee: All the world and all the worlds beyond, and all the people and all the people beyond, and all the stars and all the stars beyond, are connected. When you pass out of this life, you merely lose your individuality.
Squee: In place of individuality, you become one with the universe. So the meaning of life is to make the most of it, and to bring your experiences into the Universal One.

What do you think?
I think somebody has been mistranslating Flaco. Maybe you should find his father Arthur and ask him what he really said. That duck seems to be the only one who knows what Flaco is saying.
Here you can have my 5th question. *Gives* (I can edit in the answer or PM it to you.)
Ever read Sheldon?

Answer: Nope I haven't.

Here you can have my 6th question. *Gives* (I can edit in the answer or PM it to you.)
How many DF characters do you have?

Answer: Six Characters. Yup I used up all of the slots.

Here you CAN'T have my 7th question. *Takes 7th question from you.* Mwhahahahahahahaha *It burns up in my hand.* Um...Uh...
Okay...are you okay?
I guess that answers my seventh question...
Well anyway I've made some Undead themed Ice Cream, pick your the flavors you want! (Free of charge!)

1. Night of the living Sugar! (Ice Cream with a zombie hand sticking out actually made of Sugar. In fact even the Ice Cream is 98% sugar!)
2. A Cold and Shocking Wisp! (A Wisp for that sour taste, gives you lots and lots of energy!)
3. Cookieotic Blade of Chocolate Chips! (This one is just Sepulchure's blade made out of cookies and Chocolate Chips, but it comes with Milk!)

4. A Pink Sepulchure wielding the Strawberry Blade of Pinkness (PINK DOOOOOOOOOOOM...)
5. A Pink Xan Ice Cream that laughs even as you eat it.
6. A Pink Skelemancer Ice Cream that gives you that shocking feeling once you eat it!

7. Draydenfish Ice Cream! (Looks exactly like a draydenfish, also has cookies in the middle. Flavors: Vanilla, Blueberry, Moglinberry, and Undeadberry.)
8. Sepuchure Pop! (A Sepulchure statue wielding the Necrotic Blade of Cookies! Chocolate Doom Chip and filled with Sugar.)
9. Zorbak Pop! (The red eyes glow for some reason, and once you eat it, so will you! No hugs included.)

10. A Zombie's eye. (Looks like the eye of a Zombie. Vanilla ice cream and Strawberry Ice Cream in the middle!)
11. Bone Dead. (A Ice Cream cone with a bone sticking out of it. Don't worry that is made of Candy!)
12.Blinding Sugar of Destiny! (Artix's favorite so far. Have a bite of Destiny! Comes in: Vanilla of Destiny, Chocolate of Destiny, Strawberry of Destiny, and Cookie flavor of Destiny!)

13. Bag-O-Cookies! (Cookies that come in a leather bag! Also has an Undead Skull on it. You may have a glass of milk with this.)
14. Doom Cake! (With Icing that comes in: Moglinberry, Undeadberry, Doom Chocolate, Vanilla, and even Strawberry!)
15. Doom Muffins! (DOOOOOOOOOM)
16. A Doom Sundae!
17. Berries! (For those who are eating light.)
18. Cyerso's Surprise... (BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
19. Potions (Comes in an Undead Skull instead of a bottle.)

So what would you like? (you can have as much as you like without paying! We have made sure to clean everything!)
Night of the Living Sugar and Vanilla Doomcake.
Would size would you like: (Small, Medium, Large, Huge, GIGANTIC, Or the ARE YOU INSANE!?!?!??! size?)
Well congratulations on your AKship once more. Have a bag of Moglinberries with your food! *Gives*
Thanks. I like berries.
See ya around!
On the battlefield, I hope.

Kage~ -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (6/30/2011 11:29:55)

I came up with some questions now...
Let's hear them.

Do you have a cat?
Three. I share my parents.

If yes, what's his/her name? If no, what would you name a cat if you had one?
They are boys. Their names are Applejack, Moon, and Pesky. Pesky was an ex-stray, and had we realised he would be a permanent addition to the family, we'd have named him something kinder. I hope to get my own cat one day and name it Gravelynn if it's a girl, and Satrap if it's a boy.

Are you enjoying your AKship?
I think I'll be over the nervous stage before too long.

That's good to hear ^_^

I won't bother you anymore...byenow! [:D]

Bye bye!

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (6/30/2011 13:08:10)

So, I understand I am allowed roughly seven questions.
So, congratulations on becoming an AK!
Thank you.
For some reason, I have a habit now of making Character Bios for Herosmash, both of my own character ideas and other people. You can find most of them on the first page of the Character Discussion thread, which I keep updated.
It's funny how these forum habits start.
If you have time, tell me what you think of each of them on this thread.[:)]
I'm afraid I don't have time right now this minute. I just got off a 2.5 hour train trip to visit my relatives who have activities planned. I'll try take a look later, but I can't make any promises.
The only sad thing is that due to the video contest being, well, video, we will never see any of them in game.[:(]
That's sad.
Hey, you are an AK, any chance of PMing Yergen and asking if written entries can be allowed? I did it already, but he did not get back. I reckon if enough people ask about it it wil happen, since, you know, it often does in AE. The written ones are much better persona from what i have seen anyway, and an AK or two would carry a lot more weight as respected AE community members.[:)]
I don't think my opinion would help you much there. I don't even play Herosmash and don't plan to as I fear it would take too much time away from my real life, forum duties, and other game accounts.
Bye! (Fades into shadow)
That's a neat trick.

Dragonman -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (6/30/2011 18:13:06)

Heyla I'm back

You asked:So your mother was a dragon and your father was a magic pie? How did they meet?
Well actually my dad was a Human I was turned into a Magic Pie the 15th of last month!
I didn't know werepies existed
You asked:What do you want to have achieved by the end of the war?
Max out my DDB and DDR.
Me too. I achieved that.
Now on to the questions!

1.Tom and Jerry or Ben and Jerry?
Tom and Jerry.
2.Pancakes or Waffles?
Ooh, hard choice. I make my own delicious pancakes, but I've bought delicious waffles.
3.Pirates or Ninjas?
Ninjas. I love Dr McNinja. It turned my definition of true romance from someone who buys flower and chocolates to celebrate anniversaries into someone who would follow me into a dinosaurs stomach because I didn't pack enough explosives. Most romantic kiss ever! *sigh*
4.Coke or Pepsi?
Is fanta not an option?
5. The definition of Epic is...
...found in a dictionary.
6.Mario or Luigi?
*flips a coin* The second guy.
7.A or B?
A comes before B.
8.This is not a question?
Correct, except for the punctuation.
9.Sanity or Insanity?
10.What is the difference between this question and the next question?
10.What is the difference between this question and the next question?
the answer is cake!
I know. When you edit, you get to see really easily.
12. Highlight the latter question for the answer. Would you like some?
Bai now!

Dornalca -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (6/30/2011 18:31:33)

Hmm. I thought I'd post again, just for fun. [:D]
People have posted for worse reasons.
So, I take it you are having fun being an AK?
It does have it's less fun aspects, but yes.
Then again, if you didn't enjoy it, you wouldn't have the job.
I guess that is true. I think the mods have other criteria for AKs apart from "Would they enjoy the job?" though.
Things seem to be rather slow on the war.
It has been a long time. I can understand people getting tired, and I imagine lots of people are on holiday now. I am myself.
Of course, by the time you answer this, we'll probably have finished the war, in one hour from now.
Nope. What a nice idea though.
Not that I'd complain about that. [:D]
No complaints here either.
I like war, but I like winning it even better.
Me too.
That's all for now. Good luck!
Thanks. See you on the battlefield, if I can cajole my relatives into letting me play on the computer.

Kito Domi -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/1/2011 11:56:05)

Hey there! I suppose I have 3 questions to ask you!
Yes, that is right.
What does it take to be a AK?
Primarily a willingness to sell your soul and firstborn. Not many people know this, but the forums are powered by souls. I'm hoping to Rumplestiltskin my way out of the first born if I ever have children.
Do you think Ash will get killed off in the on-going war?
No. I think he'll make it.
What is YOUR favorite armour class?
Doomknight in wars. Mage and Dragonrouge otherwise.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/1/2011 13:08:36)

*The cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
How long have you been there.
Greetings yet again.
Nobody I asked after the black dragonlord seems to know of my legacy, which makes me both happy and sad.
Is that good or bad or both?
Might I enquire if you know of the D.U.M. by any chance?
Do you mean DragonUltraMaster?
Should Fae ever teach shapechanger, an armour giving you permanent cat paws, would it become your new favourite armour?
No. I like my blue mage robe and grey and purple rouge outfits far too much.
Farewell, feline flower.
Farewell, Dwelling Dragonlord.
*The cloaked figure bows as it succumbs into the shadows.*
Are you still there?

Oddball -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/1/2011 13:54:15)

HeyThar :D
Hello there.
I believe we haven't met before now
That's true.
So I'm just your friendly (Highly) Insane Oddball
Friendly is the more important trait.
And I have but One question..
Do You Have My Cake?
*burp* Not anymore.
Congrats on the AKship!
Thank you.
'Cya 'Round
See you around.

Mareth -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/1/2011 14:07:58)

Having fun with your AKship?
I thought so.
Are you psychic?
So, how many waves have YOU done?
Lots and lots! Well over three thousand four hundred at any rate. Both characters have the level 70 Wolf weapons, 1001 waves, and both managed to max out their DM set but I don't remember where they both started.
Are your shackles fitting okay?
Extremely well. Elnaith has them custom made to our measurements.
Okay, out of questions, See-ya around!
Ditto, except I'm out of answers.

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/1/2011 15:42:47)

Just got word from the Commander, only allowed to ask you 3 questions (per page BWUAHAHAHA {I think})
Correct on both counts.

anyways I should start asking you...

1.What is your favorite dinosaur?

2.Why did you pick that dinosaur?
For this song called Chew It Up by the Conway Brothers, from the point of view of a T-Rex. When I was below the age of ten I thought it was the BEST SONG EVER!

Yes those are my 2 questions that I ask every AK, so I had to ask them... it's one of my rules...
Rules should be followed, even when they don't make sense.

3. What do you think of the signature?
Fitting for the war. I don't think I'd be a good Grey Warden myself though. It sounds a difficult life.

(P.S. That's not my real account for DF, but I still haven't fought in the war yet)
You still have a chance. The war is far from over. Plenty of waves left for you.

Ferakin -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/1/2011 17:57:46)

Yo. And yes, I am still alive. Have I been participating in the war?
I, not being you, wouldn't know.

Hah, yeah right. I'm no warmonger (could never hope to be), but I usually do good in wars (at least by my standards. which are pretty low). Heeere, not so much. No idea why, I just kinda fell out of it...Anyway, onto the questions.
Sometimes life is like that. This is the first war since the count feature came in that I've really been able to go crazy warmonger in. The others I was busy.

What are worse, one-eyed one-horned flying purple (shh, don't tell Mriths) people eaters or giant space hamsters? Just wanting to know if people are aware of the hamsters and their plots...
They both seem pretty awful to be around.

German sheperds or the little weiner dogs? I prefer beagles myself.
German Shepard. They have less health problems than the little weiner dogs.

And those are my questions. Besides this last one: how many AKs does this place have now? I remember Mriths and that Soul Warden guywhatshisface, and now your here. Seems crowded.

I was pretty surprised at being offered an AKship for DFGD for that same reason, but LANDIS likes having a surplus of AKs so we can all have real lives.

*gasp* Drake Amatsu posted after me! *squeals like a schoolgirl*

Drake Amatsu -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/1/2011 22:36:19)

One post down, about another to go. How do you like working on the forums?
It's going well so far, despite the best efforts of my real life to keep me away from it (Holiday period, familly visit, birthdays, you know...)

About the last questions about friendship. It's not just that your an AK.. I've seen you around even before then.. Just, didn't get a chance to actually meet you. So, I took the liberty in meeting you this way. That's okay, right?
Yes, that's fine. I was just a bit surprised that someone I'd never actually met before wanted to be friends, and I have a nasty suspicious mind.

Anyway, were you as awestruck as I was when Drakath stabbed Sepulchure?
The betrayal as such I was expecting. But using Sepulchure's own blade to stab him did make me a bit awestruck. He caught the NBoD by surprise too I think. Drakath really thought it through. Wait until the crucial moment, stab Sepulchure with his own blade which will slow him down long enough to give me a head start, snitch the ultimate orb and Fluffy for myself. I didn't really Drakath was capable of such careful planning. The fact he took Fluffy away really surprised me.

Do you play any other AE Games?
Yes, AQ, WF, MQ, and AQW. With DF they take up enough of my real time to make me think picking up HS or ED or any other game AE might produce is a bad idea.

Who's your favorite NPC and why?
I'm a major Gravelynn fan. She doesn't get a lot of screen time in DF or AQW, but she's just such a fascinating character. Can you imagine what her upbringing must have been like in both games? Can you imagine Sepulchure feeding her her bottle and singing her lullabies, and teaching her how to be a Doomknight when she gets older? I can. That's why she's my favourite NPC.

Sorry if I came on too strong back there. Can we just act like that never happened?
Like what never happened. I have no idea what you are talking about ;)

Talk to you later, I suppose.

That would be good.

.Flamescythe. -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/2/2011 1:19:18)

Thank you
What is most useful class for wars (excluding Doomknight and chronomancer)?
I've heard good things about Kathool Adept.

Whats your Favorite class in DF, Why?
Doomknight in wars for the fast farming of DMs. Mage and DragonRouge otherwise for the good looks. My Mage just looks so good with the form fitting bodice and free flowing skirt.

Do you like my forum name?
Yes. A Flamescythe would look very pretty, and really cool if you were wielding one. That would be enough to strike fear into the heart of any monster foolish enough to cross your path.

Legion Knight Seath -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/2/2011 14:39:05)

Would u allow me to give ur dragon the ability to change into a dracolich and back on command?
That might cause my dragon some pain, so I shall decline.

Would you like a doom amulet? (a dragon amulet that is corrupt by doom)
I guess I already have the DoomKnight armour, so I really may as well.

*corrupts wildroses* Do u wish to serve me or will i have to kill you?'
*bows* I will serve you forever. I'll just wait until he's out of sight or orders me to do something away from him, and go back to what I was doing. He'll never realise.

Tiago X -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/2/2011 17:44:40)

Oh hi. Just in time to wish you luck during your AKship ( ;
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Enjoy , and , what's the square root of 1?
I recommend using a calculator. They are one of the most awesome machines ever invented for the field of mathematics.

Razen -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/2/2011 17:55:18)

Hello again.

I can't defeat Airman, can you?
I'm not sure. I don't know who Airmen is.

Eh, I'm kinda just bored and asking you questions to see some fun-knee replies later.
Oh the pressure! I can't think of anything funny to say now!

Did you think there should be an undead named Fun-knee?
I'm surprised the staff haven't used one that. And I thought of it before seeing your next question, for the record.

Why do you think the staff haven't used that pun yet?
They are human, even though we sometimes doubt that when we see how little sleep they get and how much caffiene they consume.

Why am I discussing puns in a MtAK!?
Well, it is a DF MtAK, and the DF staff have always gloried in their puns.

Cluck cluck moo


UltraGuy -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/2/2011 23:35:54)

Guess who's back! :D

Congratulations on your AK ship!
Thank you.

May god's grace shower upon you, Wildroses.
It does. It really does.

Keep it real! :)
How would I keep it false?

Wildroses -> RE: =MtAK=Wanna meet Wildroses? Have you been fighting in the war? (7/3/2011 0:58:19)

It's past the first of July, so it's locking time. I'll be going through the replies as I have time, and will probably move this by the end of the week. Thank you everyone for your good wishes and congratulations. It's been fun.

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